Closed A Brave Butler (w/Bhdire8)
Despite how 'manly' Orvin seemed, he was as easily embarrassed as a virgin on their wedding night and blushed as much too as he looked for an explanation to why he was getting all of this special treatment, he wasn't ovulating... No... It wasn't his... He almost teared up at the thought as he let his head fall back against the sack of potatoes he was laying against in the storage room on an extra cot they kept around if a servant was asked to stay for the night. "I'm late..."He murmured and pressed his palm to his forehead, biting down on his lower lip enough to almost draw blood and glaring up at the Lord of the house slightly despite the deep color to his cheeks. Then towards the doctor,"Does he have to be here?'He asked and when he moved towards him to touch him, he flinched away,"Don't, please. Th-This is a personal matter and I'd appreciate it if you left me on my own with the doctor to talk about this."He told Lord Conrad, making sure to look him in the eye to make himself clear.
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The lord shook his head gravely. "You know that Orvin. Count the days. I have a part in this, and I couldn't just let it go." His eyes gradually lit up as a plan started forming in his head. Finally, a child. This could be it, and he hoped his wife wouldn't get too mad at him, at both of them, and would consent to this. If executed well, all their problems would be solved. "Parker... is it?" He raised his head to ask the doctor, only to confirm his suspicion. He clenched tight his fist as he looked at Orvin with his blush. Upon seeing the subtle nod of Parker, he did something no one would imagine him to do - he held the butler by his shoulders and kissed him squarely on the cheek. "Thanks Orvin, thank you! " He stood up and circled the room excitedly, biting into his own knuckles.
The butler frowned at him,"Of course you have a part in this and if you wish for everyone to know of the filth that happened that day then I'll tell everyone what exactly happened that night."He said simply, though he knew he hadn't the heart to do such a thing to the man, he just felt so...angry... So...frustrated at the entire situation, five whole years of loyal service and this was how he was repaid."He turned his face away simply as he asked the doctor what he wanted and felt sick to his stomach,"In going to vomit."He muttered and scowled at Augustus,"How dare man."He sat up finally now after the examination was over and tugged his shirt closed,"Stop pretending that you have the right to act like my friend, you aren't. We are nothing. I am only your servant and I would appreciate it if you acted that way as well."
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The threatening tone of Orvin alarmed Augsutus and he turned around realising the carrier wasn't as happy about the situation as he was. WIthout thinking, he dropped down to his knees as he immediately thought of the worst seeing how angry the butler was. "Please Orvin. I beg of you. I do not care if anyone in the household knew of this, but I wanted you to keep the baby. You know how hard me and Adeline had been trying for a child and this... the tiny life in you now, it could be our hope. Please, Orvin, please keep it. I swear I would do whatever you wanted as long as you keep and give birth to the baby. This child will be our heir. I would get you whatever you want, as long as you agree to it." his face was one of desperation. He knew deep down that if he wasn't able to produce an heir with Adeline after 13 years of marriage and repeated effort, it wasn't likely that they could succeed seeing the Lady was not getting any younger. She's 30 today and by general standard, it was getting even more unlikely for her to conceive now.
Orvin felt Brian's hand on his shoulder and he looked up at the young boy, he placed his own hand on his and gripped the flaps of his dress shirt with his other. He couldn't tell what he was thinking, though he valued the others support no matter how young he was, he squeezed his hand then dropped it. "I need to go home to my wife."He said simply, looking to the doctor and the Lord of the house,"We will discuss this after everyone has slept on it, I know I need more rest myself."He collected his things and clutched the clothing to his chest,"Will you allow me that?"He asked the other man, the older more influential and wealthier man.
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The lord sighed knowinh he had no right keeping the butler from his family. "At least tell me you wouldnt be ...aborting." his face paled atthe word. If he had that reassurance he wohld be able to execute his plan. "And that you would be coming back afterwards." He fixated his gaze on the butler's belly as he said, or more like pleaded. For an heir that in essence, would solve all his problems and save his marriage.
