The Soldier and The Governor ((With bhdire8 and Lovebite))

Victor looked up at the man and pressed his lips together to keep from snapping at him as he nodded slightly,"Okay."He said simply and looked down before crying out when he was brought up roughly to his feet, he whined with every movement and almost fell into the tub when he was let go of. He sank back down to his knees,"I can't... Please... I just want to lay down, it hurts."He laid on the floor in a heap.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Caesar could see a faint flow of blood between Victor's legs, he furrowed his brows and split open his legs, pressed down on the puffy belly and suspected that's from residue piece of placenta still lodged within him. He tweaked the leaking nipples tp stimulate uterine contraction again and said "push down, are you feeling any contraction? Faint ones?"

Victor moaned and pressed his face into his hands, trying to twist away from the hands teasing his nipples,"No..."He shook his head, his anus was gaping and with nothing as large as a child or a fist keeping him from closing he didn't feel the contractions as Caesar spoke of. "What are you... Nh..."He turned over onto his stomach and arched slightly as he groaned, his toes curling while he contracted one last time.

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Caesar watched as Victor pushed as told with the contraction and a small piece of residue placenta came out. The blood from his anus immediately slowed and Caesar was a bit relieved by the situatoon too. He looked at the bloody piece of flesh like placenta and dexided to just leave it for the servants to take care of. He flipped the water on and blasted Victor, washing away the filth and all.

Victor sobbed into his hands as he was hosed down like an animal, he whimpered when he was done, simply sitting in the tub with the towel thrown onto him. He whined softly, his body shuddering quietly into his arms and arching his back slightly,"Can I sleep now?"The older man asked, the soldier reduced to tears and small sobs.

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There's a strange sense of achievement to see the tough and strong soldier so weak and pathetic now, whining like a puppy. Caesar bent down and picked up the trembling man, lifted him on his arms, which was much easier now without tbe added weight and got him to the bed. "Yes now you can sleep. There would be a lot happening next and you will need to recover enough not to miss the show." Victor was flopped on bed and left to sleep in the dark.

The grown man was a sniveling mess as he curled up in the sheets silently all but a few sobs that escaped his mouth, after all he did and he still wasn't able to see his children. That is what broke him. All of those months of...femininity and for nothing. Victor felt numb, he knew he wouldn't be seeing his baby girl and her sibling ever again and he couldn't even tell them why. He couldn't even act like it didn't happen, gripping a pillow to his middle and trying to ignore the emptiness of his body made the feeling all the more real. The once, strong and prestigious soldier cried more than he slept that night.

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Caesar had reunited with his father and told him what happened. He saw his father's vein popped on his forehead. "Father, do not be angry. The thing we needed to focus on is to plan for revenge." They had discussed late into the night in putting together a plan that would allow them to inherit all the money from the general's while keeping their reputation intact. Caesar had left the room with a little smile. They still had a lot of manipulation to do but all would be fine now.

The next morning Caesar went in to Victor's room with breakfast in his hands. He had a smile on him when he woke Victor cheerfully. "Hey wake up, sleepy head. It's brwakfast tim3."

Victor shook his head, turning over onto his other side with his back facing Caesar,"I have no interest in eating."He replied in a rough voice, his hair tussled and his eyes riddled with crust from his night of crying. The man even went as far as to shove the tray of food out of the others hands,"I'd rather starve alone, then live as a happy family with you."He had sat up, despite the pain in his ass and hips he still glared at the young man.

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Caesar just looked at the spilled food and said "if you want to see your children ever again, you would need to eat. Dont forget they are still under my control, if you ever do
As much as attempting to kill yourself, they will be dead. I take my words very seriously, i am telling you." The trembling of Victor's body was enough to reflect his pain and exhauztion. Caesar stuffed two pillows under him and pushed him down to lay back. "I will take in another tray of food, ans if you spill that again, you will eating the spilled food on the floor. Understand?"

