The Twist of a Fin ( Closed with shiro08)

( It's fine.)
Wake blinked in confusion when Danias moved closer to him, and tilted his head up to look up at the taller merman, question in his eyes," Something wro-"

He was them cut off as lips pressed against his own and he faded into the bliss of the kiss. His tail flicked in excitement as the marks former ed on his hody, like exotic tattoos, and he seemed lost in the moment for a spell, only coming to when he realized his new mate was talking.

He heard what Danias said and shook his head," No, don't feel sorry. If we were not compatability the mark would never had taken like this. I'm fine and happy about this."

Danias felt relief when he saw that Wake was also happy about their mating. "I'm glad." He said before pulling the smaller to another kiss, short yet sweet. He looked into his eyes and said, "I love you, Wake. I know there was something special about you ever since I first saw you. To me you are special. You got my heart and I got yours. and I promise to cherish the love of these hearts till the end of my time." It was evident that his statement was full of love.

Wake returned the kiss and happily listened to the others words as he spoke of their new mating. The others sonfession made his heart sing with happiness as he ahifted, curling closer to the stronger merman. He huffed him, not letting do as he sighed in content," They say that the swifter the mating bond takes place, the more true is the pairs feelings for each other."

"Then if you are willing; I'd be happy to show you just how in love I am with you." He felt his dominant self telling him to bond with the merman in his arms. Just a yes or even a nod of approval from the smller would really set him off to mate with the man even then and there. Once again he swept Wake off from his tail fin and had put him into a bridal hold.
"Shall I take you to our home?" He said with such a seducing smirk

(Can we skip the sex scene? We could just start to a few weeks after the mating after your next post?)

( Sure. Wanna skip to a few weeks later now?)

Wake blushed as he was lifted and Danias made the declaration that he wanted to show him how loved he was. He looked down, wanting to hide his blush behind his tail again as he nodded, holding his hands against his chest.

He then looked up at the other," Please take us home then, Danias."

With Wake's words, Danias didn't hesitate to speed them off to their home, a wide smile on his face. The blush on Wake's cheeks just ignited him more. Mermen that saw them probably thought Danias was crazy with him speeding home with a beautiful merman in his arms. Danias lived at the far edge of the city. He was almost isolated, living in a coral like house with a forest of seaweeds at the back. He smiled at the thought that no one would disturb them during their mating.

A few hours later the deed was done. Wake was officially his and his alone. He tightened his emrace at the merman lying beside him. " I love you."

(Three weeks later)

Danias just came back from a night shift patrol. It was already morning when he reached their home. He silently swam in the door, hoping not to wake up his beloved mate.

Wake was laying down, sound asleep upon the large bed that he and Danias shared. His tail curled up into the spot where his mate laid, as his Arma rested against his stomach, a hand on the slight bump that was just above where his tail and body met.

He was a few weeks pregnant now. He shifted when he heard movement and called out," Danias, you home?"

Danias flinched a bit when he heard Wake calling out to him; and there he was hoping that he could get in bed without waking his mate. Especially now that Wake is pregnant with their young. Actually observing a bit, it may even seem that he would father not only one after nine months, with how Wake is growing, and considering that this might be the case, he wanted his mate to get rest as much as he can.

With a sigh, he entered the room with a tired smile, meeting the eyes of his still groggy mate. "I'm home, my love." He slowly occupied the space beside Wake then cuddled the smaller merman. A hand found its way on top of Wake's hand that was protecting the little swell where their young had started growing. "It's still too early for you to be up, dear. Let's sleep some more." was his invite to his mate, his eyes growing heavy for the needed sleep.

Wake sleepily hummed in acknowledgement as he was told that it was not time for him to be up. Lifting his tail to let Danias fit in beside him, he shifted and curled against his mate.

He had no objection to sleeping some more and his eyes, that had barely openwd, settled back to closed as he fell back asleep.

The couple slept until the sun's light had reached the ocean floor. Danias was first to wake up. Yawning;he bent down to kiss the forehead of his still sleeping mate t
hen rose to head towards the kitchen to cook breakfast. He just hope his dish hoice would not trigger another round of morning sickness for Wake.

Wake slept a little bit longer than Fanias, only moving and opening his eyes when the house was filled with the light that streamed down from the waters surface. He sat up with a yawn then pushed of the bed, flexing his tail before making his way towards the kitchen.

He did not feel sick, yet, this morning, and hopefully it would stay that way. When he entered the kitchen, he moved to place a kiss on his mates cheek," Good Morning."

"Good morning love, did you sleep well?" Danias said as he turned around from his cooking to kiss Wake. "Sit down. Breakfast will be ready soon. I'm  making steamed eels." He guided Wake to one of the chairs of the table and let the smaller wait for him there while he finishes cooking.

"Eels' done." He served the food first to his mate before getting his own. "How's it?"

When the meal was served, Wake paused to see if the smell would bother him, then smiled as it did not and took a bite, purring at the taste, as his tail curled in delight," It taste delicious, Danias. And my morning sickness is not reacting to it so I might be able to engoy a morning meal today."

Danias watched closely when he saw Wake pause abit as if speculating. He was relieved to see his mate able to take a bite of the food without rushing to the toilet just moments after. The happy and content smile of Wake made him happy andcontent too. He then turned towrds the stove again.

" We might as well make the most of you being able to enjoy eating
 freely. I'll cook some more so just eat okay love?

Wake nodded with a smile and resumed eating, relishing each bite. He then paused and looked at his bump," I am looking forward to their arrival." He looked at his mate," I bet we are going to have twins this time. I'm showing so much this soon."

Danias was serving the new batch of eels when he heard Wake. He looked at his mate then to his stomach. "Twins! Well that would surely explain your lovely bump this early. I feel the same. I'm excited to meet them. Well better eat up you might be eating for three now." He teased then sat right next to his mate.

Wake nodded as he chewed and placed a hand on his bump," I think they will be boys." He ate a few more buys, humming at the clean taste of the eel," Though I will be happy with girls too."

He looked at his mate," What do you think?"

Danias was serving the new batch of eels when he heard Wake. He looked at his mate then to his stomach. "Twins! Well that would surely explain your lovely bump this early. I feel the same. I'm excited to meet them. Well better eat up you might be eating for three now." He teased then sat right next to his mate.

Danias watched closely when he saw Wake pause abit as if speculating. He was relieved to see his mate able to take a bite of the food without rushing to the toilet just moments after. The happy and content smile of Wake made him happy andcontent too. He then turned towrds the stove again.

" We might as well make the most of you being able to enjoy eating
 freely. I'll cook some more so just eat okay love?

Wake nodded, chewing content as he went. He was eating for two, or perhaps more, now after all. He hummed as he swallowed and looked at Danias," You should eat some as well. Don't you work again tonight?"

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