The butler looked at the master of the house for a moment with no response until he simply said,"No. I won't kill your baby."He replied, sighing at the second question,"I'll come back, if not tomorrow then the next."He nodded and moved to push himself up now slightly,"If you would leave me, I could get dressed and the sooner tomorrow will come."He said and Brian stayed still, not as if Orvin was talking to him anyway while the older man looked between the Lord and the doctor simply.
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"Alright. That would be sufficient." The lord nodded solemnly. He knew Orvin too long to have enough trust in him that he was a man of his words. "Though I couldbt spare you Brian, I could ask for the carriage to get you home." He sugvested. Without Orvin, Brian must stay for the smoothrunning of the banquet. He wasnt too sure about letting Orvin walk all that far when he's clearly not in the best condition.
The young butler moved out of the room with the Lord then,"I understand, sir. I will continue Mister Jakson's duties of course."Brian replied and stood outside the door, as Orvin took no time at all to get redressed,"I'm alright. I'd rather like to think about this all too."He exhaled as he gripped his cummerbun his free hand, pushing a hand through his hair in a rather unprofessional way. He had let himself go for tonight, he was too out of it to care,"Actually... No, if it's not a problem, I would love a ride home. Please."He looked up at the master of the house.
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The Lord nodded. "I would see to it myself. Thank you, Orvin, I am indeed in great debt of you. Please take good care of yourself, I would be returning to the banquet beofre the guests started getting suspicious." With that, the lord nodded with his friend to thank him before returning to the banquet. He quickly located his wife and asked for a word. "Adeline.... are you willing to do whatever in your power to have a child, like me?" Augustus asked in a faint voice.
The woman turned to her husband slightly when he appeared once more beside her as she stood off in the sitting room with a glass of champagne in her hand,"Hm?"She rose an eyebrow at the use of her name and scoffing at the question,"Is that even as serious question?"She met her husbands eyes and noticed the determination in them, as she read him instantly like an ad in the daily paper,"What did you do?"She asked, knowing that if he was questioning her then something might have happened, he wouldn't be coming to her talking about a child she couldn't have if nothing serious had happened. "What happened?"
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"Remember that night, when I.... I barged out of the room?" Augustus was ambiguous but he knew his wife would recall that painful memory that's still too fresh. "I had done something wrong being extremely drunk and I couldnt tell you hoe sorry I am... but the end redult is.... Orvin is now with child. My child. Please Adeline, I know you have every right to be angry and hurt, and I am truly sorry for that, but... would you announce that you are pregnant now? Please.... that could be our only solution."
Adeline grit her teeth though she didn't lose her temper with her husband as they were still accompanied by the entire nobel community. She pursed her lips only slightly, then turned to face most of the crowd, moving through it towards the stairs and stepping up them carefully. Still, with glass in hand she had taken a piece of silverware from one of the tables and now tapped it against the glass, gaining the attention of most of the crowd for a moment then all. As she looked over their faces and looked solemn for the first time that night,"Everyone, thank you for coming... It was really a pleasure to speak with all of you and receive your congratulations. Though I must mention something at this moment."He glanced to where she thought her husband would have followed her,"My husband doesn't know this either so it's a surprise for all."She took a breath,"I-I am...unable to have children...barren as stone..."There were whispers and she suddenly smiled through the thick atmosphere,"Although, my husband seemingly is not."She laughed bitterly, raising her glass in his direction,"So congratulations to both of us, I suppose we will be receiving a little bundle of joy soon enough to raise as our own."She looked sick and joyful all at once as she then took a gulp of her champagne,"Cheers!"The woman looked over their shocked faces and clapped her hands together,"Come on, it's something to celebrate! Start the band!"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
(Hmmn another of your trademark twist)

Augustus had not been where Adeline had thought he was, he had still at the bottom of the stairs, face pale as snow now. He had found his grave mistake now. Overestimating the desire of Adeline's desire for a child and underestimating her jealousy. When he came to think of it, it was indeed a rash plan, he had been too optimistic and naive, so to speak.

