The Soldier and The Governor ((With bhdire8 and Lovebite))

The soldier stumbled a bit when his arm was grabbed and turned to face Caesar,"Does it look like I give a shit!?"He screamed now, his face was red and he was out of breath from yelling,"Why won't you listen to me? I-don't-care. What don't you understand about that?"He was drunk though it gave him no right to act the way he was at the moment,"Fuck you! Fuck your butler! Fuck this house! Fuck everything you've done to me."He snatched his arm away and when he did he miscalculated the strength needed to do so and ended up falling backwards on the stairs.

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Caesar was shoved off to the handrail and he bumped his back hard on it with the reaction force, and could only witness how Victor's eyes widened with shock and fear before he fell back on the stairs. Everything was happening so fast, yet it was like time slowed down for Caesar when he saw the whole process. He thought he shouted "no" and extended his hand, but it was such a blur and everythinf went fuzzy until the loud "thump" of Victor hitting the floor with the back of his head hitting the hardwood startled him awake. Heaving himself up and almost stumbling down the stairs, he gathered Victor in his arms and yelled "call the doctor!" to his valet.

When the doctor finally came, Victor was barely conscious and had been carried to the couch in the parlor next to the foyer where he had took his tumble. It was much better than how he was earlier right after the fall, his nose was broken from him trying to break his fall. Though instead of being unconscious now, he was awake, barely though still awake and seemly confused about where he was. His eyes looked around at all the faces around him and the doctor came towards him next,"Victor? Can you hear me?"The older man tilted his head and took a seat beside the couch,"Can you speak?"He touched his arm and squeezed, determining if there was any permanent damage as he squinted his eyes at the other man who was really out of it.

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Caesar was so worried. The dazed look of Victor had him so scared. "Victor, babe, can you hear me? Please be alright. I couldnt lose you...." the young man was crying, his tear-streaked face spoke of desperation. His tears dropped down onto Victor's face as Caesar was cradling his head on his lap, supporting his upperbody so that his nosebleed could be contained. "Victor, please, come back to me."

The doctor, an old man of more than seventy looked him over with a sigh and reached to take a hold of his nose then set the broken bone. Victor simply squeaked as he shifted on the couch, tears came to his eyes and rhe doctor pet his knee,"It's alright."He said gently,"He's just in shock. He doesn't seem to be the healthiest man alive. Do you know of his health history? Are you his husband?"He used his handkerchief to wipe the man's nose free of blood.

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"Yes I am his husband.... he had had given birth just a few weeks back, and he refused to eat afterwards.... and he was drunk this morning." Wiping away his tears, Caesar answered telling the doctor all the truth. He didnt care if the servants around would gossip or not, he just wanted to be told Victor was right. "Is it really fine? He couldnt even respond to the pain of fixing his nose." Caesar looked lost and helpless, much like a child seeking directions and reassurance eagerly.

"Well that'll affect him greatly..."The old man sighed, he hadn't raken out any of his tools, it seemed he didn't need to either, he'd been in this business a long time. "The alcohol could be dulling the pain, if he comes too fully and can't bear the pain, go ahead and just give him some painkillers. If they don't work, take him to my clinic."He sighed and held the handkerchief there to collect the dripping of the blood then with his other hand he pressed his fingers into Victor's middle carefully where his womb would be. Gaining another squeak until he pulled away again then moved to feel his dlat chest,"He's a bit light, though he'll recover."

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Caesar traced the old man's hands nervously. "Is his... is he... he's fine right? Like his womb and all.... ?" He didnt exactly gave Victor any proper antenatal care, though partly was because of how uncooperative he was, but it was a fact that he had only been mulling over the bed, and not excatly getting a proper check my any medical professionals. "Could there be any consequences for his fall? His head bumped on the floor pretty hard...." there was a huge bulge at the back of his head.

"Yeah. Just his time of month."He replied,"He's bloated and it may account for his... irritability."He added and stood up now as he grabbed his bag,"I can't tell for now, he just seems to be out of it. No pain exactly and that's a good thing."He looked down at the both of them,"Well of course there will be some swelling, maybe a concussion as well, though nothing's broken and he seems to be responsive so everything is good."Victor was lolling his head from side to side and reaching up to grab Caesar's shirt tightly, he groaned softly as he sliwly came to. After almost a full hour,"Want me to stay?"

