Merman Rp (Closed) (NSFW)

"Not sure just that something is going to happen." Jason shook his head.

Alex smiled, "Your safe here." Alex nodded before heading into the water swimming away.

Kino nods "have a good time alex" he sits by the water and watchs for fish and other stuff

Unknown to them swam a huge merman watching as Alex swam away. Knowing this was his chance the merman swam closer to the house.

Kino yawns and lays there bored. looking for something to do in the house.

James walked around the house looking outside the glass walls at the fish swimming by. The merman swam underneath and up into the part of the house hoping he wouldn't scare them, "Hello I couldn't help but come by to say welcome. Alex told me of you two before going to get food, it's nice to meet you."

Kino looks and smiles "oh really? well its nice to meet you. im Kino, and this is my friend James"

James smiles, "We are very happy to be here, you mermaids and mermen have lovely home."

"I'm called Eric." Eric smiled, "Well guess I should be going." Eric started to go before stopping, "Crap, can one of you help me, I seem to have my tail stuck."

James nodded, before coming over getting into the water, suddenly he was grabbed by Eric.

Kino jumps in the water and grabs onto Erics arm "hey let James go, that makes it hard for him to help you"

Eric grabbed onto Kino before speaking a chant, making James body freeze at the spot, "What are you doing?"

"Simple, you two are going give me a few children before Alex comes back. I say we have about few hours so let's get started." Eric grabbed Jason pushing him to the hard floor bending him over as he did the same to Kino, "That little chant I just did will keep you from fighting me."

Kino is afraid "stop it! Leave jason alone! Why are you doing this!"

Eric glared at him, "Shut up!! It be your turn in a moment." Eric stated moving towards Jason, "Just because Alex gets kids for the mermaids, doesn't mean I shouldn't either."

Eric pulled off both their pants, before thrusting himself into Jason. Jason screamed feeling himself being entered before Eric started thrusting inside him, hard and fast. It wasn't long before Eric pulled out of him, going over to Kino, "Your turn." Eric smirked before thrusting himself into him.

Kino screams and looks at Jason. angry at Eric for rapping his friend. "Stop this! Alex saved us thats why he gets kids from us!"

"Yes but he shouldn't keep you two to himself. He needs to share!!" Eric thrusted into Kino quickly, until he pulled out grabbing the liquid, pouring it into Jason's mouth. Jason tried to spit the stuff out but Kino forced him to swallow, letting him move up onto the floor. "Please no!!" Jason screamed feeling his stomach starting to expand.

Eric grabbed Kino's mouth, pouring the liquid it.

Kino trys to spit it out "d-dont want to be shared. please if you have to just take me and leave Jason alone"

Eric poured the liquid in, making sure to hold Kino's mouth shut so he have to swallow. Eric looked over to Jason, whos stomach was already expanding, "No I want both of you, and it's too late for Jason. In few minutes he be giving birth."

Kino blinks tears welling up in his eyes. he finally swallows the liquid.

"How many are there...oohhhh!!!" Jason screamed feeling his stomach coming to a stop noticing it was huge, and already starting to contract.

Eric smirked, "You both are going give me four huge kids, nice and strong."

Kino shakes his head "this is wrong" his stomach is starting to swell

"I don't care if it's wrong, it was wrong for them to banish me." Eric stated watching Kinos stomach growing and Jasons already stopped.

Eric grabbed Jason pulling him into the water, causing Jason to groan and cry out in pain. Jason grabbed the edge of the floor holding onto it as contraction after contraction hit him, as the first baby was coming down, "You can't do this...aahhh!!!"

Kino groans his stomach is getting big "When Alex finds'll be punished even worse." he crawls over to Jason

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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