Closed Oppressive Seas (Closed w/ Lovebite)
Fenris didn't quite know what was going on... Actually, take that back - he knew exactly what was going on, but he was trying his best not to acknowledge it. This time around, though, his problems wouldn't just go away. The crew he'd been a part of had been decimated on the seas not too many hours before. Their galleon ship was blown to bits and in the midst of it, Fenris found himself scampering onto the enemy ship without thinking. He didn't want to die out in the middle of the ocean so he hadn't even considered the consequences of his actions. He'd either been knocked out or smothered, or maybe he'd passed out from the stress of the situation. All he knew was that he wasn't on his ship anymore and his crew was nowhere to be found. Instead, Fenris sat in the hull of what he assumed to be the enemy ship, chained against the wall with a single cuff around his right wrist. While it was free game with his other arm and legs, the one cuff was enough to keep him from being able to get far. Fenris sat for some minutes before he figured sitting and doing nothing was going to get him nowhere, so he began scoping out the room and toying with the cuff. The cuff itself looked old and used, and it was a bit rusted. Maybe he could break it? He didn't care if anyone heard, it'd be bad either way he gathered, so Fenris raised his wrist and slammed the cuff against the floor, continuing this routine in the hopes that maybe it would break off eventually.
It was the ripe era of the seventeenth century and trade was booming, especially the trade of carriers like Fenris. It was a rare occurrence when humans could carry, much enough so that the Dragonic Pirate made a way to trade two barrel loads of spices to buy the boy from his own parents. Captain Darren held the human as a prized possession and only had his best swordsman standing at the door to the storage cell in the hull of the ship. He told the orc to step aside before he pushed open the heavy iron and wood door,"Boy."He called, he knew that the young man wasn't young enough to be called a boy, but he truthfully liked how pissed off he could make them sometimes with only words. "Break those chains and you'll have fifty horny men after your ass once you walk out that door."He smirked, tilting his head slightly and folding his arms,"If you'd rather be into an orgy then I guess I can't stop you."He looked back at the cracked door, where the guard was peeking in at the human with a smirk, then back at him again.
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Fenris didn't expect for the chain to break, not really, but in a situation like this it was definitely worth a try. He'd only stopped when light snaked into the lower hull room and he saw who he presumed to be the Captain, if the garb was anything to go by... That, and the way he spoke. Fenris frowned at the way he was titled. Boy? He was far from a boy, although some could beg to differ. Newly in his early twenties, Fenris still had much to learn when it came to the game of life. He made a disgusted face at the comment and he was half tempted to bite back with some arrogant comeback with his own but instead he shook his head; Fenris stood shakily to his feet and the slight pull on his wrist made him aware of just how short the chain restraint actually was. "No, but I'd rather be doing something productive that doesn't include sitting down here all day," he quipped sharply. Like getting off this ship?
The captain snorted, tilting his head the other way as his ponytail fell from his shoulder and he adjusted his hat,"Something productive?"He asked and smiled slightly,"Like what? What would you like me to do for you, and what will I get from you in return?"He took a few steps towards him, towering over him as he looked down at the human, his long tail twitching slightly. "I'm always looking for a far trade."He showed off his sharp teeth with a small smile.
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"I'd like you to get me out of here," he said matter-of-factly, only second guessing his tone of voice when he noticed just how much larger the Captain was compared to him. He swallowed thickly and ran a hand through his short yet messy dirty-blond hair. "And... and I don't know, what do you want?" All Fenris wanted was to not be stuck down in the hull of the ship all day, and to not be immediately jumped by the rest of the crew the minute he stepped outside. "I can cook? Clean? Offer myself as an extra hand..?" His brows drew together as he kept eye contact with the Captain despite how much he wanted to turn and look away.
"I'll let you out."Darren agreed, though his emerald green eyes sparked with a slight devious intent,"Since I'm the only one with your key...but once we left your hometown, you were considered my property."He said, unfolding his arms and resting his hands on his hips as he looked over the human,"Are you aware that you're a carrier?"He asked,"If you were considered mine, sexually other than just property, I can promise you no one of my crew would touch even a strand of your hair."
