The labyrinth (open roleplay.)

Alex stayed back watching, he wasn't quiet sure what to think but he had remained quiet for most of this studying the creature. "I'll climb up and get them, It'll be safer that way. He wasn't carrying any young, at least none he was aware of yet and so he volunteered to help. "We should grab it and then try to keep going, We don't want to be here any longer then we have to."

(sorry I haven't been around guys.)

(hehe is ok)

Luce nodded watching him go "W,...were safe in this area. this is the outer reaches of the maze, most of the 'monsters' are in deeper and rarely come out this far" he says leaning against a wall to get the weight off of his paws "And those that come out this way are usually like me... carrying... expect some skeletons... they don't all make it seeing as the food is up so high"

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Alex crept foreword grabbing a hold of the vines and pulling himself up, he found it a bit more difficult then he normally would but otherwise he managed to do it. Slowly he got some of the fruit way up he took some down set it on the dirt and climbed back up so he wouldn't drop any, When he had gotten enough he made sure everyone else was alright and had some before he took the remaming piece. The fruit looked strange to him, unlike one he had ever seen but it didn't seem to harm the others so he bit into it.

Luce had managed to waddle over with the others and ate a few of the fruit "If your curious the fruit is special to" he says softly "It contains almost everything your body will need to keep you alive although it lack calcium... so try not to break any bones... it will take a long time to heal unless you can find a source of milk" he gives a soft sigh and adjusts his position a little one of his wings looking a little odd.

"Believe me... i know that the hard way..." he says and lays his head down

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Charlie found himself once again feeling sorry for the feline. It must have been really terrible for him down there, being raped by other creatures and having no one elso to talk with, seeing as others like him would starve to death. "I feel so sorry to hear that" he said to Luce "No one should go through so many things as you went"

The feline sighed and gave a shrug "you get used to it after a while" he mutters "its that or go mad...and when you go down that road... you start to become one of the monsters that roam these halls... believe me ive seen that too..." he lays his head flat on his paws wings fluttering a little to get comfortable.

"I recommend rest now the beasts are resting right now, theres no better time... stock up on food if you wish... but one in three dead ends down here is full of food, you just need to watch your back when you go for it... or end up like me..." he finally finishes then turns to eat the last of the fruit he had been given

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(Grey and Scout have permission to go again before me if anyone is waiting or so.)

I'll go ahead and post!

Faye was nervous about the creature at first but he seemed nice enough. He was expecting a litter so she decided to trust him more. He would also most likely know about traps and things so he could be helpful to the group. They'd be able to help each other.
"Are there other creatures in here like you?" She asked curiously.

"There are other feline like ones... but they are little more than ferals" he says softly looking up at her "if they can understand speach, they dont show it... all they mainly want is their next meal or to breed"

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Faye nodded. So this big cat was probably the only nice beast. She wondered why this one was being friendly. Maybe there were some other friendly creatures too? "Are there others besides cats?"
She heard her stomach growl and felt kind of embarrassed.

His ears perked at the sound of her stomach rumbling and used his nose to push some fruit in her direction "there may be, the ones i was trapped in here with all vanished some time ago... but if the others are anything like me, they will be avoiding being spotted... you never know if its someone like you or some beast like the rest"

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Alex curled up near the wall but still in view of the other. He had finished his fruit but was beginning to think there might have been something wrong with it. He felt a bit sick, perhaps he had suddenly caught something? Either way this wouldn't be good being stuck out here, "Someone should keep watch." He said where there was a break in the conversation, he tried not to let on that anything was wrong though he was sure he seemed a bit more pale then normal. "I can take first watch if you want."

Charlie looked at Alex, who was indeed pale, and said "No, please, you've already done a lot for us today. Instead, let me take the first watch" he asked. And, to be sure Alex wouldn't contest him, added "After all, i'm 8 months pregnant with twin boys, there is no chance i'm having a good sleep anyway, so i'll be doing better to take the first watch" he joked, knowing that, if he tried to sleep now, after eating so much fruits, the babies would keep him from sleep by kicking him "Just tell me who takes the next watch and when should i wake them up" he asked. He also wanted to be as useful as he could be to the group.

"I'm willing to take a watch" luce said with a yawn "but its up to you guys... i need as much slèep as you all need maybe more... i havent been getting much down here"

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(Guess not, haha)

Rico walked ahead, but not by much. He wanted to examine some of the paths ahead without having to turn down another corridor. When that was over, he walked away, making his way back towards everyone else.

"I scouted ahead. There's a ledge in the path that'll probably need to help others over if---" He was cut off mid sentence because of what he saw. He heard the voices, but it didn't register to him why they were talking. Not only was it a large cat, snow leopard to be exact, with wings, but it was also talking. They were mentioning taking a watch while others rested, but they were throwing suggestions around, leaving the animal himself to say he would keep watch. "Actually, I'll do it. Seems like most of you are tired and it's only been about an hour or so since I got here."

It probably was also they were drugged too from how they mentioned they were knocked out and brought there, which he explained. He could rest last if needed, though a part of him felt uncomfortable letting Luce watch over them since he seemed a lot like his definition of a pet.

"Maybe this dead end can be used than being out on the open path."

"No, it's okay, i do it" Charlie repeated the offer "My babies are awake now, they won't let me sleep anyway, so if i take the first watch, they will eventually get tired and sleep, and so will I. Besides, you haven't slept since we got here, while i was unconscious" he said. "Well, unless you really want to take the first watch for personal reasons, then i will understand and let you have it" he added.

"The dead end probably would be a more defend-able location to sleep" Luce said looking up "Im all for the move to there... we will be closer to the food too for the morning" he adds with a chuckle "and to all curious... i wont gnaw on anyone in my sleep... though i may end up snuggled up to someone before morning"

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"If you're really positive about that" Rico stated. "If I may be blunt, it's not everyday a person runs into a talking animal with wings willing to help out in a forsaken maze."

He couldn't lie that this all just seemed conveniently suspicious. He could be wrong, but that certainly seemed really strange.

"I'd rather someone in a fighting mood be awake in case something goes wrong" he expressed with a state of concern, given that from the looks of everyone else around him, save for Alex maybe, they weren't in any kind of shape at all. "I'll just sleep nearby in case."

Now there was this figure stating that it morning would be upon them. Was it not just night when he came in? He pulled his phone out, now thinking to use it. No signal, clearly, but he watched as the time went from 8:30 pm to 12:00 midnight and within another minute 5:45 pm. Time seemed to have no place wherever they were and that gave him enough reason to not trust certain things if this labrynth was full of other pets.

"Just shout if you need me."

During the night luce had a pretty bad mood swing. He was jnable to sleep and could only imagine the others were watching him more than watching for monsters coming to attack them. In his head he could only think they didnt and wouldn't ever trust him and that they would be better off without him. He managed to get up, and using a claw scratched a sort of map to the place they could possibly get out. If they believed him he would meet them there, if not...

He snuck off after writing his reasonings for leaving them. Despite his size and the face the lookout was watching him (atleast in his head they were)  he slunk off into the maze, getting a few turns away from the group before he let out a soft sob. he couldnt and wouldn't blame them for not trusting him, he was after all a freak of nature, something that shouldnt exist and more like the other denozens of the maze than like them.

He had hoped however that they would be willing to give him some trust. he was after all heavily pregnant and because of that had a reliance on others to help him. "Hopefully they wont take too long to get there" he mumbled softly "ill stop off at the lake room thats on the way... maybe there is some fish i can catch... maybe bathe too..." he sighed and waddled at a slow pace.

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