Victor sobbed helplessly, not stopping the other man as he pushed him down to the mattress once more, he covered his face with his hands and nodded his head. He wiped his eyes and gripped the fabric of the bedsheets, they were soft and showed how expensive they were, was he wrong about the power they held still? What was he now?

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Caesar came in with another tray and was mildly surprised to see the weeping form still crying. He sat down on the bed and got the upper body of Victor, who was rather pliant now, to lean against him so that he wouldnt be putting too much pressure on the abused hip and ass. He got a spoonf of soup, making sure it wasnt too hot, and fed it to Victor. "Soup? I can assuee you it tastes really good."

Victor let himself be fed, he didn't fight it, supposing that he deserved what he got now as he laid against the young man and swallowed down what he put in front of him. He didn't speak for a long time, he barely cared about the taste of the food, his mind was somewhere else. "What will you do?"He asked finally,"If you get your way."

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Caesar was exceedingly pleased by the pliant soldier and he kissed his face gladly after he had finished everything. "It is not if i get my way, it's when I get my way." He kissed again despite Victor turning his head away. "Hmm just to let you know, your father and you had gotten into a carriage accident last night and he had become permanently crippled whil you had, very unfortumately, miscarried our twins. Do not worry, the babies will not be harmed. I will make an announcemrnt later that despite the tragedy, our engagement is still on. We will be getting married officially as soon as you had recovered enough." Caesae siad with a happy tone as he nuzzled into Victor, showing a bit of his childishness.

Victor looked up in shock,"What did you do to my father? My children?"He tried sitting up to no avail, groaning softly when he did and pressing his lips together, he glared at the younger man. His body shuddered with the pain, though he ignored it, turning away from the nuzzling of the other and growling lowly. He had no idea what he would do, but he did know what he wanted to do to him when he had a chance.

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"Nothing too much. He just got a leg broken. And your children will be returned to your family very soon." Caesar wrapped Victor closer to himself, like hugging a giant teddy bear. "Hmm if you can recover soon enough, you would be able to see your babies again real soon on the wedding." He buried his nose in Victor sniffing his scent.

Victor felt sick to his stomach,"I hate you."He grimaced some when he felt the other embracing him as if they were a happy couple, turning his head away more. The once strong soldier attempted to slip away from Caesar, though his body wasn't functioning as he wished it was at the moment. He guessed it was too much to ask from it to move normally since the trama he had endured yesterday evening. "Why don't you fuck off?"He grunted out, trying to elbow the younger man in the ribs.

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Caesar caught the elbow and chuckled "oh of course not, you are my future husband, how could I just fuck off when you are obviously not well. I had made the mistake of keeping too much of a distant between us, i wouldnt repeat that. From now on you would be stick to me, my lovely fiance. I am so looking forward to life of us together." He ruffled his hair and slipped a hand down to massage a bit on his hips. "Get well soon my love, I canr wait for the wedding... and married life as a matter of fact."

Victor grumbled,"I'd be better if you did."He shifted some and felt his reflexes cringe at what the other said, tugging away and hissing at the worsening pain the other added onto him,"Go to hell."He muttered and stared at the wall, he wouldn't have fun. Not one bit if it was to continue on like this.

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The hiss had Caesar slowed down a bit but he knew thiswoumd be beneficial in encouraging recovery, so he continued with the kneading on the hip. This was just the start and Caesar was confident over time, he and Victor would get along. He was very optimistic of it.
It was a week since the shocking accident to the public of hearing their army leader being crippled for life and the general suffering from an unfortunate miscarruage. The announcement by the mayor that their family intended to uphold the engagement had won them respect and appreciation. On this day, a pair of infant twins were found at the doorstep of the general's house amd the crowd was once again surprised by the statement released that the leader of the army would adopt these two orphaned babies to console for his lost and compensate for the soon to be wedded son who would be leaving thr household.

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