The Soldier and The Governor ((With bhdire8 and Lovebite))

((That's what Caesar thought to be what Victor's father is like. Not what Victor thought of his own father, the only thing that made Victor dislike his father is that he forced him into marriage.))

Victor could tell how happy Caesar was by the news and wasn't sure why he wasn't reacting the same way, about the conversation they had last time and the context of it. He was surprised that he didn't...feel more about it, and watched as his husband hurried back out of the room yelling all the way. The soldier rested a hand on his middle and bit his lower lip as he turned his head again with a sigh, the melancholy didn't end that day though.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Caesar had been in hyper mode throughoht that day, and the whole mansion seemed to be in an uplifted mood, everybody feeling the joy of their yoinger master. As nighttime approaches, Caesar finally was calmed enough to notice how Victor wssnt really showing enthusiasm to whatever rambling he had on the nursery. Upon looking at Victor's face, his smile that had been on since that mornibg had died down. "You arent happy about this." He stated, not even making it into a question. "You arent happy that you are having our baby." This time a bit of hurt was clear in his voice.

Victor hadn't really moved much from the room, despite going down for lunch and dinner before coming back up to avoid the annoying babbling of Caesar. He felt bad for thinking that way about his husband, though it was truly how he was feeling, at the moment at least. He hoped it would change, he wanted to feel like his lover was earlier, happy go lucky for the future yet he wasn't. At least not now,"I am."He shook his head and reached to rest his hand on his lovers chest as he laid down beside him, silent after that.

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That had ended their conversation. Though from next day onwards, everybody within the mansion was curious as to why the young master no longer appeared to be as excited as before. He seemed to have had some apiphany overnight that got him evermore careful around Victor. As opposed to his previous surveillance, he had been ever more loving and attentive to his husband. He would tend to his needs, complying to whatever wish he wanted. Except for not allowing.him to visit Victor's own father, citing his condition to be still too unstable for the carriage ride, he had become the perfect husband. Caring, but not overwhelmingly so. He would keep his distance upon seeing the slightest annoyance from his husband. Everything he had been.doing felt like he was trying very hard to please his husband.

Victor was soon showing, his stomach bloated out from his lean frame below his outie belly button. One of the other reasons why he didn't exactly trust Caesar when he told him things, that one lie crushed the trust he had for his husband. Despite the other being so loving and caring, he knew that he kept him in the house for reasons unspoken but surely mentioned despite him not saying anything. The soldier frowned up as he stood on the deck, watching the servants take the horses for a stroll. His hand was on his middle as he barely said much after the pregnancy was confirmed, there was not much to say afterward about anything. Caesar seemed to have everything worked out anyway, the nursery connected to their bedroom was beginning to be built up in preparation of the child. He didn't exactly like the sound of all the work being done as he slept during the day, so he came outside to spend some time in the sun. Where Caesar seemed to like seeing him.

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Caesar had been overseeing th4 progress of the nursery. He saw his husband's form through the window and smiled. He liked seeing him out. To see him.mulling over unexplained melancholy wasnt exactly something he wanted to see.

As the work had been right on schedule, he decided to meet his husband. He knocked on the doorwya to the deck to alert of Victor of his presence, a habit he developed lately. "Hello my dear. Enjoying the sunshine?" He asked with a careful smile.

Victor sighed as he took a seat on one of the deck chairs, resting his hand on his middle still with a small nod,"It's getting warmer out."He mentioned and crossed his legs as he let his head lean back on the chair, the sky was filled with puffy white clouds,"When can we go visit my family?"He asked him, turning his head to meet the other's eyes,"I'm sure it's been a while since I've met my father."

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Caesar came foward, kneeling beside Victor, lookinga at him carefully and lightly touched his bulge. He was quitr surprised by how fast Victor was progressing, but it could be because this was a second pregancy and his body was accustomed to it. Caesar hadnt been sleeping well. The most recluse and silent Victor was, the more he felt he wasgoing to recall everything. He regretted much that he hadnt stayed.longer in the countryside. He was living under a dagger hanging right above his head, and the constant request from Victor to meet his own family wasnt helping at all.

"Do you really want to go back?" He asked quietly, though he knew the answer.

Victor met his eyes in return, then watched as his husbands hands traveled over the small bulge in his shirt, as he had been dressing more and more casual as the days went on. He allowed his husband to endulge in whatever fantasy he had of them and even tried to fit it, he was a perfect husband to him, submissive and anything else that you could think of. "Please?"He pleaded with the other man, resting a hand on his,"Why can't I? What's wrong with visiting my father? It's only for the day."

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(LOL sorry got a bit confused with the pronouns. So it's Victor being submissive?)

