For his wife. (Closed with Roseie)

Brian sighed. "It's not easy. And honestly, I am kinda scared shitless about all of this. I know Doctor Vandenberg says that it can all be reversed once the pregnancy is over with, but I'm worried about before that. Will you still find me attractive with a pregnant belly and possibly breasts? What if I'm unable to perform sexually during the pregnancy? What if I get put on bedrest so you have to wait on me around the clock? I know you say you love me for doing this to bring us a child, but will you love me for me, even if I do become some fat, bloated, irritable, half man half woman?"

"Well. It would be a big change for both of us. But any of that won't change about how much I love you. Even if you become a fat,bloated,irritable,half man and half woman."

*Julia smiled at him with her hand onto his face*

"You shouldn't think of things like that. Would you really think I leave you after how far that we have come at this moment?"

Brian pulled Julia towards him and gave her a passionate kiss. When their lips parted, he stared into her eyes and smiled. "You really are an awesome wife."

*Julia kissed her husband back and pulled forward with a smile on her face*

"Only because I love you."

*She kissed him again passionately like*

Once home, Brian had to take it easy while he continued to heel. He was glad to finally get the bandages off after a week, even though it did men the beginning of his hormone treatments. He found himself getting rather emotional, of course he had been a bit emotional ever since the initial operation. He also developed a mild case of acne, found his nipples to be a bit sore and really wanting chocolate. But it wasn't his PMS symptoms that bothered him. It was what came next. The cramping and bleeding. He never left the house during those days. How he hated the feeling. He especially hated having to wear panties during that time as maxipads don't really work well with boxer shorts.

Doctor Vandenberg made plenty of checks on Brian and was satisfied that everything was functioning properly. He and his wife returned to the hospital for the implantation procedure. After having two "periods" he wanted to be pregnant more than ever to avoid having a third one. He wondered to himself, as he laid there in the hospital bed, why women didn't get pregnant more often. After all, a pregnancy would mean no periods for a year. Then it occurred to him. What if pregnancies were worse than periods? His face went pale at the thought as Doctor Vandenberg walked into the room.

"Good morning Brian and Julia. Well, today's the big day. I bet you're both pretty excited." Brian tried to respond but found himself frozen, of course the doctor barely paused long enough for an answer. "I'm going to be implanting 4 embryos. We usually limit it to 3, preferably 2, for women undergoing IVF, but as you are a special case, I'm bumping it up to 4 just to help increase the odds of a successful implantation. If we aren't successful, we can try again next month and try increasing the number of embryos. Any questions so far?"

Brian heard everything but still found himself able to speak. His mind was racing with worse case pregnancy scenarios.

*Julia had been there for Brian thick and thin. She dealt with his emotional state and especially getting him anything that he needs. Including Maxi Pads. And now since today is the big day. She could not be more happier that this is where Brian will get pregnant and they are going to have a child.

But four embryos? Wow. She looked at Brian seeing him silent. She needed to talk to him in private. She turned to the doctor with a small smile*

"Yes. I was hoping it would be alright if you give both of us a minute."

"Certainly." said the doctor. "But, Brian, do let me know if you think you aren't going to be able to hold it much longer. We need you to have a full bladder to help with the sonogram during the implantation process. I'll be outside, just call for me when you're ready." She walked out of the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.

Brian just sat there in the bed, trying not to hyperventilate.

*Julia moved to Brian and tried her best to calm him down with her fingers massaging his hand*

"You're not getting cold feet on this,are you?"

"No.... Yes.... I don't know. I'm just afraid. Ever since we learned about this program months ago, I've found myself paying a lot of attention to pregnant women. For some of them, pregnancy is a walk in the park. No morning sickness, no backaches... Heck, some of them seem to be happier while pregnant. They love every minute of it and actually wish the pregnancy was longer. But then there are those that have absolutely miserable experiences. They put on tons of weight, can barely walk without getting winded, can't sleep, they hate every minute of their pregnancies. And I'm worried that I might be the latter. This is not natural for men, so why shouldn't I expect to have all the negatives? My body wasn't built for this. But it's not all the physical discomfort I really worry about. What if all the changes in my body and negative symptoms cause me to resent you or our child? I may lose total control of my emotions and drive you away. What if all my negativity somehow affects our child within me?" Tears were beginning to well up in his eyes. He blinked, causing them to roll down his cheeks. He wiped them away with his free hand. "Hell, I'm already an emotional wreck and I'm not even pregnant yet."

((merry xmas, btw.))

(( You too. :) ))

*Julia moved her hand up to her husband's face so that she will wipe away his tears gently. She chuckled abit knowing it was the hormones. She pulled him in and hugged him with her arms around his neck*

"I know you are scared....So am I."

*She pulled back so that she will look at him*

"But...we are husband and wife. Nothing like this would push us away. We are just trying to be a family..."

*She looked down*

"If I would go back in time...I would go through with it instead of you."

"I know you would if you could. But even with time travel, you'd still have the health concerns. We've made our choice, and now we just have to hope for the best. Let's just get this over with before I have another huge wave of self doubt."

He called out to the doctor and told her they were ready. She replied saying she'll be in in just a few minutes.

Brian held on tightly to Julia as they waited. Finally the doctor returned with a nurse who was pushing a portable sonogram machine. Brian legs were placed in the stirrups. The bed sheet prevented Brian from seeing the doctor going between his legs, but he and Julia were able to look at the monitor, displaying his uterus and watched as doctor carefully deposit the eggs. Once the doctor was done, she turned off the sonogram machine and handed Brian a tissue to clean off the jelly.

