The Breeding Station (OPEN)

Ryne smiled at hearing that they had a son. He continued to push to get their fourth child into the world. He pushed hard and felt the fourth baby slide out. Ryne had some time to rest before the other babies arrived.

"Yeah, I can name the two girls. You can name the boy and the girl, okay?" Ryne asked. "I think I'll name these two Amy and Elizabeth."

Ryne smiled at their named children but then he felt the contractions coming back. His fifth child was moving down to his anus with his sixth right behind. A contraction hit and Ryne pushed feeling the baby leave through his asshole.

Ryne rubbed his belly, trying to relax. He started to push his sixth baby out. He felt the seventh baby, already to be deliver, going through to his penis. "Arannis, it hurts! It hurts so much! But it feels so good!" Ryne stated. His hormones began taking effect again in full force making him extremely horny.

Ryne pushed with all his might, getting his six and seventh baby out. He panted heavily. He was tired but he had to keep going he has a few more to give birth too. Ryne then felt his eighth baby slide down his birth canal and was already beginning to crown.

"Don't worry Arannis, I'll help you through it when it's your time." Ryne said through pants. He felt the eighth child was larger than the others, so he pushed harder. The head started to leave his anus, stopping midway through the exit point. "Arannis I don't think I can do this! It hurts!"

Ryne nodded. He pushed hard, his face turning red. But he managed to push their eighth child. He could rest for now but he was tired. Ryne rubbed his belly, still large but not as a big as before. Ryne quietly said. "Only a little longer, till I can see the rest of you guys." Ryne smiled.

"Shall we name them? Before the other five come soon?" Ryne asked. He looked at his fifth and sixth child. "I think I'll name them Ryu and Edward." Ryne said referring to each newborn respectively.

Ryne smiled at the names of their boys. He felt his ninth child moving down his birth canal. Something was wrong though, it is then he realize the baby was a large one and coming out the wrong way. "Arannis, help! The baby is coming out the wrong way!"

Ryne nodded and held onto the wall. "Arannis, please help me. I don't know if I can do this myself."

Ryne nodded. He started to push, careful of his baby. He could slowly feel the baby's legs leave his anus. He pushed again, as a contraction hit him. His belly turned rock hard. Ryne started to rub his still big belly. He pushed feeling his baby's shoulders coming through. Ryne was scared. He had to push the head out from a breech position. Ryne pushed as hard as he could and then, he felt the baby leave him. It's crying calmed Ryne's nerves.

Name: Meera Novak

Sex: female

Player Type: Seeder and Breeder

Special Characteristics: She´s a Valesian, their bodies appear human but are covered with bright red scales , females are curvy and slender, posses a scent that attracts all kinds of males when they want to atract a mating partner.

when acting as a seeder their litters range from 4-6 babies, the pregnancy is shared with the partner that is impregnated , as the babies will the traspassed from one partner to the other every twelve hours, for the first three days, then the impregnanted partner gestates the babies alone for another two days in which most of the growth happens, births are extremely difficult and many have died of Valesian childbirth, reason why Valesian are very picky. They have two wombs, one for sharing the pregnancy and another for being pregnant constantly when they serve as breeders, they store genetic improvements of their different partners so their kind is in constant evolution.

Number of babies: none currently

Turn on: Heterosexual, . Big bellies. Painful births.

Turn offs: None

Meera was led to the station by one of the nurse droids, it was her first day here and she was trying to find her room to set her things in place. "Um..hello.." she said shyly though no one seemed to hear her as everyone was busy either breeding or birthing, "right...Ill find it on my own" she said looking for her room 34BW, she kept murmuring trying to find the correct door.

Zazna finished giving birth days ago. He was looking for another to impregnate him when he ran into a Valesian. "How are you?" he asked.

Meera stopped in her tracks still trying to find her room when she saw a male coming her way. "Fine thank you," she said happy that someone was talking to her "I´m Meera Novack, from Velesia," she said with a grin

"I'm Zazna deCale, from the planet Te'cale." He said smiling while discreetly rubbing his penis. "how has your time here been?"

"It´s the first time I meet a Te´cale," she said smiling "well I just arrived I´m trying to find my room," she said showing him the slip of paper with her room number hoping he could show her to it. "How is this breeding station? I was in a much smaller one for a couple of years, but they have moved me as in the past breeding station there were no carriers that could breed for a Valesian..."

zazna guided her to her room. He smiled when she asked how the breeding staion was. "I enjoy this breeding station but have been bored as their haven't been any available seeders. What do you mean there were no carriers that could breed for a Valesian. Are their births hard?"

"Thank you, I was quite lost," she said as he guided her to her room, " Well I´m a seeder and breeder," she said with a smile "So I guess I come to add to the seeder list as I mostly function as seeder " she looked at thim and bit her lip and decided to go with the truth, as she was sensing that Zazna would like to breed with her "They are really hard and painful I´m afraid so I have a lot of trouble meeting breeders that are capable of going through the birth, as they need to be really strong to bear and birth valesian children," she unlocked her room "would you like to come inside?

Zazna smiled when she said that breeders have to be strong to carry her children, "not to many species can birth through a non dilated penis" he said, "yes I would like to join you in your room."

The bedroom was empty just the bed was dressed, she left her luggage in the floor and sat over the bed, patting the seat at her side as he closed the door behind them, she smiled and raised an eyebrow at his comment in admiration and chuckled "my....I could have used to have some of your species back at my other station..." she said flirting a bit as she let her feromones start to do their work, to atract Zazna as a potential partner if he agreed. "do you know anything about valesians?"

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