Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite)

Tobias slammed the phone down onto the reciver and rubbed his face for a moment then tried again with James's cellphone as he paced the kitchen.
James jr grimaced slightly as his back ached, he was used to the little pains of pregnancy though this was different to him. He worried now, having a flashback to when he was seven years old and helped with his fathers last birth, it slightly scared him,"Tell me where you're taking me."He said again, looking at the man,"I have to know if I'll get a chance to pee before then."He added, though it wasn't exactly true he wondered if it would work.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You'll pee when I say you can." The man goes silent again then, continuing to drive. They seem to drive for hours though it was only for about 10 minutes as James Jr. shifted in the seat again.
James didn't answer, not that Tobias was expecting him to. Tobias hung up before he began to pace the kitchen again before going to check on the pups who were playing out back.

James growled slightly and turned away then as he leant his head against the window, shrugging his shoulders so his ears were covered by his hoodie more. He rubbed his middle with his thumbs with a heavy exhale, looking down at his feet as they stretched out in front of him. "Do you know?"He asked, glancing up at the man slightly.
Tobias sighed heavily and called the kids in, he didn't want to worry about them being outside without him, he began making them all snacks. Trying not to over worry.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I don't care. Now shut up." The man keeps driving. Eventually James makes it home, Tobias was just getting the kids put to bed before he comes to begin cleaning the kitchen.

Tobias came down the stairs, he stopped when he saw James and looked at him with his arms crossed,"Where were you?"He asked, then turned away to head into thr kitchen,"I called. Didn't you see? Our son's missing."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I know, I came to get something." James disappears for a moment before coming out with Tobias' pistol. "Stay here, the other one is laying on the bed. Keep the doors locked." He slips the gun into the back of his pants before turning to Tobias.

Tobias stopped, looking at him again as he watched him go then return just as quickly, he nodded and pressed his lips together. "Don't bring the fight back home."He told him simply and wrapped his arms around him then leant up to kiss him deeply before letting him go. "Come back with him."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James nods, kissing Tobias back before disappearing out the door. It turns out that James seemed to know exactly where to find James Jr. He was there, waiting for them when they arrived.

James jr leant against the nearest tree when he stumbled out of the car, looking downwards with his hood over his eyes as his brow pinched in slight pain. He seemed to be out of it with his hand resting on his belly, the human gripped his free arm to keep the young wolf upright. While he looked around slightly for the wolf who had paid him, and stopped walking forwards when he noticed the unfamiliar man. He took his gun out,"Who are you?"He asked and the teenager looked up to see his father and he swallowed,"Dad-"He almost collapsed if it wasn't for the human holding him up.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You don't remember? Not much of a hunter then are you?" James turns his attention to James Jr. for a moment or two before turning his attention back to the hunter. "I'm the one that got away."

The man tilted his head slightly then cocked his gun, keeping a finger on the trigger,"Careful of where you stand. This isn't your territory."The human replied and gripped onto the boy who stood up carefully again with a grimace of discomfort,"Could I sit?"He asked and the human shushed him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I want my son back, and my grandchild." James takes a step toward the man and James Jr. "Give them to me then I'll go."

"Your grandchild?"Another voice comes from the woods around them, the one responsible for Tobias being caught up in all of this wolf mess steps forwards. He was older, much older from stress and battle within his ever growing pack. "He is my son. That is my grandchild within him, and from the looks of it the pup will be making it's appearance soon."The second alpha smiled at the boy who looked at him with confusion and just as much pain, he looked to his father,"What is he talking about?"The human shook his head,"Keeping secrets are you?"He smirked and kept a firm grasp on the young wolf,"He isn't your real daddy, kid."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I raised him, you didn't give a damn about him and you won't give a damn about it." James takes a step closer to James Jr. while the hunter was momentarily distracted.

"Tsk tsk..."Thre hunter shook his head, pointing the gun towards the teenager now, who flinched and covered his middle,"Please-"He pressed his lips together, tears came to his eyes, he was uncomfortable and afraid and confused, he just wanted to go home. "I have an itchy trigger finger. Either you or him."He said and pressed the gun against the boy's head, his real father said nothing and only looked to James,"Back away."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James keeps his eyes focused on James Jr. before he slowly takes a step or two back. "Alright, just tell me what the hell you want." The other alpha looks between the small group before he moves to circle James. "Seems you don't know much of anything huh wolfie? Your human and little Jazy have been up to worse than him."

James jr swallowed nervously and sniffed quietly as he rubbed his face with his shoulder, exhaling heavily then looking down quietly as the adults talked. "What are you talking about? We've done nothing to you. We stay in our own territory."The teen looked up at the strangers and he leant against the tree trunk again with a small frown, his back was tight still and his belly felt heavier than usual.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The alpha smirks. "Seems your human is getting tied of you, he's been fucking that little Doctor, she's probably about ready to drop her load by now, guess he got tired of popping out monsters." He circles James the entire time he speaks. "And little Jazzy is probably ready to pop out a few, that'll add some more to my pack."

The boy looked between them all then his gaze lingered on his father, the teenager lost what little he had composed himself with. "Dad. Don't listen to him."He said, even if he knew that it was true, all of it, he just couldn't figure out how he knew. "Pop loves you... We all do. We wouldn't be here without you."He groaned lightly and sunk into the tree as he exhaled heavily, his hand cradling his middle while it tightened.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James stares the other alpha down before slashing his cheek open with his claws before the alpha could respond. Blood poured down his cheek as James shook his hand to clean the blood from his claws. He tried to keep the wolf hidden, to keep him caged up inside, but he couldn't help himself anymore.

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