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"I was sort of hoping you wouldn't bring that up," Fenris said, grimacing as he heard the fact spit straight from the Captain's mouth. He didn't know too many human carriers, had only met a few in his lifetime, but he hadn't thought that he'd be valuable and sold for the trait. "You're the Captain here. Can't you just tell them to go jack it off in their own privacy?" Fenris shuddered at the thought. He had no clue how many in total crew there were on the ship, but he knew there were more than enough and he didn't exactly feel like being jumped today, or tomorrow, or any day. But he also wasn't particularly fond of the way the Captain was wording this. Why should he have to be with him sexually just because his horny ass crew couldn't keep it to themselves? "Surely they'll listen to you."
"Hard not to."He replied,"That's the reason I bought you."He found the way the human looked at the sound of his words amusing,"Yes, I am the Captain."He nodded and smirked again,"Though I can't exactly tell them that, you aren't claimed and technically you're property. Either way, you'll end up mothering my heirs or one of theirs."He sighed, stepping back again and looking out of the porthole, it was getting late into the evening now. The sun was setting beneath the waves,"I won't touch you without permission after the deed is done. How about that?"He looked back at him again over his shoulder.
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"What's one good reason you need a bunch of bumbling babies running around the deck of a pirate ship, huh?" That didn't make much sense to him, and if Fenris knew himself at all it was that he wasn't very good with motherly instincts. He might be a carrier but he absolutely loathed kids. They were loud and silly and obnoxious and got into too much trouble. They'd bought the wrong carrier if they were looking for a guardian in addition to a breeding machine. "You guys don't need that. I would be of much more use to you even if it's just shining your boots all day."
The dragon sighed,"While it would be nice to have a son, no. I'm not looking to have a family, these seas are dangerous, no place for one child. Let alone a litter."He came back towards the human and smiled slightly,"Plus, if I were to choose to keep you for myself, I can't be sure you would be a mother to our children and not run away from your responsibilities."He crossed his arms once more as they looked at each other,"I don't think so."He replied,"If I own a carrier, which I do, it would be smarter of me to let you be bred by anyone we come across for trade of the children. In safe conditions of course."He tilted his head, tilting his hat away from his eyes,"So that is why I need to claim you first, to see how well you carry. If not, then I'll just let someone else have their fun."
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"I don't really think the seas are safe for any pregnant carrier either." He raised a brow at Darren curiously. "If you were hoping to have purchased a carrier with any kind of motherly instincts, you were terribly fooled. I hate children." Fenris bit the inside of his cheek, cringing at the subtle taste of blood on his palate. "You're not giving me very many options here..." So it was either be bred by him or be tossed to one of the crew? Those were both horrible choices; Fenris was still having a hard time wrapping his mind around the fact that he'd even been sold. "I don't think I'm a good carrier," he said at last. "Have you seen me? I'm almost skin and bones, present from the poor district my home was at. I can't possibly carry a child to term."
"No? Then I suppose you are out of luck then."He replied, he wouldn't let anything happen to the human if it was in his control to do so, but he will have his fun with him. The captain now frowned at the human,"Then it's a good thing I wasn't."He replied, noticing the smell of blood on his breath and flexed his arms slightly,"No. I am not, because you aren't the one to make decisions here, and the sooner you learn that, the better it will be. For you at least."He sighed again and reached to wrap his hand around the boy's wrist then clinch his fist, the chain cuff snapping to release him before he pulled away. "Come. I will have you fed and reclothed, then we will head to my quarters."He turned away and strided towards the door to the storage hull, pulling it open then looking over his shoulder at the human.
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Fenris watched the other cautiously as they grabbed his wrist. He didn't know what to expect but when the chain snapped off he was a little relieved. He rubbed at his irritated wrist, the skin red and itchy from the past few hours of trying to get it to break. It was a bit embarrassing that hours of work could be outdone in a second by this Captain. Fenris watched the man go, glancing away for a moment in guilt before he eventually trailed after him. If it wasn't for the one crew standing outside the other door still, he might have made a break for it. Stupid? Probably, but it was a chance. "Your crew can keep it all in their pants though, right?"
