C Beloved teacher (w/lovebite)

Jacq pouted and exclaimed "it wasnt my fault that the janitor's closwt didnt have any condoms available!" He broke into a large grin as he said that, returning rhe kiss."you dont want to meet my parents yet?" Jacq frowned a bit as he qyi,kly went on to stir the sauce, not wanting it to get burnt. He also tasted it and added a bit of seasoning. "I thought the sooner the betger, though i understand that could be stressful for you to handle so much at the same timw."

Frank shook his head slightly and smiled briefly then sighed,"I don't want to make this into a big deal, but no. I'd rather not meet your parents."His lover responded simply, though when the young man continued to mention his thoughts on the matter he looked away some,"It's not stressful, I'm not one to be stressed over simple things like that. I just don't want to meet them."He looked back at Jacq slightly and pressed his lips together, waiting for a response.

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"Why wouldnt you want to meet my parents then? They would be grandparents to our children." Jacq asked, now turning serious as Frank didnt make himself clear and his tone wasnt making him comfortable. "They would need to know, sooner or later. I am sure they would be very loving and doting." He stirred for a few more times before killing the fire and covering it, getting ready to pour it over the spaghetti that was ready, and drizzled some cheese dices and put it into the oven to bake it over for a crispy surface. After getting everything done, he wrapped his hands around Frank and looked at him, patiently waiting for some kind of explanation.

"I told you, I didn't want to make it into a big deal."Frank sighed and shuddered some at the use of all the pronouns and nouns, he covered his face and rubbed his eyes and then his temples. "I don't need loving and doting, I get that from you already... And they would probably only tolerate me because of what I'm doing for you."He had a strange way of thinking of things, almost cynical as he sighed, watching him finish the food. The professor leaned into his chest with a weighed expression,"Why does it matter anyway?"

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Jacques frowned further. He couldbt understand at all and was determined to change the professor's mind, though for now he would let it slide. He didnt want to argue with Frank, not so soon after he had convinced Frank to accept him. He bit down th3 "it mattered to me." On his lips as he circled Frank into his arms, just letting his mind wonder on the possibilities ahead of them. "Dinner will be ready very soon. You want me to set it here or outside?"

Frank didn't notice the frown on his face but he did notice the disappointment in his tone as he held onto his shirt again, one of his own shirts that he had let him borrow. He smelt like himself and he just wasn't sure about this still, he wanted to love him and accept his love. Yet one traumatizing factor from when he was a young man kept him from doing just that,"Let's eat on the terrace."He told him and pulled away, pushing his lovers hair away from his face and kissing him softly in silence.

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Jacq let himself revel in thr kiss. He loved to kiss and and was in general a touchy-feely person, so to be able to.finally get into close contact with his secret elder lover made him quite excited. He moaned when they tongues started tangling together and had to muster all his self-control t0 pull away. "Gosh this felt wonderly. Though we had to start eating or the pasta would biurn in the oven...." he glanced longingly at the slightly swollen lips of Frank and released him reluctantly to get to their dinner.

Frank bit his lip when Jacques pulled away and smiled softly with a small nod,"Alright. Why don't you go and I'll make the plates and bring it out to for us."He said and moved to push himself off of the counter finally, blushing as he felt himself jiggle a bit. Knowing that he was putting on weight extraordinarily, he was usually a fit guy and with his chest flabbing up and his belly sinking like a beergut. He was feeling a bit self conscious whenever he noticed himself getting more and more...motherly as time goes on.

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Jacq was just in tiem catching the beautiful blush on Frank'face before turning, and he smiled. "What's with that embarrassing blush?" He noticed how Frank raised his hand to cup to belly, steadying it from the jiggle . He couldnt help but kiss Frank fondly again. He wasnt aware of Frank's own insecurity, but he found his lover to be genuinely extra attractive with a belly and he outrightly showed his adoration. "I couldnt wait until our baby... babies grow even further." He turned and bent down to get their pasta while saying it casually.

Frank shook his head simply, not giving Jacq an answer as he was kissed again and watched as his lover grabbed the pasta,"I can."He murmured mostly to himself and kept a hand on his middle as he bit his lip some, going to reach and grab the plates and forks,"What do you want to drink?"