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"Bloated.... his time of the month.... as in his menstruation? Or is it his.... ovulation." Caesar asked, embarrasssed and confused. He knew he was asking a stupid question, he ought to know more about carriers, consideirng his husband was one. He instinctively held Victor closer and put his outstretched hand xloser to his shirt to let him frab on it. He nodded with pleading eyes to ask the doctor to stay. "Would you mind staying for a bit longer? I think he's coming back." He turned to look down and spoke in a quiet whisper. "Victor? Can you hear me?"

"Not mensuration. As you might know, male carriers don't menstruate. So it's most likely his ovulation."The man said as he scratched his chin and watched Victor come to slowly with a grip on the others shirt. He took another seat and placed his bag down on the floor while Victor groaned softly,"Dad?"His brow pinched together and he looked intensely confused as he held onto the other's shirt, looking up at him with a blank stare.

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Caesar was beyond.shocked to hear that. "What? No, Victor, I am not.your dad. Not that filthy piece of..... anyway, you dont recognise me?" He lifted Vixtor's head up a little, shifting so he was sitting a bit more upright. "Do you know who you are? Where's this place?" Caesar was prepared for being shoved off any second now, when Victor woke up from his fuzzy state of mind.

Victor looked just as confused as before and shook his head slightly, hissing when he felt the knot on the back of his head throb and reached up to touch it. He grimaced at the pain and leant away from Caesar,"No... I-I dunno..."He glanced around and looked slightly terrified as he pulled away carefully from him,"Who are you people?"He looked between their faces, the doctor sighed softly and looked towards his employer, waiting for him to answer the confused man.

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Caesar's brain was running at full speed, he pulled up Victor's hand showing him th3 simple band on his ring finger. "Victor... I am your husband, Caesar. This was our honeymoon and... you fell from the stairs.... thank god you are alright!" All he spoke of so far was the absolute truth, and tears rolled down his face, tears of absolute relief, he was demonstrating the perfect devastated husband, and in fact that was true too. "I...I... It's ok if you dont remmber me yet, I am sure your memory would comr back..or we can just create new ones togrther." New and sweet ones, Caesar's heart pounded knowing he had a chanve to start it all over again.

He looked to the band on his finger and a brief smile crossed his face,"I'm married?"He looked afraid again though when he mentioned that he had fell down the stairs,"Yeah... I'm fine."He said and wiped his tears as he leant into his chest, he held onto him for a moment. As the doctor looked between them,"He seems fine. No pain right, Victor?"He asked and the soldier looked up at the old man slightly and shook his head,"No. No pain."

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Caesar released his last bit of breath and finally broke a smile. "Thank god.... thank god really. Thsnk you doctor, thank you so much. Please get back to your clinic, I am so sorry to have bothered you so much. Thanks again fot saving my husband." His heart was almost.leaping out of his chest with how Victor was lenaing on his chest, for the first time not showing any hostility. He would treat him so well this time around, to make sure even if the memory dkd comr back, he couldnt just return to hating him.

The doctor nodded,"It was no problem. Remember what I said."He mentioned, grabbing his bag and moving to leave the house now as Victor looked up at Caesar slightly, his hand moved to curve around his neck. His fingers running through the hair at the nape of his neck,"Are you okay?"He didn't remember his husband, though from what he wss seeing now it was obvious that the man cared for him,"I didn't ruin our honeymoon did I?"

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"Oh no, not at all my love. My love...." caesar murmurred, finally able to declare his love. "You waking up had been the best thing to happen. The best honrymoon gift." Caesar added in his heart that waking up without memory and allowing him to start over again no less. "Now rest for a while more. You wohld need that to recover." He kissed Victor's forehead, caredul in cradling his head injury.

Victor wiped the younger man's tears again with a small smile as he nodded some, leaning against him again with his eyes closing. "Could we go upstairs so I can lay down?"He asked hopefully and soon enough he was taken to bed with the help of Caesar's servants, the grown man was soon asleep in the master bedroom. He sseemed to be a different person altogether, he wasn't angry or loud, sometimes he even rubbed his flat belly a little as if he still was reminded of being pregnant with the twins. Even though he didn't say anything about it as he contiued to rest his head after the fall, his hands even messing around with his healing nose.

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Caesar watched over Victor the whole time, pressing down his hand whenever he attempted to touch his nose that must be starting to ache. He wasnt entirely sure how far Victor's memory traced back to, and whether or not he had had any memory of the lover who he fathered the twins with. He sincerely hoped not. Victor being so gentle had him faling head over heels all over again, and if he was honest, he was attracted to this personality even more. He gazed on to tbe flat belly and wondered, if indeed this time they could conceive a child.out of love.

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