C Fallen w/ bhdire8

Scott felt triumphant as he felt the fledgling crowning, moving his hands to touch the small head. After a few more pushes, the child's head was free, the body following soon after. Scott felt a surge of power flow through him now that his energy didn't have to focus on the fledgling, wounds healing themselves as he wrapped his wings around himself and the wailing infant, allowing the child to feel their parent's wings for the first time.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Once the child was out Lance was completely obscured with the huge wings, knowing this would be the moment for their bonding to build, he got up from the nest and left the room quietly.

Scott huddled the child close, grinning at the wailing infant. He laid down, mustering power to clean and dress them both, the infant quickly calming. Scott finally got a good look at the infant, with dark hair and wing from his love, but bright blue eyes like his own.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Lance had been around, smiling when he heard the crying of the new life. He looked silently from the door, admiring the beautiful picture of father and son. It warmed his heart to see the love between.

Scott's wings were now fully healed and beautiful, much better looking now that he didn't have to put everything to the child. He curled around the infant as he settled in the nest, wings protecting them both. He saw Lance looking in from the doorway, peering at him sleepily. "You can come look at him if you want."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Lance approached eagerly. He looked at the tiny form cradled by the beautiful angel, admiration and adoration clear on his face. "He look so perfect... so beautiful. Well you also look so beautiful now, even better than before which I didnt know was even possible."

"My power is much stronger now that my fledgling is able to take care of himself," Scott explained, looking at the teeny boy with pure love in his eyes, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Wow... you really are quite poweful. I guess I should be grateful I didnt offend you before, otherwise I would be in real troubel now." Lance smiled. He look at the 2 angels and wondered if they would be leaving soon. They were quite able to take care of themselves now.

Scott laughed softly at that, nuzzling his son's raven hair. He had no idea where he would go, knowing he coulnd't go back to Heaven with his fledgling, and wondered if he could stay in the cabin while Lance was in the city.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Just feel at home here, I will go out to find some firewood while the snow had died down a bit." Lance said after a bit feeling a bit awkward and out of place in the room.

"Be careful," Scott called softly, allowing himself to fall asleep with his son, attempting to think of names.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Lance got back in awhile and didnt bother going up the room. He settled himself down and got the fire going. Ir wssnt after his dinner that he went up to check on his 2 visitors.

Scott was now half-asleep, the fledgling resting comfortably against his chest, tiny fists weakly gripping his shirt. "What do you think of the name Riley for him?" he asked softly, feeling the human's presence in the doorway.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Riley, thats a great name." Lance answered softly too, not wanting to disturb the little guy. He got closer to look at teh child, moving a gentle finger along the tiny wings.

Scott nodded, settling on that name for his son. The wings were mostly covered in soft, dark down feathers instead of large contour feathers like Scott's, which were used for flight.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"His wings are so cute and soft. I am guessimg he wouldn't be able to fly until a whole.lot while later?" Lance asked with fascination.

"Not until he's about two years old," Scott answered, running a gentle finger over the small wings, causing the infant to yawn and flap then slightly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"He is reaally a cherub. Incredibly lovely." Lamce smiled adoringly at the fledgling.

"He is for right now, yes," Scott smiled, sitting himself up slightly, still holding Riley to his chest. "You are perfection, Riley," he cooed quietly, nuzzling the soft hair.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"You both are. Now do you need to sleep? I will take my leave here so you can rest.... or not?"

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