C The Angel (Closed with bhdire8)

An angel descends from the heavens to visit a young man, with some very interesting news to deliver.

"Young man, do not be afraid. I was sent from the Lord in heaven to deliver great news to you.  You were chosen to bear a child that would be the destined saviour of mankind." The angel, appearing in just a wrap, have huge white wings on a muscular torso.  He looked like a personification of a Greek statue, dark hair, chiselled features and all in all, a perfect looking man.

When the angel appeared before him, Conner fell to his knees in fearful reverence. When he heard what the angel said, he was surprised, to say the least. "You... you choose me to bear a holy child?" he asked. "But... why?"

Conner was not so chiseled as the angel, but he was well-built and strong. His hair was black and well-kept, and he wore simple trousers and a shirt.

"It is the order of the our Father. Lord Almight had made a decision and chosen you as the bearer to show his power is without limit. You as a male like Adam would too be able to bear child if our Lord so wish for. Rest assured, i am here to not only tell you the good news, but also to guide and take care of you throughout this journey of miracle. I am Archangel Chamuel. In mortal form I am Samuel." As he spoke the angel retracted his giant wings and landed, his clothes quickly turned into everyday shirt and jeans that failed to cover his perfect physique.

"Then... I shall accept the burden," Conner said. "I will carry and care for this child you speak of... to the best of my ability." At that moment a light shone in his stomach, as the holy power made itself manifest in a womb growing in his belly.

As the light diminished, Conner who had been drained of energy also crumbled. Samuel surged forward to catch his falling form and gently picked him up. "Sleep now mortal... Conner. I would look after you in your slumber and fight off all threats in front."

Conner slept like a log for a long time. In that time, he discovered when he woke up, his body had changed. His chest was tingling, his hips seemed a little broader and where once his stomach had been a flat plane of muscle it was now a gentle curve, almost like a small dome on his torso. He pulled his shirt up nervously and saw for himself the beginnings of a pregnancy bump. (Could we go for a shortened gestation time just to get to the fun parts of this please?)

(Sure! How short are we talking about? Will he show those usual pregnancy symptoms? Will he also be breastfeeding?)

Samuel walked in at this moment with a full plate of breakfast in his hand, while the other held a cup or orange juice. His sudden appearance almost startled the young man in front and he quickly covered his belly back up with his shirt, face turning crimson. Samuel felt for the first time that the human looks very cute with the tinted cheeks. He tried for a mild attitude and said "morning.  I have taken the liberty to prepare some breakfast for you. The conception have taken up much of your energy and i presumed you would be hungry. Where would you like me to put this?" 

(I'm thinking, maybe 3-6 months? And some symptoms of pregnancy, for sure. Not sure which ones yet.)

Conner nodded, and sat up. He could tell, even without looking, that he was pregnant now. It was the divine energy in his body, the unmistakable feeling that he was sharing his body with someone else. "Just put the food down there," he said, pointing at the nearby table. "I appreciate it, by the way," he added.

"Dont worry about it. Please dont hesistate to tell me whatever you want.  I will be at your service at once, just as when i was serving our Lord." He managed a tiny smile.  He moved forward and said "i could see you may have noticed some changes in your body, I was told that this baby will arrive sooner than the normal gestation period of women. As a result you may experience more discomfort than normal. Please tell me immediately if you feel anything out of ordinary." He said sincerely looking directly into Conner's eyes.

Conner blushed at the sincerity in Samuel's voice and in his eyes. Subconsciously his hands moved to his belly, as if appraising whether it would start growing again. He swore the angel was having a calming effect on him. "Of course... thank you," he said again, then reached over to the food and started eating.

"May i call you Conner?" The angel stood up and asked, moved back a little in case the young man felt too invaded by his presence. 

"Yes, of course," Conner said as he was finishing his meal. It was the best feed he'd had in years. He washed it all down with the orange juice, then noticed Samuel was looking at his belly, possibly because he was curious. "You can pet the baby if you like, Samuel," he said. "I don't mind."

"Can I? Thank you for allowing that."  His clear blue eyes are full of genuine curiosity and gratefulness. It is the first time the angel get to touch a pregnant belly. For angels there is no such thing as getting pregnant. Samuel must admit he is quite curious. He tentatively reached out one hand and landed gently on the slight curve. 

"Can you feel any movement yet?"

As Conner was about to say no, he felt the faintest stirring in his belly. A shift, a flutter. He smiled and looked up at Samuel. "Well, I can now."

Only now did it truly strike Conner that he was pregnant. He had felt the holy power that had impregnated him before, but only now did he truly understand that it was a baby inside him. He placed his hands on his belly and cooed as he felt it flutter against their hands.

The feeling is truly amazing. Samuel had never felt something as amazing, even when he witnessed the numerous acts by his Father, it had never touched his heart like this. These emotions are also foreign to him, he had always considered such emotions to be "too mortal", yet he now sought to further explore these emotions, especially so with the human before him.

After a moment of silent adoration, he spoke softly not wanting to break the harmony "I have been told that as the child would be growing fast, you would experience itching and stretch of skin. An abundant application of lotion could relief some of the discomfort. There are other supplies that could be useful. Perhaps we should go for a shopping trip in the near future for those."

"Yes, I think that would be fitting," said Conner as he came down from his reverie. "We could go now, if you wish. I have nothing to tie me down for the time being." The angel wished to rub lotion on his belly, truly? He couldn't see why not. He would need a companion by his side for the weeks to come, and though this baby did not have a mortal father, he found the prospect of imagining that it was his and Samuel's child, created and carried out of love, utter delightful.

"Great. I am afraid you would need to guide me around this area. I do not possess enough knowledge to natvigate this land. I believe too that you rely on vehicles- cars to be exact to travel around? I think that would be a skill that i need to obtain."

He looked up to Conner's eyes and continued "and after the shoppping we could go to a nice diner for our first meal together."

"By all means," Conner smiled. "Let's go for a walk in a while. I'll show you around the town and in return you can get me some things to help with the pregnancy."

He blushed at the angel's proposal to go to dinner. "You're asking me to dinner? I... suppose so. You're quite the gentleman, Samuel."

"I do hope you would not be repulsed by the idea. Shall we?" He asked with a hand extended. "How far away is our destination. We could go for a fly so you could explain the geography to me more clearly. Of course that is if you are alright with it. I know the fear of heights is a common phobia."

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