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"I dunno. Soda?" Jacq raised an eyebrow and asked, missing Frank's murmur. He almost said wine but caught himself remembering how alcohol was off the table. With gloves on his hands, he took the caserole of pasta that was still sizzling and took a mat with him to be placed under the food. "You got any other options?" He asked as he past by Frank. "I could come back for the cups and drinks. You seemd to have your hanss full with plates."

Frank nodded some at the mention of soda and watched as Jacques went out onto the back porch,"I have water and apple juice."He mentioned and finished collecting the things they needed to set the table with,"I'm fine."He sighed and followed after his partner,"But you could get the drinks if you want."He placed down the plates and then the napkins and silverware as he pulled out his chair and went to take a seat.

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Jacques returned for the drinks, gettimg all 3 in case Frank wanted something else, and set them all down in fhe middle of the table. Looking out of tbe balcony, he smiled amd praised. "That's a nice view here." He sat down beside Frank, and eyed his belly curiously. He had noticed it sticking out a bit under the loose shirt, which was starting to get tight from the growing waistline. He dished the pasta as he looked on tbe belly, quite unable to move his eyes away.

Frank looked up at Jacq from his seat then over at the city skyline curiously as well, even though he's been seeing it for years every time he wakes up. "Yeah. It is."He nodded and looked to his partner slightly,"What is it?"He asked and grabbed a fork as the spaghetti steamed in front of him on his plate, his hand went to his middle. Then looked down slightly with a small frown,"I'm huge, aren't I?"He asked and tugged his shirt down fruitlessly.

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"Not as big as i woul have imagined for a twin belly. You sure therr's two inside? That's really not the textbook size really. Oh and dont hide it, I want to see it. In fact i was thinking if I could give you some belly rubs after the meal...." Jacques said as he estimated the size of the belly, his blush slowly deepening as he continued. He craved to get to his babies. To hide his awkwardness, he got himself his share of pasta and ate on. "You bettrr start or it would go cold. Tell me how you think it is?" He said as he blew on the spaghetti to cool it down.

"No. I'm not, I told you I haven't had a proper appointment yet... Just my own professional opinion."Frank still tugged down his shirt and looked away over the city again with a sigh as he then poured himself a glass of soda,"No. I think I'll be fine."He said and continued to look away from Jacques as he then took up his fork and began cutting the long strands of pasta so he could eat it easier. "Don't bet on me to make an accurate assessment, food is just food to me now."He shrugged his shoulder and took a bite, eating to keep from speaking to him any longer.

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Jacques was a little disappointed at being turned down, and that Frank hadnt had a proper appointment had been cause of worry as well. He nodded sadly seeing Frank's reluctance to talk. They ate in silence for a bit, though halfway through the meal Jacques could no longer contain himself. He had finished more or less his portion anyway. He slipped out of his chair and knelt down beside Frank, taking his free hand in his palms, he looked up and said with all sincerity he could feel. "I know you have your uncertainties and doubt towards us and the babies." He put a palm on the belly. "And I know I hadnt really done anything that would boost your confidence, though please give us time. I will prove to you I am very serious about this and that I wouldnt be leaving at all, not now, not ever. Just wait and see."

Frank had been finished and was now just staring at the bubbles in his glass of ice and soda before he felt a hand engulf his own. He flinched some and shook his head as he let his hand be held and his middle be pressed upon,"I am, Jacq. I'm giving you time, I'm letting you stay aren't I? I'm having dinner with you... What else do you want me to do for you?"He asked and met his eyes slightly as he sat back.

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"I dont know.... you are sometimes, distant. Away. Like there's an invisible bubble around you. And that scared me sometimes." Jacques braved his head on the belly that was way too small in his opinion, and muttered. He didnt know how to voicr it, though what he was feeling from Frank wasnt what he had hoped. He let himself look past the flinch and got up with the trademark smile of his again. "Alright. Are you done now? Or do you still want to have a bit more?" He looked at the caserole and saw almost a quarter of food left.

Frank reached up with his free hand to run his fingers through his hair gently,"It's not you..."He murmured and leaned down gently to kiss his head, then place his palm on his shoulder softly as he smiled at him. The older male loved that look as he looked to the spaghetti then nodded,"Yeah, I'm done. I think I may take a nap though."He said and sighed, moving gently to stand up from his seat, collecting their plates,"After I clean up... There's tv in the living room, I have netflix, no cable though."

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