Cruel Yet Agreeable Punishment (Closed with michime)

Steve shrugged.

"I don't know if there's a way to take it all in. We're not built to process this kind of fantasy, we can't be. I can't imagine what it's done to you all these years."

He prodded his belly. "I know I like you a lot. I think that's the real thing to take away from all this. And if it isn't, it should be."

Will shook his head with a sad smile and a slight shrug.  "It's been a very long time since I had someone to discuss this with.  The not talking is the hardest part, keeping the secret until it's the right time."  He dragged his thumb along Steve's cheek.  "And now you're here and you know at least some of it." 

He leaned forward and gently kissed Steve's lips.  "There is so much I want to do with you and to you.  I know it's a cruel thing to say but I'm glad the universe brought you to me." 

All the helplessness building up in Steve's chest compelled him to stop trying to talk and just pull Will into a deeper kiss. A proper one, with tongues embracing and rolling around playfully. He needed relief of some abstract form, but he could settle for physical therapy. His boyfriend could surely appreciate that idea.

He let himself fall back to the pillow and let his fingers run through Will's soft and thick hair. Feeling his facial hair on his own stubbly face. He knew he shouldn't let some literal apocalypse unfolding before him affect anything. This was supposedly the world in which he always lived, after all. So...fuck it. If he didn't want to know, he didn't need to know.


"How do you want it?"  Will asked when they finally pulled apart long enough to get some deep breaths.  "What do you want?"  He felt younger now, full of vim and vigor and the libido of a fifteen year old.

They could talk more later after another round or several rounds.  Right now it seemed they both wanted the same thing.  Physical release.

Steve felt like he would do just about anything, but then something in particular bubbled up from his mind and made his cock jump. He tugged Will to walk a little closer, just for intimacy's sake, before he said it.

"Get up on here," he started, patting the bed, "knees on either side of me, and feed that cock to me. I wanna suck you off and make you shoot down my throat from the comfort of my own bed."

Will moved closer to the bed then moved a couple of pillows out the way before he knelt down above Steve's head.  He bracketed the pregnant man's head with his knees.  He grabbed his cock and stroked it until it was full and hard. 

"Suck my balls first.  Take them into your mouth, get them so big that it makes your jaw ache." 

Drool gathered in Steve's mouth at the sight of Will's junk up close, at the heady musk filling his nostrils. Immortal or not, he smelled like a man. He gratefully and gently sucked his lover's sac until both orbs were getting warm and moist inside his mouth. He licked and caressed them, giving them a kiss of its own kind.

His hands, meanwhile, urged Will to take off his shirt and let Steve play with his torso. Soft and supple skin over a bed of taut and shapely muscle. And a gropeable set of pecs. He reached up to squeeze and tease the relaxed muscle while he teased the underside of Will's shaft. It hadn't been touched in a very long time: the skin was soft and sensitive. The feel of its hot length in Steve's hand proved the first, and Will's gasp proved the second. He chuckled around the sac in his mouth.

Will moaned lustfully under Steve's treatment.  He hadn't had this much attention in ages and Steve was very good at what he did.  He felt his balls fill and expand and the chuckle sent incredible vibrations over the skin and up his spine. 

"You're very good at this," Will panted.  "Very good.  Your mouth is perfect." 

Steve stopped thumbing the frenulum to give his lover a thumbs-up. 'Until it makes your jaw ache', huh? He wasn't sure how literally he could take that, but he was certainly bold enough to try.

He kept up with his way of making out with Will's sac, sucking more aggressively and being careful not to get any teeth involved. It had been too long: Will wouldn't be ready for that kind of teasing scratch yet. No, the ticket had to be what every guy loved. He reached around to slip down the seat of Will's pants palm the old man's bottom with his free hand. Massaging it thoroughly but not too greedily: tops get self-conscious about that. He understood that very well and only very recently flipped his view on that. He could slip a finger in, too soon. Once Will was ready to shove that schlong in his mouth, he'd make it clear that the old sex fiend wasn't the only one with expertise.

