Jungle capture (Open)

Leo followed Shizan back to the temple. When they reached their room, he walked up to the symbols that decorated the walls, marvelling at them. Eventually, he felt eyes on his back and he blushed before turning around and seeing Shizan watching him.

"Yes Shizan?" Leo asked still blushing. "Why are you watching me?"

Shizan streaches and smiles "I was thinking about what our kits might look like. Am I not allowed to watch my mate?"

'Silly jaguar,' Leo thought to himself and smiled as he walked over to the bed and Shizan.

"Well," Leo said out loud in thought as he sat down next to Shizan on the bed. "The kits will probably look like you in their jaguar forms, and they will probably have a mixture of each of our features in their human forms."

Leo slowly and hesitantly inched his hand closer to Shizan's unsure if Shizan would take the hint like he would want to happen.

Shizan holds Leos hand and purrs "that sounds perfect some will be more human though and might not have an animal form." Shizan then kisses Leo

Leo's heart warmed when Shizan took his hand, just like he wanted. He then smiled.

"Would make me feel better as I wouldn't be the only one without an animal form," Leo said in response and moved closer to Shizan.

His eyes went wide when Shizan kissed him but returned the kiss anyhow.

Shizan purrs and holds Leo close" Im sure you wont be the only one without an animal form" He keeps kissing Leo. His tail wraps around Leos leg

"We'll see," Leo replied and returned Shizan's kisses. He blushed at the feeling of Shizan's around his leg. He held back a moan that began to form in the back of his throat.

Shizan kisses Leos neck And purrs "Yes we shall see our perfect kits in time" His hand caresses Leos arm, as his tail slides up Leos leg.

"That....we will," Leo said breathless and swallowed yet another moan as Shizan caressed his arm and as Shizan's tail moved up Leo's leg. His penis, on the other hand, showed exactly how he was feeling by becoming fully erect. He then began tugging at his leather clothing to try to take them off but couldn't because of Shizan.

"Clothes...restricting," Leo said panting scrabbling to get his clothes off.

Shizan gently removes Leo's pants "looks like some one is exited" He teases. Then he licks the tip of Leo's penis and purrs. His tail rubs Leo's leg as his hands move to Leo's hips

Leo let out a low, almost growl like, moan unable to hold it back when Shizan licked the tip of Leo's penis.

"Please," Leo gasped. "Take me like your mate that I am!"

Shizan smiles and kisses Leo " I will my mate. " He picks up Leo and gently enters him. His tail slides up and around Leo's waist. He purrs and goes slow

Leo moans as Shizan enters him.

"Oh yes," Leo moaned. "You treat me so good, you know?"

Leo panted with his desire as sweat already started to form on his forehead.

Shizan smiles and goes faster "I try keep you happy my mate" He holds onto Leo

"You've done *gasp* a wonderful *pant* job so far," Leo said and leaned forward to lightly bite Shizan on the shoulder as his penis began leaking pre-cum. He could feel a pressure building in his crotch and knew that he was getting close to climaxing. "Gonna...come...soon."

Shizan goes in as deep as he can and cums. Releasing his seed deep in Leo's womb again. He kisses Leo with all the passion in his body

Leo moans and returns Shizan's kiss with just as much passion as his penis erupts and coats his own chest (as well as Shizan's) with his seed.

He laid there with his head against Shizan's body, panting.

"That was...amazing," Leo said with a smile and lightly nuzzled Shizan's neck. "Even more amazing than the first time."

Shizan "we may master this sometime " he holds Leo and purrs. "I love you Leo" his tail slowly releases Leo's waist

"We may," Leo said before he caught his breath at Shizan's words. He was even tempted to say them himself.

He then closed his eyes and buried his face into Shizan's chest.

"I-I love you too...Shizan," Leo said, his voice muffled by Shizan's chest and his face red as he finally confessed to the human jaguar.

Shizan's breath catches in his throat when hears that. He purrs and holds Leo close

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