Darren checked his pocket watch, it had been about a full week since the last time they had docked for leasure, he thought about it. Then looked back at the orc who stood guard and the look in his eyes,"More or less."He replied with a pat to the others shoulder,"Go on and make yourself useful elsewhere."He said and the big dark male nodded then headed off, while he slipped a golden dagger out of his own pocket to hand it to the human,"Take an eye out and I'm sure they'll have nothing to look at for a while."He smirked at the human and ruffled his hair,"Just don't try it on me, and we won't have an issue."He turned his back on him and now headed up the wooden ladder to the common level, where at least a quarter of his crew rested and ate. Rowdy as always, though the dragon was used to it. "Get me a bowl of mush for the human here."He ordered.
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Fenris' eyes widened at the dagger that was handed to him. He didn't think he'd be able to hurt anyone with it. Mostly because he was scared of actually having to attack a crew member just to save his own ass - probably literally - and then the rest of them coming after him. As much as he didn't like it, Fenris knew he'd have to stick close to Darren if he didn't want to be jumped. He didn't trust anyone on this ship but out of all of them, Darren seemed like the best one to depend on. Fenris pocketed the dagger and followed Darren up to the common level, standing close by as he eyed the rest of the crew with caution. Oh yeah, he'd definitely have to be careful up here. "Mush?" he scoffed, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the word. He was hungry but he didn't think he'd be able to down actual mush in a bowl. That was stuff for prisoners, not pirates.
Darren looked back at the human,"Be grateful I'm not letting you starve."He replied and took the bowl from one of the crew to hand over to Fenris, it didn't look horrible, maybe more like a thick stew than anything. He pulled out a chair for himself and propped himself up in it, holding out a hand to the chair in front of him,"Sit."He said and pushed over a spoon as well, crossing his arms on the table, not hungry himself. "We have more to talk about in this situation."He mentioned, taking his hat off and letting his curly hair fall around his two horns that protruded from his temples.
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Fenris made a face as he took the bowl of food given to him. It didn't look too bad but it didn't look like the most appetizing meal on the planet either. He just hoped he wouldn't get sick later on after eating this. He stirred the stew slowly, watching its contents spin with the motion of his spoon. He took a seat when instructed to do so, eventually daring to take a spoonful of the soup into his mouth; it didn't make him gag, no, but he'd tasted better before Fenris couldn't complain though, they could just as easily have refused him food. "What else is there to talk about?" He frowned and looked up at Darren. "Obviously you already have your mind made up, and I don't agree with it either way but... hey." He twirled his spoon and gave Darren a look, one that was a clear sarcastic looking 'I'm not the boss here'.
Darren sat back, hands moving to sit on his knees now as he watched Fenris curiously, then smirked,"You're learning."He said with a deep chuckle,"Good boy."He watched him eat for a moment, then lifted his hand for a drink which he was promptly given before he turned to talk to a few of his crew members. Mostly about trade and the city they were looking on sailing to next, then about supplies and soon the conversation was focused on the human. Though with the mixed language and accents, things were hard to follow, before the dragon ended it and stood up. "Let's go."
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It wasn't even really that Fenris was learning, per se, but rather he just knew his role in the ship despite not liking it. He'd do whatever Darren said if it meant not getting pestered with by the other crew; he knew he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Fenris finished eating his food and eventually ended up playing with the bowl idly for some time before Darren finally told him to follow him. He pushed his bowl and spoon off to the side and stood, trailing behind the Captain. "Where are we going now?"
"To my quarters. I want to see if you fit any of these old clothes I have laying around."He looked forwards as he headed up another floor after walking through a long hall, this time emerging into the cannon deck. Before taking a turn into the captains quarters, a modest room that had all basic necessities a pirate could ever want. "Hope you don't mind them being the possessions of a previous lover of mine."He headed towards a chest and opened it, turning to the human and gesturing him forwards,"Come. Look and see."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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