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Henry was enjoying this very much but as soon as he saw Sam's eyes becoming red and teary with so much stimulation, he got himself back in control again. He raised himself up a little and cupped his wife's face, pausing his actions a bit. "Oh is it too rough? Sorry love I will go gentler." He kissed Sam and adjustes his cock tobpoint against the prostate of Sam and nudged it, circling his hip while doing that. This way the belly of Sam wouldnt bounce up and down so hard and the movements were much more gentle, but it could still drive Sam crazy with pleasure.
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Sam sighed softly when everything becomes gentler. "I love that you always care about me, Honey. We can make this be a wonderful moment" He whispered then kissed his husband back. Sam moaned loudly again and moved his hips up and down when Henry hit his prostate, but it's so gentle this time, but still makes Sam moan like a crazy man. He holds his belly as it bounces up and down.
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Henry helped Sam hold his belly steady with one hand and supported his waidt with another hand. With their movememt much gentler now just one hand would be support enough. Henry wanted this to last and they contiued with this gentle lovemaking for quite some time. He noticed Sam had started to pant and his face flushed. Even with how slow they took it, with a belly that was so big and heavy, it was still a burden for Sam. Henry knew they should end the session soon and he raised himself up to tease Sam's nipples a bit and thrust a bit harder on Sam's prostate. He wanted Sam to reach orgasm first, as he usually did.
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11-12-2016, 06:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-12-2016, 06:43 PM by
Sam moaned louder as Henry played with his nipples that were too sensitive. He grabbed his husband with both hands when Henry hit his prostate really hard, knowing his husband want to end it soon. "I love you, honey. I love that you know how to do this and you still know how to end it in appropriate time" He grunted as they were closer. Sam's cock was twitching with the pleasure and Henry can feel the precum on his lap. "I can't hold it for too long ahhhh" He moaned louder and longer then shoots lots of cum on Henry's lap that make him blush darker.
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"Wow Sam you really know it when you are going to cum." Henry teased his wife a bit for coming so quick after saying he couldnt hold for long. He laughed when his wife tried to hide his face and buried it in Henry's neck. He continued with the thrusts anmoaned loud with how Sam revenged by squeezing his canal tight. He pumped a few more times before shooting his load. He felt Sam jerked when his seed landed deep within Sam and his cock also shoot some residue seed out, reaching another mini orgasm with Henry's load. Afterwards Sam was totally spent, just as Henry had warned, and collapsed on Henry who was also panting.
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Sam collapsed on his husband and planted heavily. It was long but wonderful time. Sam asked Henry to helped him pulled his ass out of his cock then he lay beside his husband and gave him a small kiss again. "Can you help me clean this big belly, huh?" He pointed to the belly that covered with lots of Sam's cum. He also rubbed his belly softly to calm the babies down as Henry leaned forward and kissed it. The room was not too cold though they both were naked. It because of the candle.
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Henry laid Sam down gently on the bed, moving the candles a bit closer to make sure Sam would not feel cold. He pecked on Sam's cheek and said "I will be right back."
Henry got off the bed and went to the bathroom linked to their room for wet towels. He made sure the towel was warm before returning. He would bring Sam to the bath but he suspected with how exhausted Sam was, he would fall asleep in the middle of the bath, which would make it very easy to catch a cold for Sam. They would clean with a towel tonight, they could always bath in the morning.
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Sam smiled at Henry as he brought the towels from the bathroom and cleaned his belly and entire body gently. He can't hold his mind much. Sam felt asleep while Henry was still cleaning his belly. A good night kiss from his husband is the last thing he can remember.
At the morning Sam woke up early to the jolts and kicks of the babies in his belly. He decided to not continue his sleep when he saw that it was almost time for wake up. He then placed a kiss on Henry's cheek before got out of the bed for cooking. It took very long time for Sam to took all his loose clothes and longer time for him to walk downstairs. He knew Henry may blame him with this, but Sam just wanna look for his husband. Sam sighed as the apron was not fit enough. It squeezes his belly for a bit, but it can stop him for doing something for Henry. He started cooking some breakfast though his back is still hurt from the intimate time last night
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Henry was woken up by the clinging of cooking utensils and the good smell of breakfast. He opened his eyes to find Sam disappeared and knew immediatelt his wife was the one cooking downstairs. He shook his head with a smile, knowing his wife must have strained himself again by getting dressed himself and walking down on his own. He quickly got ready and went downstairs himself, not surprised to see the back of his wife, working busily in front of the stove.
He walked up closer to his wife and wrapped him up from behind. Kissing slightly on his neck, he asked with a smile "so what have my lovely wife cooked this morning? Did he strain himself again?" He supported the belly, it had become so natural to him that he didnt need to think before putting his palms under his belly. However this time he could feel how stretched the apron was around Sam's belly and he frowned a bit. "Is the apron a bit too small for you now...?"
