C The crimson chains of forbidden love (Closed W/ bhdire8)

He watched in awe from his masters reaction , he was about to ask him whats wrong but before he could confront him the master bolted out of his presence.

"p-parris?..." he said standing there wanting so desperately to understand what triggers such a response.
Raven scanned the room, he was looking for the restroom after a few seconds of doing so he wonderd into the bathroom to freshin up.

Parris went down the corridor quickly, ignoring all bowing forms along the way. He wasnt sure if he was escaping like a coward or simply needed some alone timw to deal with all those. The story of Raven wasnt entirely true, but it didnt lessen the pain one bit. He sat down in the library, in his favourite armchair looking at the fire burning brightly in the room. He covered his eyes with his palms, trying to force the memories back down but got limited success. He tried to distract himseld next. He thought back to the birthmark that was slightly stretched now with how his spawns were growing underneath, and wondered why would it appear on Raven, and what was the implication. The mark had been the family seal of his lover, representing more than himself. He found himself even more puzzled by how things had truned out to be. Was it all destiny here...?

Raven was in the the shower Bathing ,pondering to himself about earlier he let the water run down his face.
He placed his hand against his stomach feeling a sense of peace as if something was going to give way to this very interesting ordeal . He sighed turning the shower head off, and grabbed the towl nearest to him.

He walked into the middle of the bedroom taking another towl for drying his damp hair , then decided to go into the closet , he started to sing a tune Venturing towards the closet now looking through the old gawns that hung before him."oh my..." He was blinded by the rows of elegant peices of clothing awaiting him.

Now that he recalled the long lost memory, he remmeber the closet in Raven's room was his lover's , and once agaib he sighed at the coincidence. He rubbed his face a little more and looked out of the window, it was late evening now and the sky was dark. He decided he had had enough time on his own and he left the comfort fo the library.

Raven slipped into a regal light blue gawn with sequent lightly placed gems , when the light hits it just right it makes a big impression on those that gaze upon the lucky owner if such beauty.

He buttoned the cape making sure it was just right and hoped he did it correctly. once he finished dressing himself he paused realizing the gawn fits him just right down to a 't' he scratched his head adding that to his list of preculer things , looking at his reflection in the mirror ahead if him"this feels so right but why'd it have to happen this way?" he said fixing his messy locks .

He slipped the comfy black slippers on , once he was done he looked around the jewelry area unsure what to pick, biting his lip in making a decision he repeatedly looked over the many choices before him ."which one...hmm" he thought to himself rubbing his invisible beard.

Parris walked down the stairs from the corridor, recalling how he was stunned by his lover's beauty when he had dressed up to attend a banquet with him. It was a centennial gathering and mischievous as his lover, he had chosen to dress like a woman. He had known his lover had something planned and replied the attendance saying for Parris that he would be attending with his spouse, but he hadnt expected to see such a beautiful "woman" appearing at rhe top of the stairs. Later he had indulged in this preference of hisblover, hence the closet full of gowns. He faintly recalled how his lover had pputed when he was showing so much he could no longer fit into those, and in the end they had got another closet of maternity gowns and clothings. Parris abruptly stopped this train of thoughts when it startes touching on painful parts. Looking up, he found he had wondered into the hall, standing in front of the paintings of great vampires and waiting, reliving history.

After a few moments of deciding he chose a lovely moon stone chocker and called it a day. He was aware of these particular outfits were out of his comfort zone but he might as well try to give it a go. Raven slowly opened the door looking to the right then to the left ,seeing no traces of his master being near.

He looked back into the room grabbing his cup of water and made his way towards the stairs eager to have a look /adventure through the breath takingly gorgeous castle , he looked down from the staircase seeing the maids,butlers scattering about the castle tending to chores."H-Hello there..." He said with a big smile and waved like a mad man, rushing downstairs , he seemed less of a loner ever since he was able to get away from the harsh unforgivable city.

Raven smelled the chefs in the kitchen cooking many good and festive meals , the maids cleaning the dishware, butlers keeping the staff in line and ushering to assist the maids . when Raven let his presence known he noticed the blank look on everyones face. it was very unsettling . He drew back getting a offsetting vibe from the groups of people staring at him.

One young gent seemed slightly different from the rest he stepped forward and bowed in respect of Ravens position of the masters new bearer , he spoke"Good evening ,sir.. how was your rest?"

(I doubt if the chefs would be cooking at all as I assumed everyone here would be vampires? LOL just saying its rp whatever can happne LOL)

Parris was alerted by the telepathy of some of his staff that his bearer had intruded into the servants' area. His butler was asking for instructions. Parris sighed and wasnt impressed at all by Raven and his recklessness. He shadowwalked to get to his bearer, being reminded once again that Raven was not his lover, who was from one of the oldest breeds of vampires as himself and would know not to trespass into such places. It was more of being considerate in not disturbing their work than maintaining a haulty pretense to not barge into their working space.

(Ravens not a vampire •~• remember lol he's a human )

The staff looked towards parris and bowed getting in a single file line. Raven turned around and saw parris standing before him .He looked down feeling as if he did something wrong again, without saying anything he fiddled with his sleeves ."....s-sorry ..master " He whispered softly , he placed a gentle hand against his distended midsection , then felt one of the maids guide him away with a sweet voice ."come sir let's take you elsewhere.. how about the masters living corters " She hummed with a softt yet cheerful tone.

Ravens allowed himself to be escorted to his masters room by one of the maids, glancing over his shoulder looking towards his master wanting to figure out what he was doing . Sighing heavily.

