Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

(Welcome back :)) 

"Sam.... now breath and out, try relax, the babies will be able to feel your emotions. Don't suppress the pain too much." Henry increased his strength massaging the belly, hoping the babies can feel it and calm down quickly.

"Y.....yeah ahh" He said, trying to breathe in and out slowly. It took a long time til he gets better. the babies still kick so strong but he can bear with it for now. "I....I don't know why this happen to me." He said, spreading his legs for a bit to give more space to his belly. He asked Henry to put the cushion under his belly while he's massaging it.
(Yup always have busy day lol. Can we just focus on this one for now? idk but sometimes I like to do only one rp haha)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes of course! Whatever feels better to you ;))

Henry grabbed the pillow they had on the bed, lifted the belly up a bit and stuffed it underneath. He felt Sam was relaxing into him and was a bit relieved. "I think the babies are now strong enough to fight within your womb, they have reached a decent size now. Last ultrasound they were already 7lbs each you remember?" Henry kissed on Sam's sweaty forehead. "We could maybe practice the Lamaze breathing. We did have the classes together. Short deep breathes and hiss them out. Should help to relieve the pain a bit." He continued rubbing on the belly.

"I know honey, Thank you. I can't imagine how I can do this without you" He said, touching Henry's face and kiss him softly. Henry is everything for Sam now. He is his husband, doctor, and his world. "So I can't imagine how big they are when I get the full term." He said, smiling. Henry can feel Sam's cock harden for a bit from his husband touching but Sam still wants to enjoy with it before they will do something more.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry wasn't too surprised Sam got the reaction. Prefnancy made people horny, especially for guys where they naturally adapt themselves for the birth, more anal stimulation was required to stretch the canal. He didn't move on it yet, letting Sam set the pace, but he startes massaging lower down to the sensitive underbelly and touched on the sensitive spot of Sam, including his breast.

"The bigger they are the healthier they are. And don't worry I will make sure you have a safe birth." Henrh kissed Sam.lovingly.

"I know honey, you always do everything for me. I believe you He said moaning softly as Henry started to touch his sensitive spot. The hormones make he can be motivated easily. "Someone what their wife to do something for him, huh?" He said, smiling to Henry. Henry is so handsome for Sam when he obvious shows what he want for his wife. Sam moves his legs for a bit, letting Henry can play more with his sensitive sopt.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Hmm and is the wife willing to do so?" Henry asked , letting Sam lean back even more, almost like lying on top of his chest. Henry reached down and found Sam's hardening cock. He started stroking it, the other hand touched on the brklybutton that was high up in the belly.

"How can his wife bear with his sexy husband, huh?" He said, moaning loudly as Henry stroke his cock faster. He can't even bear to lean so hard on his husband when the pleasure runs high. He grabs Henry's legs with his both hands to help in his pleasure. Henry's touches like the blessings from the angel.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry felt Sam tensing up on top of him and knew he was close. He didnt want Sam too exhausted so he slowed down the stroking. "Babe wait for me to come together ok? "

He slowly moved his hand to touch on the opening that was sensitive. He dipped some precum as lubricant and started stretching it for his cock to enter without hurting Sam.

Sam moaned louder as Henry started to stretch his opening. "ahhh, hurry honey. I know you don't wanna hurt me but I can't wait for long time." He said and moved his body for a bit to create a space for Henry to do anything easily. He can't even breathe as his husband stretch his ass more.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Hmm Sam you are always so tight for me. I love it." Henry eventually couldn't hold on anymore and struck in. The fat head slid through the opening with some difficulty as Sam was not stretched too well, but he continued to move on until he bottomed out. He rubbed right on the prostate and started swivelling his hip and nudged on it.

Sam moaned louder as the big cock went deeper. "Ahhhh you're my everything honey, I can't live without you," He said, breathing heavily. He leaned more to his husband and he hit his prostate over and over. He can't even control himself now. His ass still tight makes it is a little rough for Henry to move and Sam loves that feeling.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Ah Sam your tight ass is squeezing me so tight, making me feel so nice. I love you so much, i am going to fuck you so hard you can't sit up tomorrow." Henry was so lost in the sensation. "I am close now baby, are you? Are you ready to come together?"

"Ahhh I'm waiting for you, honey. Do what you want but please be gentle." He said, moaning. He grabbed the bed sheets tightly as Henry fucks him faster. His belly is touching with the bed every time his husband trusts in and out. He tries his best to hold his cum but It's almost his limit soon.
(Can we make it little faster? I can,t wait for the little ones walking around hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry thrusted deep and hard and with a yell from Sam and the squeezing of his canal he knew Sam had reached the limit. He, too, pumped a few times before shooting his load deep inside. They were both spent and exhausted after the session but but they still kissed passionately at each other.

Their honeymoon soon ended, they almost stayed in the hotel most of the time, with Sam's too exhausted from the frequent sex. Henry was a bit ashamed but he judt couldn't hold back his desire. It was time for their leave and Henry packed everything before kissing Sam awake. "My dearest wife, wake up now or we are going to miss our flight."

(Ya sure. Make them end then go straightly to the birth?)

Sam opened his eyes slowly as he heard Henry's sound. He was really exhausted in the last couple days because they had sex many times. "Can you help me there? I can't even get out from the bed" He murmured. His tiredness makes he can't o anything much with his husband in last day. Sam felt bad about it but he can't force himself because he doesn't want anything to affect their babies. Sam is trying to awake as Henry helps him to the bath and get dress.

(Yeah Is that okay? I really can't want for little ones hehe)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yes of course here lean on me. I know you back hurt and probably your bottom hurts too... sorry I shouldnt havr taken you again last night." Henry lowered his head in guilt, but he was soon consoled by his wife. They got ready as soon as possible and got back smoothly. After returning home Sam almost stayed in bed for the whole week to recover, but Henry took care of him with care.

The due date of Sam soon approached. Henry close the clinic earlier everyday to stay closeer to Sam. He opened the door with lots of food in hand, ready to make dinner. "Sam babe, I am back."

(Sorry forgot to address ur question. Yes of course yes, can go direvtly to the birth :))

Sam was sleeping on the couch as He heard Henry's sound. Henry didn't let him walk or move too much because of the size of their twins. Nothing special for today until the afternoon. Sam can feel the first pain after his launch. He doesn't sure is that contraction or now but it make he doesn't feel good and he has slept all afternoon till Henry coma back. "Hi, Honey." He said tiredly from his pain. It doesn't hurt too much for now but enough to make Henry notices it when his wife is moaning in pain

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Honey are you alright? Is it a contraction?" Henry got next to Sam immeidately. He touched on the belly and found it hard, obviously contracting. He took out his phone to start recording. "I will start timing it. Now breath in and out, try to stay relaxed. "

The contraction soon past and Henry knew it when Sam released a long breath. "Sam, how long have you been feeling these contractions?"

"After my launch, honey. I didn't want to call you because I'm still bear with it." He said, trying to breathe. The contractions are still not very close but sometimes it's so strong. He leans more to the couch as the next contraction hits him. He rubs his belly and notices that it's harder than the last hours. "Can I get warm towels, please?" He asks his husband because the warm towels always make him feel better when he had Braxton hex in last couple weeks.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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