Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

(yea sure that could be good. I personally think Sam would not be able to stay angry at Henry for too long, he was just not that kind of person =P)

Henry was pretending to sleep only. He couldn't really relax enough on the small couch, and that his wife accusing him of something so serious was hurting him deep. He had thought their relationship was strong and thriving, especially with the kids almost coming. Sam could have asked him about it if he suspected anything. His wife, however, had chosen to believe he had cheated on him, not even giving him a chance to explain himself.

He had felt Sam coming to look at him, he had almost relented and sat up when he saw how Sam waddle so difficultly just to look at him, but he was still too angry to do so. He sat up after seeing Sam went back to their bedroom, sighing to himself.

Sam had sat on the bed to get the comfortable position after looking at his husband. He can realize how mad he is. He should ask his husband first. "Henry. How can this happen to us? because of me" He whimpered softly. Sometimes Sam was angry himself that he believed the situation that he just saw for minutes more than his husband that he lives for five years. It's another night that he can't almost sleep. He can feel his body is too tired but how can he close his eye, especially when his husband is sleeping outside.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

They had both spent a sleepless night and was both a bit relieved when morning came. Standing up to stretch a little, Henry found he must get into their bedroom for his toothbrush and all. He hesitantly tried opening the door, half surprised to find it unlocked and entered quietly, expecting to see Sam still sleeping.

Sam flinched a little bit as he heard someone was opening the door. He knew that's his husband. He then pretended to sleep in the sitting position as Henry walked inside, but that's too late. Henry can realize that his wife has sleepless night too. Sam didn't say anything, just watching his husband go further in the bathroom. After Henry gets out, Sam says. "Don't forget to bring the kids home and I can't cook for you today"

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Why can't you cook?" Henry asked and bit back the follow up question that would ask if his wife was not feeling well. He knew his wife would be exhausted anyway with a sleepless night, he just coudlnt' help with caring Sam. However he was still quite mad and he didn't want to relent so easily, so he just quickly added. "It's fine. We can order take away, the kids would be thrilled with pizza. At least in front of the kids, can we act like we are fine?" Henry finally met his wife's eyes and found them to be red-rimmed. His heart ached at this and he could only quickly turn away.

"I can't cook because I just need to rest for a bit. You know how much I want it although I had slept well all night." He said, trying to pretend that he had very good sleep although he knows Henry can quickly notice his tiredness. He then lay down slowly, moaning in pain for a bit when he moves into the wrong position. "Yeah, Kids are the most important now. I can't let them know this" He said and pretend to show that he is still angry. This is real bad situation for Sam, especially with his body. "I just want to take a nap now."

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

The pained moan of Sam had almost got Henry to move forward and help his wife, but the next sentence from him about "Can't let them know this" stopped him midair. His wife still believed that he was a cheater and was implying that he couldn't let the kids know how ugly their father was. He felt himself paled at this and turned away, "rest all you want." he said that and turned to leave. If he stayed any longer he knew he would explode.

The day of work was agonizingly slow. Will had attempted to ask him out for lunch but he politely rejected. He had picked up his phone several times, almost sending out a message to ask about Sam. However, everytime he was about to press send, what Sam said that morning could be heard again, and he would toss the phone away in his annoyance. The day eventually past and he went to collect the kids, trying hard to give them the usual smiley face and hope they wouldn't notice his tired look.

Sam woke up in the afternoon after sleeping for a little time. He felt so bad today, especially with his belly that has the small cramps, but didn't care about it much. That's not too strange with his big belly and twins. He was still sad with Henry's reaction in the morning. Sam just said that he can't their kid know how their parents quarrel so hard and Henry has changed after he heard it. He spent much time in preparing himself for the kids. Sam can let them see his tired look. they are too young to know everything. he gets to the kitchen to prepare the snacks for their kids. The pain is getting worse and Sam rubs his belly for many times to relieve it

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Thankfully the kids had been still too excited in their tirp that they were too busy telling him things to notice anything wrong. Henry hoped this would continue after they got back home, where Henry and Sam's tension must show somehow. Kids were very sensitive to this and Henry reminded himself of the need to be an excellent actor in front of his children.

As they got back, the kids rushed forward to their mommy and started talking so fast it was impossible to really understand what they are talking about. Henry had silently got away to get changed in his room. He had been quite tired himself, but he splashed his face with cold water, determined to put up a show for his children.

Sam took very long time to prepare the snacks for his kids. His pain is getting worse, but he didn't know hiw to tell that to his husband. He rubbed the kids' heard as they was talkng a lot about their trip. "Um, Mommy know you both are really excited, but why don't you go to wait mommy in the living room? Mommy will bring you snacks after then." He said, trying to make the normal sound and trying to hide his moaning in pain.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry walked down after changing and was surprised to find the kids alone in the living room. Usually Sam would allow the kids to prepare snacks with him if it's not ready, rarely would he just let the children play on their own outside. He furrowed his brows and asked. "Hey sweeties, where's mommy? He asked you two to come out play on your own?"

