For his wife. (Closed with Roseie)

Brian looked over the forms one more as he sat in the hospital bed.  He stared at the blank signature line, his hand trembling slightly as he thought to himself if he really was going to go through with this.  This was not what he expected when he married his wife 3 years ago.  Things were going great until they decided they were ready to have kids.  His wife's health issues could potentially worsen if she became pregnant.  They had started looking into getting a surrogacy when she had heard about an experimental program that would him to be the one to bear the child.  The operation would implant a uterus and birth canal into him and then use in-vitro fertilization to impregnate him which he would then carry the fetus to term and give birth.  Even after going through test after test, he couldn't believe this was happening.  He was a stereotypical, reasonably fit 33 year old male, and soon he would become a pregnant man.  

He looked up at his wife standing beside the bed.  He flashed a nervous smile at her.  He loved her dearly and would do anything for her.  He turned hit attention back to the forms and signed them.  He handed the forms to the orderly who promptly left to file them away.  

Brian looked at his wife again.  "Well, won't be long now until we're on the road to parenthood" he said with a a false bravado to mask his anxiety, nervousness and fear.

*Julia,28 and married,wanted children with her husband Brian. But because of her health condition,it's not safe to go through pregnancy. Especially with the weight gain. That would be the worst thing to happen. But luckily they can still have children. But it would be for only her husband to go through the pregnancy himself. To be the first pregnant man to do this in order to become a parent. And surpisingly,she was fine with it. Even though this would mean she would never experience the 9 months of carrying a children within her that is a part of her and her husband. But if this is the only way to have kids,she wants to go through with this.

She smiled softly down at her husband laying in bed and she can tell that he is nervous about the surgery. The surgery that would make him pregnant by first implanting a uterus and the birth canal inside of him before the fertilization can begin. She cannot wait for it too. She slowly moved her hands down to take them into hers*

"I can never thank you enough for what you are doing for us. This is the perfect is example of how you are going to be a good father. You'll do anything for our kids."

Brian looked at his slim body, trying to imagine what it would look and feel like one he was pregnant. "Am I still considered the father? Or would I be the mother since I'll be the one bearing our child?" he said with a slight chuckle trying to break the tension.

"I suppose it would be both."

*Julia laughed a bit but she reached over to caress his head with her hand gently to calm him down*

"But it doesn't matter which,you'll still be a father...even though in this case,you are a mother."

Brian reached up and pulled Julia closer and gave her a kiss on the lips. He ran his head through her hair as their lips parted. He glanced over at the clock on the wall.

"Guess it won't be long now..." he said softly. Soon he'd be whisked away to the operating room. While the doctor told him the procedure was safe, he kept staring at Julia just in case it would be the last thing he saw.

*Julia kissed him back with her hands onto his face. She slolwly pulled back to notice that it was time. Before she knew it,her husband is wheeled to the room where the operation will begin. She blew a kisd for him with s smile on her face*

"I love you. Good luck!"

Brian slowly opened his eyes. His initial version is blurry. After blinking a few times he sees the fluorescent light in the ceiling on his hospital room. He tries to sit up but is met by pain coming from his abdomen and between his legs. He carefully pulls down the bed sheet and lifts his gown to see his belly bandaged up. He looks around the room and spots his wife sitting in the chair "Julia..." he says weakly. "Were they successful?"

*Julia sees her husband waking up. She smiled softly and moved towards him with her hand grabbing his hand. She ran her other hand up and down his head gently*

"Yes. It did. How are you feeling?'

*She whispered with a happy smile on her lovely face*

"Sore." he replied hoarsely. He grimaced as he tried to shift himself in the bed. "Did the Doctor say anything about how long it'll take for me to recover before they implant the egg in me?"

"Only 3 months. So that way you can be fully recovered."

*She replied to him and made room so that he would sit up more. She moved her hands to take his hand so she will play with his fingers*

"Try not to move so much."

"I know. Gotta be on bed rest for a little while I heal up." He smiles at her. "You sure you're going to be able to handle things in the mean time?"

"I handled three years with you. Sure I can handle other things."

*His wife jokingly trades him with a soft smile. She moved some of his hair away from his face*

Brian would spend the next 2 weeks in the hospital with his loving wife visiting when she wasn't working. He found himself doubting what he had done when he was alone. He wondered how his dad would react if he were still alive? How would his friends react once he started to show? His fears mostly disappeared when ever Julia was around. It reminded him instantly why he was doing this. But he still had a small nagging fear that even she might become disgusted with his changes.