(LOL ya duh i rmb he's human... so the chef's cooking for him again? .. nevermind forget about it. I am getting too serious here xD)

Parris looked in silence how Raven looked exactly like hisblover in that light blue satin from the back. He was rendered wordless by the resemblance. Just before they were leaving the room, he turned and said "Dalina, hold for a second. I will be bring Raven myself. Thank you for your help. Everyone please get back to your duties, and I apologize for the disturbance from Raven here."

He strode forward and collected Raven in his arms, wrapping his waist and peoceeded out. Behind them, the low buzzzling gradually returned when everybodh get back to their work.

"Am I too generous in letting loose your restraints making you roam around as you see fit? You mortals are simply too rash for your own good." Parris siad in his suppressed anger, even though he wasnt sure if this anger was from his own moment of weakness or was it genuinely directed to Raven and his action.

(lol More like preparing the ingredients and broths for later on lol XD but yeah just don't think so hard about it.!)

Dalina and Raven were getting ready to head back upstairs when parris called out to Dalina, turning around was both raven and her . Raven stood there with his hands clasped together nervous expecting the worse. When the request from his master made him shake hus head in shock he looked up surprised and fearful .

Dalina bowed, backing away from Raven after nodding her head. She took her leave and backed away from Raven. Returning to her daily duties.

Raven tensed up when his master grabbed his arm slightly dragging him off , he could tell his master was slightly peeved off from his little exploration without permission, he sighed scratching the back of his head .

(Haha yep nevermind me xD)

Parris was walking faster and faster in his agitation and Raven was starting to have difficulty keeping up. Parris was obscured by tbe gown and couldnt see what he was wearing, but from the little trips and stumbles he could tell Raven wasnt wearing something that he was used to, much like his outfit. Parris held Raven steady when he once again tripped and almost bumped his head onto the hardwood door of the room. He steadied him with a simple lifting of Raven's waist. "Is there any reason why you are choosing this piece of garment... and is it you are wearing black slippers underneath?" This was the same outfit as his lover had first shown up for the banquet.

Raven noticed the change in his masters pace in walking, he tried lifting the gawn up to get a better balance and also for avoiding any accidents , he grabbed more of the gawn and almost slipped . "Ah! p-please slow down master..."he yelped stumbling and kneeling down in need of assistance to stand.

He glanced up towards his master grabbing his hand noticing that deep intense irritated look in his eyes , once he gained his balance he listened to his master talk with a very sharp tone lingering within every word he spoke, his eyes squinted and looked down towards his slippers*"um..no I just like blue...and this looked comfortable ...that's all" he answered .

(lol okay ?)

Parris sighed again once for unable to find a plausible reason to explain the coincidence. He glanced over to their entwined hands and decided to deal with this when they were in even more private. He lifted Raven up to let him sit on his hip not wanting him to stumble again and put him on the bed. He caressed the soft face of Rvaen, looking so deep into his eyes, finding for something that shouldnt be there. He sighed a bit before moving away.

(Returning in an hr)

Raven stood there innocently waiting for his punishment, but shortly after a few minutes of silence he felt the soft embrace of his master picking him up , placing him down on his lap. "m-maste..." he stopped himself from talking when master caressed his face, his icy blue eyes softened , he slowly began to smile.

He leaned against his chest but sadly it ended right when it started and almost fell over . "hm?"

(Hey I'm gonna head off to bed my eyes are hurting from staying up lol night)

(Ya sure it took longer for me to return than I had expected too ... sorry!)

Parris chuckled at how Raven's face was all confused. He patted him and laid him on his chest again. He was still figuring out himself on how he should treat Raven, but there's something in this human that reminded him of his lover yet he differed in so many places that he knew distinctly this wasnt him, and that his love was gone forever. He looked down and caressed the little belly draped by the smooth satin, feeling th3 warmth seeping from Raven to him. "What do I do with you Raven...." he snuggled close to the human and murmurred, enjoying thr sweet smell of life from him.

(I Have awoken ! lol)

Raven looked so confused with his masters sudden change in behavior, he felt his hand comforting him and guided back to his original position . He hesitantly wrapped his arms around Parris feeling safe within his embrace. his eyes closed and soon he was very satisfied with this much needed snuggle session, staying skin to skin with his master.

When parris's hand explored his tummy. Raven liked that very much. he could tell the master was never accustomed to humans and their scent , A few times he could hear the master taking in his sweet aroma that filled his lungs with rose pettles , and sweet grass , drizzled with vanilla and honey . He smiled finding it very silly but didn't mind his deep interest in his scent. "You seem very fascinated by me.." He whispered looking up towards his lover.

While Raven spoke he felt his buttons being unbuttoned, and a hand sliding down his form rubbing his child bearing midsection, he saw within his masters eyes that he was deep in thought. "are you trying to see the birth mark again?" he asked since the master wasn't paying attention to the first question.

"Are you him? Are you really Pius? If you are, why would you appear like this? If you arent, why would you have the birthmark and got all the resemblacne?" He scented deeply again. The undertone was similar to Pius, his long lost lover, but there were added elements. "Raven... what do I do? " his hand crept beneath the shirt and asked "do you want me to look at the birthmark? How do you want me to know you?"

Raven saw his masters face become troubled , he cupped his cheek looking into his eyes , he started talking but soon parris trailed of seeing another vision.  this image came forth showing Pius standing behind Raven holding a childs hand smiling, Pius seemed very naive and placed a hand on his swollen tummy as if Raven was Pius's only way to still be close to his lover .

Raven patted his masters face trying to snap him out of the daze, he called to his master ."Parris?... are you feeling well?...Parris? please snap out of it "

Pius walked towards his lover and kissed his cheek soon he snapped out of it seeing Raven doing the same.
Raven leaned back and smiled cheerfully saying." you almost gave us a fright" placing a hand on his stomach.
"Did you hear what I said?"

Parris was to shell shocked from the sight if his lover present with him through this Human .

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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