Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

Henry smiled as he got down lower the belly. "I can feel the back of one of the babies here. Now he is heading downwards, the head is down here." Henry got his hand down and pushed in a bit, "well almost right at the position that your penis is pointing at." He smiled and looked at Sam's face that was almost burning. He continued to say "the other baby is at the side. Can you feel the kicking to be more on the left or right side? After feeling for the other baby, I will check how low your womb is. Which means I may touched further down your belly. Can you please hold back your... erection a bit more?" Henry teased his wife knowing how hard he was trying to control his desire already.

"Y.......Yeah I can feel the babies on the left side" Sam said, blushing darker as Henry told him to hold his cock more. Sam can't even bear with his hormones now. He just wanna hug and kiss his husband, but he wants to do this for his husband. He moved his hand down and held his hard cock again. It's too hard for Sam now. "P....please hurry. I can't hold it for a long time" he said, tilting his head back with the pleasure. Sam was not sure how low he can handle with this feeling. He grips the bed sheet tightly as he tries to not moan and scream too loud.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry smiled as wanted to praise his wife for doing this so good for him, he reminded himself to do that afterwards. For now, he put his hands on his left side to feel the baby. He pushed in and felt a little hand or leg kicking. Smiling he moved up this time and frowed a little when he felt a spherical hardness that was quite likely the head that was at the upper belly. He hesitated a bit before deciding he should tell Sam this. "Seems like thr other baby hasnt turned yet, but it is alright, it is still a bit of time before your due date. It is still likely that the baby will turn later." He then got both hands on the underbelly, beside Sam's cock, and pushed down to feel how large the womb had expanded to. The base of it was still not very low, indicating it was still safe to be doing something more intimate with Sam. He smirked and looked up at Sam, thinkkng it should be almost time to end their roleplay. He had a hard time holding back himself too now.

Sam's eyes widen when he heard that one of his babies hasn't turned yet. Henry can how Sam was worried about it, thought the doctor said that he still have time. "B....uf what should I do if the baby doesn't turn down?" He said as he released his cock and rubbed his belly with both hands. Henry can see that Sam want some encouragement now and they should stop roleplay soon. He gave Henry a small smiled as he realized that he should not put lots of stress on himself, especially when they both are in the vocation. "S...orry doctor. But Is everything done?" He said, moaning for a bit when Henry touched his sensitive spot.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yes I believe I have finished and got everything I need. Including some advice to your husband that for now, you two are still safe to do sexual intercourse for now. Now I can see your husband has come to meet you." Henry smiled as he got up fron his wifr's legs and leant forward to kiss Sam. "Hello my dearest wife. I am here to pick you up from the checkup." He caressed his face and fit himself between Sam's widespread legs. "Now Sam, I know you are getting worried, but there is still time. Now I can also teach you some postures that will encourage the baby to turn, but we can wait a bit for when we go back. We come here to relax, not worry." He smiled and consoled his wife, knowing how he loved to think too much.

Sam wrapped his arms around Henry and hugged him closer. No one can encourage him but his husband. "I'm glad that you're here, Honey. You know how I'm always worried about out babies. Just you can make me feel better and you can teach me when we get home" He closed his eyes and hugged his husband tightly again. Sam didn't say anything for awhile, letting Henry knows how much his wife love him. The Sam gave Henry a warm smile. "For now what will we do huh? Want me to cook something for you? I see the beautiful kitchen on the first floor or we can do anything you want." He said as They were still hugging each other.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry enjoyed the little moment with his wife. "I love you so much, I want to do everything possible to make you happy. I love you that's why I want to know everything about you so that I can know your needs even before you do." Henry smilrd. He love to pamper and indulge his wife. He hugged him back, smiling when he heard the offer. "Ok let's see if we can snack on something, let you get used to the kitchen. Just dont forget we have a dinner rrservation later so dont cook too much. We still have breakfast and lunch tomorrow for you to cook, my lovely chef." He smiled and helped Sam get up, getting him dressed again.

"Oh, I forget about it. How can we just spend the time in the pool? I know you love it and I know you have brought some of my suits, right?" He smirked. Sam know that Henry would like to see him in the sexy clothes that may be one of the reasons that he chooses to come here, and Sam is willing to pleasure his husband. he blinked to Henry while they were taking the clothes on. He just asked Henry to help him wear the loose shirt and pants that will make it easy to change to swimming suits Then they walked downstairs to the first floor. he smiled as he sees how henry is excited with it. He just waits at the couch on the first floor when Henry goes to bring him a suit.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Alright, that works too. Just wait here ok?" The walk downstairs was much less a struggle than the upwards one. They had managed quite well besides Sam having difficulty seeing rhe stairs with his huge belly, making him clutch on Henry even tighter because of the fear. Henry settled Sam on the couch and went to open their luggage. He took out a swimsuit that was black in color, almost transparent but with the belly part empty so that it wouldnt squeeze on the babies. It also hightlighted how big the belly was. The bottom part, however, was also empty at the crotch area so that Sam's genitals will be all exposed. If this wasnt a private swimming pool Henry would never buy this, but since they were all by themselves, he thought maybe they can be advanturous.

He returned to the living room and showed it to Sam, "do you like it?" He smiled evily at Sam.

