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"Yes master .. I am alright." Skye had spoken back softly to his master, getting up from the tub and it's warm soothing water. He had gotten to his feet and had held onto the railing to heave up his slender body and had placed a hand beneath his beyond swollen and naked stomach. He had walked over to the clean and dry towel that was hanging up above the toilet and had wrapped it around his body.
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"You have warm clothes for you on the little table and your room his ready for you and the baby, I'm gonna be in the office if you need me", said his master with a reassuring voice and with a smile in his voice.
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Skye had nodded, getting up and putting on his warm clothes. He had sighed happily at how warm he had felt. "Thank you master." He had said with a warm and thankful smile.
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"You are welcome slave! You can look in the magazine to choose the perfect room for your baby and my team will build it according to your desires", add his master with a gentle voice.
(sorry for the delay I'm back to school and I don't have time for me)
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The slave had smiled, picking up the magazine and picking a room for the baby. He had soon told his master about the one he had picked, soon falling asleep after he had done what he needed to do for the day.
(It is alright. Take as much time as you need. No rush. And real life comes first. I know that you have a life outside of the roleplaying. I understand that.)
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The master nods his head and he call his team for them to build the nursery for the baby. He exam his slave belly to check the baby and he know his slave gonna give birth soon. After that, he place the blanket on his slave and he let him sleep.
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The slave had gotten up into the bed, pulling up his shirt so that his master can examine his swollen stomach. Soon, after he was done he had curled up and had fallen asleep.
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Andrew leave the room to let his slave sleep and he goes to prepare the birth room because he know his slave gonna give birth in a few hours or early the next day.
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The slave had slept soundly, breathing softly and content. Soon he would feel pain in his stomach area but for now he had felt nothing but peace and serenity while he had slumbered.
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Andrew open the hot water in the birth pool, install the stirrups, take blankets for when the babies gonna be born, oxygen mask if his slave need it.
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The young man had stayed asleep, soon arising to his feet and had hunched over, clutching his swollen stomach when he had felt a few painful kicks.
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"Are you okay slave? Do you have contractions?" Ask his master when he see him get up and he look in pain.
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"Yes master." The slave had said breathlessly, rubbing his swollen stomach with his hands. He had walked around the room, trying not to become too worried.
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"If your water is broke? Do you want I check how far you are dilated? Do you have what you want for your birth plan?" Ask his master with a gentle voice.
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The slave had spoken to his master, looking up at his master. "I want to do a home birth and a water birth."
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"That's good if you want to have the baby here and the water gonna help for the pain", said his master with a reassuring voice.
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"I would like that. It seems more easier to go through if I were in water." The slave had said, rubbing his swollen stomach. He had smiled up at his master, letting him know that he was thankful for not having to do it without being in a tub of water.
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"The birth pool is ready for you, I prepare everything when you was asleep and the peaceful music is already play", add his master with a smile.
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The master had nodded with a smile, feeling as though she were able to finally relax. She had gotten up and had walked with a waddle to the birthing pool. She had sat in the warm water, sighing as her tense and aching bones were finally relaxed.
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(The slave is a girl?)
The master help her to enter into the birth pool and he sit behind her as he begin to move her hips up and down. He continue to rubbed her belly as the same time.