O Experiments of Life (Open to all)

(Haha Yea they are lol)
Skyler laughed sadistically, enjoying every moment of this.

"Why should I? I should do this more often. It's extremely entertaining." He said, blowing into his ear, while he dug his fingers into the delicate bump. He shoved another spoonful of food into his mouth, before he could say something back. After feeding him the meal, he watched him stuggled against his angry babies, not doing anything.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


The expression on his face says everything. He kicks his legs , restraints holding his legs down. cypher groans feeling the babies thrash around from inside his large stomach. The pressure from Skyler's hand makes his water tear. "Argh! ARE you in- insane!! ...Ugh! *panting and arches his back* His back cramps up.

Refusing to eat another bite he shakes his head back and forth but sadly can't dodge Skyler's steady hand. "mm." Chewing his food ,the babies seem like their panicking. Cypher's body was under so much stress . his face was red with wisps of hair stuck to his forehead."Ahh!..*gasping* make it stop..!"

"Haha maybe I am."
Skyler was drawing patterns with his finger on Cypher's contracting stomach, happily humming a melody.

"I don't believe I can stop it now. What happened to that attitude of escaping hmm?" He chuckled, sitting on the floor, watching it all happen, not even loosening up the restraints.

"This is so much funn!" He said in a very happy mood, grinning widely.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"Its st-still here...Ugh..!! trust me..." He says grunting , His stomach stops contracting , Cyphers mind went blank in disbelief. His body in the prosses of rejecting the pregnancy making him contract rapidly* "@&%$!!! You can do this..shhh..hmm..." .closing his eyes .

"smirks, H-h-hey... wanna make a deal....if you can handle it? haha " The boy refused to allow this situation to deter or kill his free spirited nature, smiling through the pain . looking at Skyler .

"Heeeh. Then I would like to see you attempt or try." He said squinting his eyes, playfully poking his stomach.

"It's lunch time, so I'll leave you be and eat something." He said planning to watch through the security cameras. He got out of the cell, waving smugly before walking away with a grin on his face.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"looking forward to proving you wrong. " He lays there feeling his stomach contract again, arching his back ,feeling his body tense up . "Whispers , ..focus...Mmm..." He takes a big breath ,toes curling from the intense pain.

Skyler headed to his office, grabbing some food for himself and sat on the chair by his desk, looking at his computer screen. The screen was showing live footage of the cameras hidden in Chypher's cell.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Caspar sighed, he was stuck, there was nothing he could do. He sat back down against the far wall defeated he could hear the faint cry's of someone else bellow him. He hoped they were alright but in this place Caspar also knew they likely were not.

Cyphers eyes filled with tears from the gut wrenching pain. He knows he'll get his way ...despite his situations of he can push his way through life. Then he can push his soon to be children into this world. Cypher closed his eyes focusing on something positive *contractions closer together*"Tch!...mmm...haa..haaa.mm."

He yelled from the top of his lungs bearing down. His body forcing the labor to increase ,making him close to 8 cm."ii...wont ggive uuup!! " He grunted , the contractions died down. giving him a breather ."ugh..-inhauls deeply - nmm.."

After a half hour of watching, Skyler finished his food, realizing something important. "Ah. I forgot to remove his restraints. I don't he'll be able to push his children out now." He said to no one in particular, relaxing his chair. What he said was true. Cypher was restrained to the chair, unable to spread his legs. He wouldn't be able to push his babies out.

"I'll do it, after I finish writing my report." He yawned boredly. "I want to enjoy this live reality show."
(Sorry for the late reply!)