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Sam moaned softly as Henry touched his belly and that helped stretch his muscle. "I'm okay, honey. I'm stronger than you thought. Why can I cook some favorite food for my husband, huh?" He said and decided to not tell anything, but Henry can notice it with how Sam leaned on him and his back's muscle was hard and tense. Sam didn't do anything much because he can't leave the food on the stove, and he smiled widely when Henry can notice about the apron. "Yeah, I'm not sure it/s a bit small or my belly is bigger haha" He jokes.
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"We should get you an apron that was tied behind so you could adjust yourself, your belly is now so squeezed. Take it off once you are finished ok?" Henry rubbed on the belly a bit, if it was any bigger he was sure the apron would break. Henry sighed again feeling how tight Sam's back muscle was, he knew his wife always pushed himself so hard. He got close to him and supported his back while Sam's hands were too busy cooking, and heard a slight hiss when his sore spots were touched and a relief sigh afterwards. He kissed at the back of his neck and whispered "promise me to sit down at once whenever you are finished cooking alright? You must be so tired."
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Sam smiled widely as Henry noticed everything about him. He leaned to Henry a bit to rest his back. Henry can hear Sam was moaning in pain with the pressure in his back, and Sam truly needed to rest soon. "Yeah, yeah. My lovely husband. Your wife will rest all day after this. Is that okay?" He said while he was cooking. Sam didn't see how Henry was worried about him, but he can feel it with his hand always rubbing and supporting his back.
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"I wouldnt let you rest any less tha that." Henry warned with a smile on his face. "My wife is always so stubborn... you should take it easy with the twins being so big. They are almost the size when Victoria and Jayden were born and there is still 2 more months for them to grow. You wouldnt want them born prematurely right?" He continued to rub and dragged Sam towards the chair once the food was almost ready and Henry could took over. He placed a cushion on the chair fiest before lowering Sam on it, keeping it slow as Sam should still be sore at his butt too with what they had done yesterday.
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"Y...Yeah, you're right, honey. I should take care myself better" He was so guilty as he realized that everything will make the babies born prematurely. Sam gave Henry a soft kiss to thank him before Henry walked back to the stove to finish their breakfast. "Mommy sorry my loves. Mommy promises that mommy will take care you better and better" Sam said, rubbing his belly gently after he untied the apron. He then smiles at his husband when he looks at him. Sam knows that his husband is always worried about him and the babies.
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Henry smiled back at Sam and returned to dishing up the food. He got two plates ready and went back to join Sam. "Do you want to have it here or do you want to get over to the couch? We could snuggle together there but the support for your back is better here. Which do you prefer?" Henry asked Sam, he would want to snuggle with his wife but knew the couch may not be the best place for Sam's back right now, it wasnt supportive enough like the chair here.
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11-13-2016, 02:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-13-2016, 02:57 PM by
"We can eat here and we can move there after the meal. Is that okay if you wife will ask you to massage his back?" He smiled softly at his husband as he got his plate from his husband. He didn't have much space in his belly since the babies are so big, but he knew that he needed to eat it as much as he can to get enough nutrient for the babies. He asked Henry to moved his chair for a bit to move closer enough to eat his food on the table. It's too hard with his belly in the middle and makes it a little far from him to eat his food easily.
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"Of course, what are husbands for if they dont do back massage for their pregnant wives." Henry kissed his wife as he moved the chair a bit closer to the table. He ruffles Sam's hair and said "do not force yourself to eat too much, you should eat less for each meal but eat frequently with how the babies are squeezing your stomach." Henry saw how Sam was a bit far away from the table with his belly in front. He got closer to Sam so he was leaning sideways to the table with his back facing Henry's front to make it more convenint to get to the food.
"Sam... you are such a good chef as usual. Gosh i knwo I shouldnt encourage you to cook so frequently with your condition now but your cooking is simply amazing." Henry said as he was eating himself too.
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"How don't I know what my husband like, huh? Maybe I'll cook but with your help too? that'll make me don't put too much strain" Sam said, smiling as he saw his husband was eating his food happily. Nothing can make him happy like this. Sam always do everything to his family just because he wants to see Henry's and his babies' smiles. He took a little long time to eat his food and finally ate only the half plate.
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Henry had finished already and he had started soothing Sam's back, helping him with getting the food down. He saw the half eaten plate and kissed Sam when he put down his fork. "Alright feeling quite full now? Let's go." He cleared the dish away and helped Sam get up. The chair was high and when Sam slipped down from it, Henry was there to help him balance. He smiled hugging him close before waddling together towards the couch.
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Sam smiled at his husband as he helped him to get balance then helped Sam waddled to the couch. It was a little far but Sam was not tired much from Henry's help. Sam pulled Henry closely as He leaned forward to helped him sat on the couch then Sam placed a deep kiss on Henry's mouth. Henry was close enough to hear Sam's breath with so much pleasure. Sam kissed Henry for a long time then he released his husband and said. "I love you, henry. Love you more than everything in the world"
(Can we just make them sweet and romantic but not sex or something 18+ lol)
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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