On the 10th day, Doctor Vandenberg performed an in depth check on him. Julia of course was present. Brian's legs were put into stirrups and the doctor and Julia got their first look at his artificial vagina. His faced turned beet red as he was overcome with embarrassment from the position he was in. Never in his life did he think that one day he'd have his legs up in the air, flashing his pussy to his wife. He couldn't bring himself to look at Julia while the exam went on.

((feel free to take control of the Doctor if you wish.))

(Can you? I would probably suck at it because of the operation that has happened on there. :( )

*Julia is right there on Brian's side. She spent the 2 weeks by his side whenever it was her day off but this time,it was whether or not Brian can be pregnant after 2 weeks had passed since the operation was healing up. She even got a look at it. It was a pretty good looking vagina and they did a great job with it.

She noticed he didn't want to look at her because of what was happening. She reached over to take his hand and to let him know she wasn't embaressed or disgusted. Why would she be when this was their chance to have their own child?*

((no problem))
Brian looked up at Julia after she grabbed his hand. He managed a smile, though tears were wlling up a bit in his eyes from the mix of emotions flooding him.

Doctor Vandenberg continued to inspect his new opening, all the while making some sounds to herself as if she was happy with what she was seeing. She then began her internal examination. Brian's body tensed up as he felt a very unfamiliar sensation hit him as the Doctor pushed her fingers into his opening. His hand tightened around Julia's as he tried to suppress a gasp.

"Are you able to feel that, Brian?" the doctor asked.

"Kinda... I feel a dull pressure." he said through his clenched jaw.

"Good, good. You'll get more sensation as the nerves heal up. Well everything is looking good so far. I think we can discharge you at the end of the week. Just remember to take it easy. No heavy lifting or strenuous exercise. After a few more weeks of healing, we'll start you on the hormones to make sure that the uterus is functioning properly. Any questions from either of you?"

*Julia noticed her husband's tears. She reached out to wipe them away. She didn't want him to cry. Even though they were happy tears. Because there were emotions inside of him that were dying to come out.

Julia noticed Brian was tensing up because of the doctor's touch inside of him. She held onto his hand and moved her own hand to gently ran her fingers across his hair to relax and distract him from what he is feeling.

She looked back at the doctor with a nod wanting to ask her a question*

"After all of that is done,would he still be capable to carry? If this doesn't end up as a miscarriage if he does get pregnant?"

The doctor puller her fingers out of Brian and started to take off her latex gloves. "We're not going to impregnate him just yet. We'll have him go through 2 cycles of hormones. We need to make sure the uterus properly develops the lining needed for implantation of the egg first. If all goes well, Brian will go have 2 successful periods..."

"WHAT?!" I shouted.

"Sorry, Brian" replied Doctor Vandenberg. "It's a necessary evil. But on the bright side, you'll only have to experience it twice. We women get to go through it a couple hundred times in our lives."

"So I'm going to craving chocolate and be irritable?" I asked.

The doctor laughed. "It's possible. But there's no real way of predicting. You may have little to no symptoms or you may have them all. They could be minor, or they could be severe. Every woman's body reacts differently and you'll be no different. Don't worry I'll give you plenty of literature once we begin the first cycle. And while you may be tempted once your 'period' starts, no tampons, only maxi pads."

I groaned at the idea of not only having a period but having to wear a maxi pad.

"And if there are no complications after the 2 cycles, we will go ahead and with the fertilized eggs and hopefully one of them will implant themselves. As far as miscarriages go, we'll have to play that be ear. IF Brian does experience a miscarriage, we'll have to determine the cause. If it's correctable, we'll fix it and then try again. However, if he experiences a 2nd miscarriage, I'm afraid I'll have to call off the experiment. Any other questions?"

*Julia laughed with the doctor too. Ofcourse Brian is going to react like this. His new vagina is really working wonders. She ran her hand up and down his shoulder so that she will calm him down. She hoped that this will all work and that he will not experience any miscarriages*

"Do you have something to ask Brian?"

*I asked you for a moment after the doctor had talked to us*

Brian shook his head 'no'. "No questions. I know we went over all of this before we agreed, and I guess I was in denial, but now that it's happening... I just feel overwhelmed. Like my life has been turned upside down."

"That's very understandable." the doctor replied. "But don't worry, you'll be having regular checkups and you have a wonderfully supportive wife to help you along the way."

I nodded in agreement and looked back up at my wife, smiling.

"If there's nothing else, I'll be in my office going through all the data." the doctor added as she gather up her charts and exited the room.

After the doctor left, Julia asked for some of my time. "Sure, what is it, dear?"

"Are you still happy about this? I mean...this is kind of like you have your sex changed into a woman...even though you still have everything involving man down there."

*Julia laughed lightly with herself rubbing her hands up and down on the hand she was holding*

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