Jungle capture (Open)

Leo lifts his head up to look at Shizan's face.

"A-are you...mad that I love you?" Leo asked slightly frightened by what Shizan might say. Every time he said (or thought) those three words, he got all warm and cozy inside. Must be because he really and truly does love Shizan.

Shizan kisses Leo " I'm happy beyond all words. That you love me too" he purrs loudly. He feels like his heart would burst with love and happiness

Leo happily returns Shizan's kiss.

"I'm happy that you're happy," Leo said with a smile and his eyes twinkling with happiness.

Shizan smiles and kisses Leo again "we should rest " He nuzzles Leo as his eyes close

Leo just yawned in response and rested his head against Shizan.

"My jaguar," Leo whispered before exhaustion consumed him and he fell asleep. "Mine."

Shizan purrs " all yours" he sleeps till just before dawn. Then he goes hunting catching a Tapier then drags it back and starts to cook it

Leo is so exhausted that he sleeps peacefully throughout the night, not noticing when Shizan slips out just before dawn to go hunting. Leo doesn't even notice Shizan bring his catch back and start cooking it.

It isn't until most of the meat has been cooked that the smell begins to drift passed Leo's sleep numbed senses. He groaned slightly and turned in his sleep.

Eventually, his rumbling stomach caused him to slowly open his eyes and sit up in bed. He yawned and stretched followed by rubbing the rest of the sleep from his eyes.

"Morning," Leo said still partially asleep. "What did you catch this morning?"

Shizan smiles" a Tapier." He offers the leg to Leo. "It's a healthy adult this time might have to avoid them if the herd shrinks too much more"

"What is a Tapier?" Leo asked curious and sniffed the leg Shizan gave him. "And how does it taste?"

Shizan smiles" it's a rodent the size of a pig. It's taste is similer to a pig too"

"Okay," Leo said unconvinced that a rodent could taste similar to that of a pig. He mentally shrugged and took a bite from the leg (besides, his stomach was telling him to just eat the damn meat no matter what his taste buds told him). Grease dribbled down his chin as he bit into the meat. He savored the flavor before chewing and swallowing what he had in his mouth. "You're right, it does taste like pork--what we humans call pig."

He devoured the leg rather quickly and handed the bone back to Shizan.

"Got any more? I'm still hungry," Leo said rubbing his (unknown to him) slightly distended stomach, most likely due to his organs rearranging to make room for his womb and the kits.

Shizan nods and hands him another leg " here and the reason it tastes like pig is it eats similar foods to what a wild pig eats. The Tapier is a better swimmer though"

"It's a good thing I'm used to the taste of pig and like it then," Leo said smiling as he took the leg from Shizan with a polite "thank you" before biting into the meat.

He quickly finished it and, instead of having Shizan hand him more, he decided to go to the meat. It was nothing against Shizan, but Leo was just so hungry that he didn't want to have to wait for the meat to be handed to him.

He began grabbing random chunks of meat that were already cooked and began devouring them, making sure to leave some for Shizan despite wanting to go ahead and eat them as well.

Shizan pulls anouther Tapier over "eat till your full I got two. Just so our growing family has enough" he smiles at Leo.

Leo nodded his head and continued eating. He ate until he was full. Not just full but stuffed. Really stuffed.

Leo leaned back slightly and gave a small burp as he patted his, now noticeable, food bloated belly. Or so Leo thinks it is due to the food.

"Ugh, I think I ate too much," Leo said before trying to stifle a yawn and failing. "I think I'm ready for a little cat nap. Heh, cat nap. Ha ha!"

Shizan smiles and walks over haveing eaten his food raw " this cat will join you it's nice that our kits are growing so fast. I'll have to gather the milk plants soon." He rubs Leo's stomach and purrs

"Milk plants? What are those?" Leo asked and moved over to make room for Shizan. He blushed when Shizan began to rub his stomach, but closed his eyes as it felt good. So good that Leo eventually fell asleep.

Shizan purrs and holds Leo. "Milk plants are what we feed our kits while they can't eat meat"

Leo never heard Shizan's response as he had already fallen fast asleep. He snuggled up close to Shizan for the warmth and comfort as he slept peacefully.

Shizan smiles and kisses Leo's forehead. He nuzzs Leo as he falls asleep glad to be with Leo.

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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