"I..." Looking at Victor's pleading eyes, caesar knew he was destined to lose the battle. "I would try to make arrangements. But before taht... perhaps I should tell you this. Your father had suffered from an accident before... and he was permanently crippled now. It happened not long after our engagement." Caesar finally said. He would find some time to meet with his father-in-law to negotiate about what had happened to Victor, and hopefully for the sake of his unborn grandchild, he would consent to keeping everything a secret, and hopefully play along with his story. He hoped he coudl show enough to his father-in-law, who might be closer to Vcitor than he had thought by how much Victor wanted to meet him, that he indeed loved his son greatly, and wouldnt want anything that would harm him.

((Yep, since the memory loss he's been trying to be a good husband to Caesar like he thinks couples should be.))

The man grinned for the first time in a few weeks and leaned down to kiss his husband deeply as he held his face, rubbing his thumbs over his cheeks and nuzzling him before pulling away with bright eyes, until he revealed the reason why he had been keeping him from his father. His glowing happiness dwindled and he covered his mouth,"Oh my god..."He couldn't help the tears that came to his eyes as he stood up from the chair and ran off back into the house silently in a fit of sadness. Victor went straight upstairs to the bedroom, looking to the bed and then the balcony and the doorway to the baby's nursery before disappearing into the bathroom, locking the door.

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Caesar ran after Victor as he rushed back into the house. "Wait Victor! Careful!" his heart almost leapt out of his throat as he almost bumped into a pile of wood that was materials for the building of the nursery, and chased after him. He was unable to catch up with him when a team of worker blocked his way, and when he arrived Victor was already locked in the bathroom. Caesar knocked on the door urgently. "Victor? Are you alright? Sorry to have just announced that news.... i just blurted it out and.. I should know how much it would affect you. I am so sorry... Please, can you open up? You are making me worried."

Victor curled up against the door as he brought his knees to his chest and pressed his face into his hands, he couldn't stop the tears falling from his eyes and the quiet hiccuping sobs escaping him as he pressed his back against the door. He didn't say anything to Caesar even when the man apologized and begged him to open the door, he pressed his mouth into his palm and shut his eyes tightly, not moving at all. He just expected the other to leave him alone when he didn't reply, he just wanted to be alone for now, he didn't understand anything especially Caesar and his strange ways of loving him.

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Caesar waited for awhile to listen to the sound from teh inside, and the faint sobbing broke his heart. He opened and closed his mouth for a few times, not sure on how to convince his husband to come out. Eventually he opted for another apology. "Please Victor, I just couldnt find a good timing to break the news to you. You seemed to care for him a lot and I just... Victor. I wouldnt be at ease knowing you are all alone in there. If you dont want to see me I would disappear immediately, just open the door would you? at least let me know you are safe and could be attended to."

Victor covered his ears for a moment, he couldn't listen to him,"No!"He spat out, hitting the door with his fist,"I knew it! I knew you were like this and yet I trusted you to tell me the truth about things!"He ran his fingers through his hair, it seemed he was always blindly trusting him,"I don't want to see your face."He said and shook his head as he wrapped his arms around his knees,"So fuck off."He pressed his face into his arms and shut his eyes tightly.

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Caesar for a second thought Victor recalled everything, and he froze in fear. THough when he listneed on, he was a little confused. "I just didnt know how to tell you this! I wasn't lying to you about it." He explained himslef, utterly confused. "I dont understand Vcitor, why are you accusing me of lying to you when all I did was delaying to break you some news. If i had been intentional in lying to you, why would i be telling you taht all of a sudden."

"By keeping all of this from me, my memories, you lie. I don't care how you dress it up, it's my life and I deserve to know."He turned his face away as he looked off out of the bathroom window,"Just shut up. Didn't I tell you to fuck off?"He asked and moved to stand up as he moved towards the toilet room and shut that door as well.

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Caesar was at a lost and from the slamming sound, Victor had the second door shut. There's no way for his voice to sound tbrough the double door unless he wanted the whole mansion to know they were having a fight. Caesar slipped down onto the dloor, frustrated with himself. He was dreading this to happeb, yet even when his memories werent back, his husband wasnt giving him any chance of explaining, and was already getting angry at him for withholding the truth. He couldbt imagine how it would be when he recalled everything.

Not really knowing what to do and too worried about Victor, Caesar decided to wait therr. He wouldnt leave Victor alone until Victor come back out and he could be sure he was alright.

It took almost an entire hour before Victor came out, opening the bathroom door finally and looking at Caesar as he crossed his arms then,"You're going to take me to my fathers house right now."He said simply,"Or I'll be walking myself there with a suitcase in my hand."He stood firmly in his place, not budging an inch even when Caesar looked at him, he was steely.

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The expression on Victor resembled strongly of how he appeared before thr accident. His eyes went redand lowered his head defeatedly and nodded. He was even more saddned to see Victor's cold face now that he had a taste of how nice it could be to see Victor's smilin face. He turned around and went out silently, telling the servants to prepare for the carriage.

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