"OK, Brian and Julia. we're at the point most IVF patients hate the most, the waiting. We'll do some blood work in 10 days to see if Brian is indeed pregnant. Until then, Brian, you'll need to spend the next hour laying on your back with no sudden movements. After that, you'll be free to go home, but you're going to be on bed rest for the next 10 days. Any questions?"

"If it turns out in 10 days that I am pregnant, will we know how many babies?" Brian asked.

"Not at that point. We won't know how many you'd be carrying until the ultrasound a month later. Anything else?"

"Not for me." Brian replied and the looked at his wife. "You?"

*Julia nodded and held onto Brian's hand as soon as the doctor came back in. She held his hand through the procedure,watching with amazement that her eggs are now implanted inside of her husband's uterus. Hopefully this would work.

She listened to the doctor's instructions and moved her hand up and down onto her husband's hair in comfort. She really could not believe that this was happening.

Julia shook her head knowing what they should do for the next 10 days. This should not be hard at all*

"No,doctor. I understand everything."

After resting in the hospital, Julia and Brian headed home. At first, it was nice having Julia cook for him and bring him his meals in bed, but he started going a bit stir crazy as he just laid in bed or on the couch watching TV. He really wanted to go out and just do something. Anything. But he dutifully followed the doctor's orders.

After about 5 days, he felt some slight cramping. This was especially worrisome to Brian as he experienced the last 2 times he had his "period." He switched his underwear to the panties and used the maxipad for the inevitable. He didn't tell Julia what was happening for fear that it would only depress her. After 2 more days, he had some light spotting on his pad, but no where near the usual amount of blood. He brushed it off as a rather pleasant side effect of the treatment. In 3 days, He and Julia would go back to Doctor Vandenberg who would no doubt tell them the implantations failed. He just hoped that they would be able to try at least one more time. He spent the next 2 days in a rather down mood, though he tried his best to be in good spirits when Julia was around.

They went to the doctor's office where one of her nurses drew some blood. One could easily feel the tension in the exam room as they waited. "Hurry up" Brian thought to himself. He knew he wasn't pregnant, and just wanted to move on to trying again. He had felt guilty for not telling Julia earlier. Now, here she was, sitting here, hoping for news that wasn't going to come.

The minutes ticked by, and the guilt slowly ate away at Brian. Finally he decided he needed to let her know.

"Julia... There's something I need to tell you. I..."

Just then, the exam room door opened up and Dr. Vandenberg walked in with a big smile on her face.

"Congratulations! You're pregnant!" she said gleefully.

*Julia did everything she could for Brian. But she can tell that something was wrong with him. She can feel it too. What if this was a waste of time? What if it failed? She did not ask though because she needed him to have some space and time for himself.

She didn't want to be clingy and want to ask him what's wrong everytime. And most of all,she didn't want him to push her away.

They are both in the exam hoping for this to be a success. She looked at Brian and was about to open her mouth to ask what's wrong but the news came out as a good one from the doctor. Brian is pregnant! Julia smiled widely at the news and she looked at Brian*

"Was that what you were going to tell me?"

Brian's jaw dropped as he looked at the Doctor in confusion.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Positive." replied the doctor. "Ran the tests twice. You are pregnant."

"But... I had my period. Had some minor cramping and spots of blood on my pad."

"That's perfectly normal." the doctor replied calmly.

Brian looked at Julia as tears started to well up in his eyes. "I can't believe it. We're finally going to be parents."

*Julia had tears in her eyes too. This was really happening. And she could not be so happier in this moment*

"Yes...yes we are."

The doctor paused as she watched the two be overcome with happiness. After having let enough time to go by, she finally spoke.

"Now, we still have a long ways to go. There will be checkups every month to ensure that you and the baby or babies..."

"Babies?" Brian interrupted.

"Yes, it is possible that you're carrying more than one. We'll find out at your next checkup when we do the ultrasound. As I was saying, there will be checkups every month. If you think anything is wrong, don't hesitate to call me. This is, after all, what is considered a high risk pregnancy since you are a man. I'll give you some literature on what to expect during your pregnancy. I also encourage you to keep a journal so I can track what's happening between visits." The doctor said before turning her attention to Julia. "Julia, Brian is going to be going through a lot of changes so you'll need to be there for him. I know it'll wear you down after a while, but try to stay strong for him."

*Julia thought about it. She really hoped there won't be any difficulties that could affect her marriage to Brian. She still loves him and doesn't want anything to break them up. And hopefully this pregnancy wouldn't.

But she will be determined to stay strong for both Brian and the baby. Or babies.

Julia gave a small nod and turned to Brian with a soft smile and took his hand into hers*

Brian stared at his stomach wondering what it would be like as he neared the end of his pregnancy. Would he be big? small? would the baby be constantly moving around causing it to change shape? What if there was more than one baby?

"How many am I carrying?" he asked the doctor.

"I'm afraid it's too early to tell. When you come in for your next check up, we'll do an ultra sound and see if there's more than one bun in that oven. In the mean time, continue to take things easy. No alcohol. No drugs of any type without checking with me first. I know this is a momentous occasion for you two, so go out and celebrate."

"Oh we will. Privately if you ask me."

*She gave the doctor a wink and she grinned at Brian with her lovely lips*

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