"He looks not so good, today,holding" Jayden holding Henry's leg tightly. Although Sam tried to hide everything from his kids, Jayden still noticed it. Sam was walking out of the kitchen as he was Henry was playing with their kids. He looked a little pale now, but not too much to scare his kids. "Snacks ready for you all!" He said, trying to make everything normal.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry listened to Jayden and nodded. "Papa will make sure mommy is alright." He said that but wasnt too sure of how to do that when they werent talking to each other. He let Sam put the tray of food on the table and found his steps to be a bit slower than usual. After he put down the tray he seemed to be holding onto the table to balance himself. Henry observed it all but didnt say anything, just lifted the kids up to sit and smilingly looked at them eating. He then got close to Sam and asked in a low voice. "Are you straining yourself again?"

", I'm just too tired and still need some rest" He said, leaning his back against the couch. He didn't notice that his symptoms were so bad. He rubbed his belly for many times to relieve the pain and it was still work that made he not worry about it too much. He didn't say anything more with his husband. Sam doesn't know hot to start it with this situation. He just gives hot kids a wide smile as they look at their parents who are different from usual.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry noticed the kids started looking at them strangely, he immediately started the flying game with them, lifting them up both high up in the air and got them laughing happily, forgetting about all others. Since sam's belly got big, he would usually just stand aside and smiled at the kids when they laughed, and today was the same. Afterwards Henry played their favourite cartoon to occupy their attention while ordering pizza for everyone. He glanced at Sam who had been rubbing his belly even more frequently than usual, particularly the underbelly and there were times when he saw Sam bent over a little holding the side. He started getting worried that maybe Sam was hurting. He got close to Sam and asked again "just tell me honestly are you ok?" . His voice was harsh but his meaning was good.

Sam didn't know how to tell this to his husband. The pain is getting worse with every moment that he moves. Henry can hear Sam lets a low moan in pain while rubbing his underneath. "I...i't okay. I just wanna rest and I think I'll go to the bedroom after our dinner" He said, holding his side to ease the pain. "Just play with the kids. We can't let them know about our quarrel. They are still too young for this" He looks at his husband as he says that. His face is a little sweaty for now, it's not a normal sight for him, but he has never noticed it.

(How about Henry found that Sam was bleeding when he back from sending their kids to the bed? I think it's too easy to do anything)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(What do you mean too easy to do anything? Ya we can make Henry found out, maybe he heard Sam cried out in the bathroom and rushed in to see?)

"Are you truly alright? If you are feeling unwell you can tell me. Even though we are in a fight doesnt meant that I no longer care about you, especially when I am a doctor. Is it your belly hurting?" He tried to get close to Sam and almost got a belly when Sam flinched away. Henry was reminded of how Sam didnt trust him and got angry again. "Fine. You dont even trust me as a doctor now? Great. Do whatever you want." He then walked away and immersed himself with the kids. They got their pizzas here and Henry gave his full attention to the kids, making them laugh so hard and excited.

Sam was so confused with everything that happened now. Why he still flinched when henry wanna touch him. He didn't eat much during their dinner. He just didn't want his kids to notice his sadness. After the dinner. Sam gave the kisses for both kids that told them that mommy was so tired and wanted some rest. The kids seemed to worry when they heard that but Sam sooth them with more kisses before waddled slowly to the bedroom. The pain is really bad now. He can't even move when he got to the bed. his hold body is sweaty. He rubs his belly to east the pain and tried to sleep and finally he did it.

(Idk maybe sweet scene after they back from the clinic. You can do what you want hehe. I'll make Sam wakes up with the worst pain and some blood on the bed that makes he realize about everything)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Oh of course there will be sweet scene after they cone back. Thats like what Henry was made for ;))

Henry got the kids to bed, patiently explaining to them that mommy was tored because their brothers were growing up too fast and occupied a lot of their mommy's energy. He reassured them that mommy's alright and no, he will not again leave home and stay in the hospital for so long like last time. He was thankful that because of the exciting trip the previous day and rhe playing, on top of a full stomach of pizza, the kids were quite tired and fell asleep quitr fast.

He returned to their room and found it all dark, Sam already sleeping on his side, back facing Henry again. He sighed and got into bed, too exhausted himself after the long day.

Sam woke with one of the worst pain in his life. That was real bad for him. He clutched his belly tightly as the cramps getting worse more and more. Then he can feel something wet between his legs. He then moved his hand slowly to touched. Sam let a loud moan as he had touched his thigh, and he was shocked again as he saw the red thing on his hand. "No no no no, please god no." He said and started to cry out with the pain and fear. He body was curled at the pain getting worse then he grabbed Henry's arms who was sleeping very deep from his tiredness. "H....Hey! please" He said, breathing heavily. he clutches his belly with another hand when the pain his him again.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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