Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite)

Jasmine looked up at her father slightly then into the kitchen with a small shrug of her shoulders,"It's messy and gross."She scrunched up her nose slightly,"I'm happy for papa though... He's always happy about us."She trailed off then looked up at him again,"I think brother likes helping though. He likes it more than I do."She looked to her feet and then back into the kitchen,"Are we going to clean up now?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

He places his hand on her head for a minute or two before picking her up and setting her on his shoulder. "Want some chocolate?" Tobias had taken to hiding the candy away from the pups so that they wouldn't be too energetic or make themselves sick.

She grinned and nodded,"Yes, please."She said excitedly, distracted now from what had happened earlier, though she thought about it,"Papa would say it's too late."She mentioned and held onto James as she was carried,"We'll get in trouble."

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He shrugs lightly before he carries her into the kitchen and sits her down on the table. "Close your eyes." He waits until she closes her eyes before he goes to get the candy jar, bringing it over to her so she could choose which piece she wanted.

She grinned and took a piece, chocolate covered peanut butter wafer, unwrapping it and taking a bite happily,"Thanks Daddy."She said, then leant into him to hug him before hopping off of the counter,"Can I bring one to Brother too?"She asked, though wasn't really worried about it as she bounced in one place for a moment.

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"I think we'll keep it between us, he seemed occupied at the moment." James goes to put the jar up before they both head back upstairs. "Head on to bed, it's pretty late, I'll send him in a few minutes."

"Okay."She smiled brightly, standing up on her tiptoes and kissing his cheek,"G'night daddy."She then hopped off to their room, as her brother was fast asleep beside their birth father and the families newest additions.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James carries little James to bed before going to lay down himself. Over the course of the next 10 years or so things were, rocky, to say the least. All of the kids where in school, or preschool, Tobias was left home most times by himself as James' job sent him away more often than not. They both done their best to refrain from any intercourse when they were together, James wanting to give Tobias a break, and allow his body to heal, no matter how much the wolf wanted to see the human big and round with his pups again. He would keep him pregnant constantly if he could, but he also knew that Tobias was only human, and getting rather up in age, though he tried not to think about that too much. Though there were also times when he couldn't help himself.

Today was one of those days, the air was cool and held only the slightest chance of rain, as James Jr. walked himself home with his hands in his pockets. They all knew that papa was getting older, more...forgetful even with so many children in his hands the oldest one's never took offence if they were forgotten about. It had become a normal thing, plus he liked to think when he was alone, in a house full of basically innumerable other kids it was nice to be in a silent place for once. When it wasn't the dead of night with his snoring older sister beside him.
The human had kept his beared shaven down to a slight stubble and goatee though let his hair grow out in long silver strands, he had almost thought James would grow tired of him. He wasn't like he used to be, though...who was? Tobias sat with a few of the youngest at the kitchen table, he watched tv, some hunting shows at first before he grew bored and turned it to a game show instead. He felt the downwards spiral if middle age tugging him down each day, despite how much he wished to ignore it.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tobias hadn't noticed when James entered the cabin, moving to lean down and nuzzle the humans cheek before lightly nipping at his ear. Part of him had thought about changing Tobias, but then it was too late for that now. They had never talked about it, James wanting to let the human, stay human. He nips along Tobias' ear for a minute or two. "Where's our oldest?"

"Mm... Evenin to you too."He murmured, turning to kiss James on the lips then continue helping the youngest with their homework. The threat of hunters seemed to have diminished, they didn't think about it much, they only saught to keep the kids aware and safe as they could. Along with James if he could, especially when the man stormed off sometimes and shifted right outside the house, he was still fearful of people watching them. Though they had given them no reason to hurt them. Tobias looked up slightly, his brows furrowed,"Ah, shit."He said quickly, the kids looked up slightly and he leant down to kiss the three ten year olds heads,"Sorry."He then grabbed the landline to call up little James, who wasn't so little any more, though he didn't answer and he left a message then hung up. Doing the same with most of the other teenagers, though everyone else knew to pick up when he called, no matter what they were doing. "Everyone's either at their friends house or upstairs... James didn't answer."He put the phone on the reciver again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James nods slowly before putting a hand on Tobias' shoulder. "He doesn't call back in 10 minutes, I'll go look for him." He leaves Tobias then to finish helping the kids with their homework, not wanting to keep the youngest three distracted.

Tobias agreed as he watched James leave the kitchen, then went back to helping the children, taking a seat and leaning his head on his hand while waiting for the call back.
James jr. had taken a short cut through the wood, passing by the old desolate industrial building that was there, overgrown and dark. He wondered if the man was inside, he knew that if you went all the way to the roof you got a good view of the house. They had a small deal together, something he thought was honorable, sex in trade for his family's safety. The only thing wrong with that was the fact that he might have his fathers genes, bringing a baby into things would just complicate things even more. It was already hard to find time for the affair between school and making sure his parents didn't worry about him.

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When the 10 minutes had passed James let Tobias know he was leaving, going out to look for their son. James Jr. was currently standing outside the building, trying to figure out wether or not to go in. He hadn't been given the signal yet, but he also found himself slowly going toward the door before slipping inside. It didn't take long for the man to find him either.

It didn't take long for them to start, it didn't surprise him when the human came up behind him and lifted him onto one of the dusty work tables. Pressing him down and almost ripping off his pants,"Where have you been?"The man asked gruffly, he was in his late thirties and looked just as rough as he felt as he pressed him down against the table. "Busy."James jr replied in a huff with a small grimace as he didn't prepare him for the entry before he was shoving inside of him. The seventeen year old grit his teeth, gripping onto the table edge while the man jostled him with each thrust, gripping him by the hair and shirt.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Surprisingly James doesn't find him, the teen quietly making his way into the house later that night after everyone was asleep. He went to shower and try to clean himself of the other man's scent before heading to bed. He wasn't hungry. Their meetings continued for the next week, the man seeming rougher with each time.

It took weeks for James jr to actually start to become sick, it was strange to him when he tried keeping up with his daily intake and just ended up puking it back up at school. Their birth father always made more than enough to go around to keep any arguments from starting between the kids over bacon. James jr usually took a liking to using his maturity to his advantage, though he seemed even more quiet and closed off than usual despite trying to keep up his daily routine.
The only human of the brood, Tobias, caught James by the arm one day after the children were off to school,"Could you...pick up James after school? I know you'll have to take off work early, but... I just think you should talk to him."He told him carefully with a hand moving to his neck as he leant in to kiss his jaw and cheek.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James kisses Tobias back before nodding. "Yeah, I'll pick him up." James kisses Tobias once more before heading to work. When it came time for the kids to get out of school James was waiting out back to James Jr. He knew that his son normally came out of the back instead of the front of the school like everyone else.

"Thank you."Tobias said gratefully, handing his partner his lunch and returned the kiss before being left alone in the big empty house with his chores.
The teen stepped out of the backdoor with a hand on his book bag strap and the other shoved into his pocket as he looked down to the sidewalk. Only looking up when he caught wind of his fathers scent, the boy stopped for a moment and shifted nervously. He then headed closer, tossing his bag in the back and going around to climb into the drivers seat silently.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James wasn't in the truck, he appeared a few minutes later to knock lightly on the diver side window. "Walk with me." It wasn't a request and though the teen didn't think he was in trouble, he couldn't help but get nervous.

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