Charlie looked at the kind-hearted scientist, with a look of fear and worry. The fear of losing Naoto, and worried for his sudden change.
"I-It's Nao-"

Richmond knew what he was going say, acting quick he lifted Charlie up, so he wouldn't have to run as he sprinted to Naoto's cell, cutting Charlie's words off. He ran past Caspar's and Cypher's cell, straight to where his patient Naoto was, while Charlie just let him carry him despite Richmond's condition. He just wanted to save Naoto for now.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


He laid there panting, sweat drenching his clothes after contractions flooded his body , one hit after the other. He Felt as if hell itself decided to take over his body ,get him pregnant, then leave him for dead without giving a decent explanation. Cypher was on the brink of loosing his mine

Time became Cys biggest enemy at this point his mouth was dry ,his back was killing him at this point. He prayed for something, someone to save him from this death pit. Dropping his gaze,Looking at the mountain attached to his body, seeing the babies protest 'we are here' seeing each hand,foot, every child had it's unique way of letting him know ..we're okay daddy...-Tears start to fall once more- ."I'm sorry guys... I guess I can't win this one."..He admits .
(No biggie ! I know you're busy(。・ω・。). plus its a great way to exercise Patience)

An hour passed, Skyler finally finished his report. He yawned dramatically, stretching himself a bit, before standing up from his seat.

"Time to deliver them." He hummed, already skipping through the hallways, heading towards Cypher's torture room (lol). Hearing the tired panting, he looked straight ahead as he began to grin widely. Arriving at the cell, looking at his exhausted subject, giving the usual closed eyed smile.

"Hello there! Long time no see. I see you haven't escaped yet. How borrring." He said, crossing his arms, faking a pout, inwardly laughing in victory, noticing the look on his face that said 'I lost.' in big big letters.

(Still i'm so sorry ;; )

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(Its okay! XD all is forgiven (。・ω・。)

He looked away . Breaking eye contact with the devil himself , He felt another contraction warp around his stomach ."look... just get me out of these restraints and keep your smart comments to yourself ..."
(I feel like I should be sorry for my auto corrects/mistakes lol. also do you have kik?)

(Lol It's alright! ^^ Take your time typing your post.)
"Heeh. You still have the energy to talk back. Who said I was going to release you from your restraints." He said smiling, tilting his head to the side.

"If you still can talk with that sharp tongue of yours. Then beg for me." He demanded, grinning as another contraction starts.
"Then maaaybe. Only maybe, I might loosen up those tight tight restraints of yours. Great deal right?" He said, smirking down at the subjects who was clearly, tired and in pain. Skyler walked up to the poor guy, grabbing his chin harshly, making Cypher look at him.

"If you're talking to someone. Look at them in the face. It's polite, my little subject." He said before releasing his hand, narrowing his eyes down at him grinning.
(And yes I do have kik)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Looking towards the wall, his face twitching in pain. Cypher listened to Skyler's every word, He disagreed with the older males arguably opinion, shacking his head and sighed. He felt the mans cold hand grip his chin.*Looks tense and tight lipped *..."There's no way in hell... that I will ever stoop so low..."He mumbled .

Cypher bite the finger closets to his lip, Not letting go. "Grr.." He cackles watching the older males reaction.

(That's good! :>)
Skyler winced, pulling his hand away, taking a few steps back. He looked at his hand, now bleeding in shock. After a moment of silence, Skyler stopped smiling and removed the happy mask, glaring down at the laboring boy coldly.

"Ahh, Now you have done it. I had fun, playing this role." He said, no emotion showing, his voice sending chills down Cypher's spine. He sat on the ground, leaning against the iron bars, having full view of Cypher, staring down at him.

"Since you ruined my fun. I won't move an inch till I'm satisfied with your weak beggings for help."

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(Thank you 〜^∇^)〜

Cypher took a moment to look over the older males face , feeling a bone chilling fear settle in his throat, he gulps . Mentally cussing Skyler out. " your gonna lose your job if these babies die... "

The room fell quiet , not a sound was made . Cypher prepared himself for the next contraction gripping onto the restraints ,holding his breathe. He tried keeping his whimpering to a minimum."...m..." He let a few groans slip from his mouth but honestly cyphers completion was sickly pal now. his water broke not to long ago ." Hey... guess what" He said, with a hushed tone in his voice .

(Hi sorry I passed out along the way. It's still very very early in the morning lol.)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(Yeah I installed it not too long ago because someone told me to ;p I don't mind. You seem like a really nice roleplayer)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


( Shall we continue? )

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08-09-2019, 04:48 PM

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