A Kingdom forged in labour (closed with Lovebite)
She knew how active he was, bed rest was not an option, many omegas did retreated to bed rest, but Reues had always been an odd mix, he would never do that. "I know, yet..." she huffed in annoyance, she couldn't asked him to be on bed rest, not when she knew how he would hate it.
"I know I cannot but Im scared they will take you as a prisoner"she said " and if the city falls its sure they will kill us both"she said "I sware that nif any of them even dares touch you I will just hunt them down and feed from their carcass for the next days" she declared sternly hitting the table. "I wont loose you, Reyes and that you are not understanding"
He shook his head,"No 'buts' Ara. I'm not doing it. If the babies choose to come, then I can't help it anyway. Laying in bed all day won't help or delay anything."He frowned seriously now, looking at her and reaching for her hand as he is distracted from eating the rest of his dinner,"They won't. I'll fight then. You know I will."He said,"No matter how pregnant, I'm still deadly with a sword, you know that."He sighed and pulled his hand away, pressing his eyes into his palms and shaking his head, flinching slightly when her hand hit the table. Going silent for a moment at her display of power as alpha, looking down at his plate for a moment, he didn't feel like eating any more. "I don't ever want to see you turn into one of those people who actively seek revenge, Ava... Revenge will kill you, just like it did every other royal before you."He sat for a few more moments in quiet, then looked up slightly as a servant came to fill his glass up with water. "Thank you."He murmured.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aravis was one to have flares of temper like those, she would get all rallied uo and then calm down, and calmed because of Reyes. "I don't think it revenge, I think of it as keeping my family safe" she declared.
"I guess you are right " she said seeming to melt in her chair in defeat" Of course you are always right " she ran a hand through her face" I'm sorry I scared you, I'm just afraid and tense that all this is happening and I don't have control over anything " she said.
Reyes didn't reply, then looked up at her slightly when she sat back in her chair, taking a sip of water then placing a hand on his belly. It worried him too, all of this,"You have as much control as you want to have. You just have to stay in it."He said and then offered her a small smile, reaching for her hand,"Listen, if it does ever get dangerous, We'll evacuate the omegas and young. Without question, okay?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aravis let her sapphire eyes follow her husband, at that moment seeing him so pregnant just made her uneasy instead of having her filled up with endearment for him. He said thr healer had said triplets, yet it often happened a pup was not count for or one was count twice, they woukd only know for sure till Reyes delivered. Yet she was feeling very responsible for those three small lives, and of the life of her omega, having her muscles so tense her back and neck were hurting.
His warm hands brought her back to the present as she smiled back to her and nodded "And will you go with them?" she asked grabbing at her last lifeline even if she knew he wouldn't go, and would stay.
Reyes sighed, nodding slightly,"Yes. I will. If it will keep you from worrying so much."He replied, kissing her fingers softly and squeezing her hand,"Who better to look after them than the King?"He asked and smiled softly at her, then pulled away as he then looked up slightly to ask for some dessert.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aravis felt as if she could breathe again, and felt like herself once morenat having the assurance Reyes would leave if it really came to that. She smiled at him with pride "I know you woukd keep our omegas and children safe, just as our own children" no one could question of his abilities as a warrior.
They brought them a different selection of pies and cakes, from which they could choose, Aravis went after thr lemon tarts that were her favorites. "That painting you were working on, was beutiful my dear," she said with a smile, he was so talented and sensitive, which made her feel often as the brute of the two.
Reyes nodded silently, then looked over the array of pastries, grinning in excitement now as he sat up and leant forwards to look over the assortment. He hadn't ever been a food fanatic, but after becoming pregnant with their pups, he had put it into his hands to gain some more weight. It was healthy gain of course, the midwife said so.

"Hm?"He looked up at Aravis as he licked his finger after dipping it in a slice of cake,"Thank you."He smiled and then picked up a fork,"I was thinking of you when I painted it."He watched her emotion for a moment,"I felt lonely without a picture of you, so I made one for myself."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aravis was surprised by hos words. It had been her? She was speechless and looked at him dumbfounded before thr look on her blue eyes turned to pure adoration.
"Reyes... That... that's the most nice thing ever" she said grinning "I understand, thry wanted me to stay longer, but it wqs clear we woukdnt arrange a thing, so I came rushing home, and a good thing I did I would have hated to miss help you when your delivery comes"
Reyes smiled, though pouted slightly as he looked from her to his plate, picking with the cake slightly and nodding,"Yeah. I don't think I ever would have forgave you if you missed it "He looked up at her with a shake of his head, holding out a fork of cake,"Come try this."He sat back, smiling and holding his free hand beneath it so the crumbs wouldn't fall onto his belly.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"If I had, it wouldn't have been on purpose, since you told me you were with pups I've been meaning to meet them" I said curious of what you may be carrying and wondering if they woukd look like you as I was hoping. Aravis smiked gently as she came close to take a bktr. The cake was moist and sweet "its really good Reyes" I say smiling as of the two he had the sweeter tooth.
"I know, I know."He sighed softly,"I just would have been upset at you for at least a day. I'm glad you're back."He smiled at her as she came towards him and kissed her before giving her the bite of cake, of course he couldn't not forgive her for missing their pups birth. He doesn't think he could ever hate her at all, he loved her too much,"Isn't it? It's a recipe I had the chef find for me, I was craving something like it."He sat back again, pushing her hair behind her ear and smiling softly, leaning forwards and kissing her again. "Could we go up to our room, Ava?"Reyes asked her, biting his lip and flushing a light pink.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Aravis didn't wanted to think of Reyes giving birth only with the healer to aid him, it was not what they wanted, she wanted to be there and be as of much help as possible seeing her husband had done all of the hard workm
She blushed at how he stroked her and smiked gently and smiled "of course my love, we can go" she said standing up ready to aid him to stand.
Reyes pushed himself up to his feet, brows furrowing slightly as he did and rubbing his belly with a small smile,"I want to share our bed again."He said, taking her hand and moving to waddle out of the dining room again as the servants went to clean up the left overs of their dinner. He wanted to lay with her on their pillows with the sheets covering them and the skin of their bodies pressed together, that's all he's been wanting for a while now. Though now they can finally be together again, he lead her off on the small journey towards their bedroom.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Easy Love" Aravis adviced as she helped him up gently letting him use her as leverage so he could gain once again his balance point once in his feet.
She smiled brightly "You rrad my mind, my dear" she said grinning, aching for the privacy of their rooms and to find her comfort in his embrace. She held his hand as she allowed him to led thr way, making sure to go at his pace, she had no hurry and was just glad to be back with the wolf she loved.

As they entered the room was in darkness "let me get thr candles Reyes" she said helping him over to a nearby chair so he woukd have no tripping incidents due to the lack of visibility
"Mmhm."Reyes agreed and let his wife guide him towards the armchair at the window, the only light being that of the setting sun. He sat back, closing his eyes and smiling softly at the thought of sharing their bed again,"God, how I've missed you..."He murmured, hands moving to run over his belly slowly, the pups shifting only slightly and he pet his navel to settle them down again.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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