Sa,m's face blushed red as he saw the swimsuit. Although he knew that his husband always like something, He has never thought about this suits before. "W.......what is this? I....I mean I that call swimsuit?" He said, looking at his husband who looked very with his wife's reaction. He took a little long time to consider about the suit. Sam sighed and kissed Henry gently. "Alright, If you want it, there is no reason for me to wear it. but can you help me? You know I can do this alone."

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Dont worry I will of course help you put this on." Henry smiled and kissed Sam. It was a triumphant smile. He had been worried Sam may not want this vulgar swimsuit, he knew his wife was a bit shy, but he was happy he was willing to try just tovmake Hnery happy.

He removed the loose pants and got Sam's legs into the suit first. He moved it up and got to his bottom, he let Sam lean forward into him and helped him raise his butt a bit so the swimsuit could go through, then came the hard part where the belly had to go through the hole. "Hmm you will have to help me here. Can you squeeze through it yourself? I dont want to hurt you by pressing too hard."

It took a little long time for Sam to wear this suits with his big belly in the middle. He needed to lift his belly for a bit then squeezed his crotch to get in the right position. As They finished it, Sam leaned to Henry and sighed softly. "My big body is more trouble than I thought." He blushed as he saw how Henry smirked widely with his wife in this sexy suits. "WS......should we go now?" He said, trying to not look at his husband. Sam held Henry's arms tightly as He helped him to the pools. It's a little long way and makes him pant for a bit.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry smiled at how his wife was so shy. He nuzzled close to him as they walked. "I love you so much for your beautiful blush you know?" He supported Sam's waist as they walked, one hand supporting th3 belly as usual. He heard the panting of Sam, so he held him tighter and almost half lifted him to save him energy. They finally got to the pool and the water was just the right temperature to help cool down Sam who had begun to sweat a little from the walking.

Henry settled Sam down on the bench before taking off his own clothes. He had his speedo under his clothes and he smirked when he saw how Sam couldnt move his eyes away from his muscular body. With Henry holding him tight, Sam stepped down the pool carefully. The swimsuit had him exposed, but Henry had chosen this more for the view to enjoy instead of really wanting to do something naughty in the pool. As a doctor he knew how risky it would be if they do it underwater. "Is the water feeling good? Cooled off your body?" Henry asked Sam in his arms.

Sam can't even stop looking at his husband as he took off the clothes, showing his perfect body. He held Henry's arms to support and get his balance in the water. He wanna walk around for now and may ask Henry to support his back later. "Yeah this is so good, honey. I can feel that it stretches my muscle and releases the stress from my belly. I also feel that the babies are excited too" He smiled, rubbing his belly that almost look bigger in the water. Henry can see the movement of the babies in Sam's belly now. I may hurt him if he doesn't in the water but for now, that pleasures Sam so much. "Do you wanna feel them?" Sam asks and gives Henry a warm smile.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Of course! I cannot resist any chance to feel the babies, can I?" Henry smiled as he got closer to put his hand on Sam's exposed belly. He was happy to see Sam relieved of the weight and pain in the water. He touched on it and smiled with Sam "our children are indeed very active. They must love thw water too to be so excited." He then released Sam to let him waddle on his own, knowing even if he tripped he probably will not be hurt, as the water will be supporting him. He swam beside Sam and sometimws said hi when they crossed path, both getting some relaxed time.

Sam smiled to Henry when he was always beside him. Sam waddled for awhile in the water as he knew that it'll help to prepare his body for giving birth the babies. As the got to the middle of the pool, Sam called Henry and gave him a deep kiss then he asked his husband to support his back as he knew this will be the best position for water exercise. Henry seemed to know it. He placed his hands under his belly and helped Sam to move it up and down. "I have heard that this is good for the mother who has lots of weight and it also helps to prepare his body for labor." He whispers, leaning a bit to Henry while they are moving Sam's body up and down.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Yes indeed. You have done your homework my dearest Mommy, preparing yourself for the birth arent you?" Henry helped Sam stand up and down from his squatting. "This can help strengthen your pelvic muscle and will also be effective in reducing the pain and pressure you may feel now. It is also effective in making your pushes even more effective. Henry smiled as he saw the belly swaying a bit with the exercise. Sam was very attractive like this, so concentrated and focused on helping thr babies.

"Yeah I've searched a lot of information. You know how I'm worried about this pregnancy when I knew that the babies are bigger than the last ones." He said, moving up and down slowly. "You're only one who can make me fee better, honey. I can't imagine how I can do this without you" He whispers, trying to show that Henry is really important for him. After doing it for awhile, Sam asks Henry to support his belly while they are walking together. He can feel how Henry touches his belly gently. They have a wonderful moment for the first water exercise here.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Dont you worry. I will not let anything happen to you." Henry caressed the belly while holding Sam tight. They continurd to walk a bit before Henry suggested they rest. He scooted down to raise Sam up by his legs, one hand under his back and another under his legs. "Now relax on me, this will help relief some stress on your back. Dont worry about falling down into water, I am here to hold you up."

Sam was surprised when Henry did that to him, but it was normal for his husband who is taking care lots of his pregnant patients. "Hold me, please. I just wanna relax for a bit" Sam closed his eyes, leaning his face to Henry. "I love you, honey" He whispered then placed his hand on the back of Henry's head and pulled his closer. "You're so cute from here" Sam smiles then kisses his husband softly. The water is so helpful to relax Sam.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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