As much as it thrilled him doing this, it was also...relaxing, oddly enough. He felt noticeably less stressed doing this. It usually wasn't until after he finished that he felt better. Huh.

Will felt his balls draw up as his orgasm approached.  It had been so very long since he had been pleased in this way and while he wanted it to last, his body just wasn't having that.  He came over Steve's chest with a low growl.

"Damnit!" He cursed once he peaked.  "I didn't think I would go so soon.  You are so skilled with your mouth.  How did you know what I liked?"

Steve removed Will's sac from his mouth and winked, feeling a little boastful. "Lucky guess. You wanna wait through your refractory period, or should I get started early?"

Petting the wet scrotum with his left hand, he kept his right hand happily occupied with Will's buttocks. Feeling 'thirsty', he licked Will's cum-dripping cockhead clean, kissing it with a fondness somewhere between mocking and genuine. The urge to just suck him back to full erection was a little stronger than he expected, though...he found himself kissing all along the shaft. He felt like a worshiper at an abandoned shrine, wishing for a good harvest and a happy lover. But prayers of that sort were a little late.

He shook himself back to reality, feeling guilty for having taken the choice away from Will. "Sorry, I got a bit overeager, there."

"Your lips are very skilled," Will admitted with a lopsided grin on his face.  "You can do that anytime you want." 

He eased himself back a bit so he could take a bit of a breather.  He petted Steve's hair for a few minutes just looking at the sight of his semen on Steve's chest.  "What can we do next?"

Steve let his head fall onto the pillow. Will clearly had more stamina than he seemed to have, but they both came twice in the span of minutes. What to do next...?

"Maybe we can cuddle, and you can feed me," offered Steve. "Simple and easy, and I can play with this sexy body of yours while we both just enjoy our afternoon."

"What would you like to eat?"  Will asked.  "I can make you a full meal if you want or just a snack.  I would love to cuddle with you.  Your body is very soft and I like that a lot." 

Steve thought about how much he ate, and the notion of stuffing a whole meal down his stomach seemed foolish. "Just a snack, really. But something you can feed me piece by piece...and I can kiss you between bites." He wanted to kiss Will a lot, he realized. Hell, he just wanted to be close to him.

Maybe Steve liked him even more than he thought. That was okay. He had the man practically all to himself. "Surprise me, babe. Pick something you'd snack on, and I'll give it a go."

Will chuckled as a smile filled his face.  "You can kiss me whenever you want."  He added enjoying the fact that Steve wanted to do that.  He liked being kissed and touched.  "Now let me make you my favorite snack.  I think you'll like it." 

He made his way into the kitchen then started on the snack.  He cut up strawberries, pineapple, and an apple before he added a bit of honey and mixed it together.  Once he was satisfied with his mixture, he added some coconut flakes then brought the bowl over to Steve.  "Now this has been a favorite of mine for ages." 

Steve smelled the honey-glazed fruit and coconut and felt his appetite recover just a bit. A bit of fruit and sugar worked well together. And he was going to have it with the best man he knew.

"Nice choice, buddy. Now come here...but take off your clothes, first. I don't want anything getting in the way."

Will placed the bowl on Steve's belly before he wiggled out of all his clothes then snuggled up with the pregnant man. He picked up a piece of coconut covered pineapple and offered it to the other man.  "The first time I had this, it was a gift from the gods.  Now it's so easy to find." 

"Fruit salad? I guess it would be tough to get, back in the day. Whatever day that is." Steve just shook his head to stop wondering about that and leaned forward to snatch the pineapple piece. He munched on it slowly, letting the juice and coconut coat his tongue.

He put a hand on his belly and traced extremely close to Will's left nipple with the other. He wanted to see how easily he could tease it into standing stiff without directly touching it.

"You like to tease, don't you?"  Will remarked as he picked up another piece of pineapple and this time he popped it in his mouth before Steve could get to it.  "Such a naughty man, you are." 

He picked up a piece of strawberry and gently pressed it against those lush lips.  "But I'm sure we can tease each other and learn the limits." 

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