Amidst the shocked silence of everyone, he ascesned the stairs and stood beside his wife. "I am sorry for causing such a scene. My wife has been in an unstable mental state for quite some time and I thought.... I thought this would be beneficial for her. I apologize again, but i would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to give us some privacy at this moment. Thank you all and I bid you all good night." With that, he dragged his wife off the stairs and dismissed the crowd, disappearing into their own bedroom.

"No. What are you talking about?"She looked heated as her brown eyes glared at her husband when she was dragged up the stairs, stumbling into her bedroom and once gaining use of her arm she took her hand used it to strike him across the face,"You bastard, how dare you embarrass me in front of all of our friends. Are you..."She couldn't even process how angry she was with him,"I'm not insane, how dare you say that to them. You dirty liar."She spat hitting his chest once and then again and again, her jewelry ringing out as she did and sobbing finally when she collapsed onto the floor in a heap, tears flooding from her eyes,"I-I hate you... You cheating son of a bitch, get out... get out of my room."She didn't want him, not now, not after such a revelation.
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Augustus took the hitting, not even attempting to stop his wife. Though, the action of his wife had gotten him in a difficult dilemma, and that led to a difficult decision of Augustus'. He knelt down in front of Adleine, which he seemed to be constantly doing tonight, and said in a very calm voice. "Adeline, please remember I love you. Please understand that I love you so much that I am willing to give my life for you. However, there's something more important than my life. That's our family name. The Covans name was built by generations. Yes we are reputed to be a stern family, with a quick temper, grumpy even, but we are an honroable family who had fought hard for our, you have ruined that in front of all guests. I thought you knew how important it was for me to maintain that generations of hardwork, amd to uphold our traditions... that's also why I needed an heir so much. This is more than me, more than us, more than any individual. This is the heritage of generations of amcestors, and I couldbt just let it get ruined in my hands."
Adeline looked up at Augustus,"I'm a Conrad too. I have been for ten years now, what about me? I've ruined nothing, you have."She turned away as she pulled her knees up to her chest, she said nothing more as she wrapped her arms around her legs. Her eyes were darkened and she was silent for a long while after he said that, if he had went to leave after he would hear,"I'll never forgive you if you bring that bastard into our house."She didn't even look up at him when she said that,"Never."
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Augustus sighed at his wife's stubborness. "Perhaps I had been too naive to expect you to take this instantaneously. Though i thought this would be our best solution. I don't know if what you have declared tonight is real or not, that you are barren, but I thought you would be able to accept the baby. Just think about it, if what you said is true, this vast estate, the land, the people, the properties, would all pass to some distant relatives, most likely the filthy Lemmingtons, who had been waiting to inherit our estates to cover their debts. I would come again, maybe in a few days, but please give it another thought." As he finished, he quietly left the room. He knew it would be difficult for Adeline to take it, but he just couldnt think of any other way. He once again sighed. All he wanted was an heir, yet such a simple wish had led to too much problems.
Adeline did think about it as she stared at the floor, not caring about getting the dress she wore dirty as she did so, not looking up when she heard him leave. She wasn't enough for him, that's all he was telling her and that was hard for her to take. The woman wasn't content either, yet she thought he would think more of her than this, cheating and asking this much of her. Her eyes clouded up, pushing herself up and disappearing into the bathroom to undress for the night, she shyed away even more so then. Chosing to spend her days completely alone now, even for daily meals, her only company to be the maids when she called for their services.
Though when Orvin returned for work the next day, he felt the tension of the mansion before even speaking with the Lord or Lady. He stood awkwardly in casual clothing, without a suit or tie, only a loose fitting button up and slacks, his wife made him promise not to stay for the entire day. Yet he had a feeling he may be talked into staying longer than planned as he waited in the foyer for Conrad to make his appearance.
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Augustus was still finding ways to convince his wife to accept the situation. He understood why she had been so angry, and he would want to reassure her that she had alwasy been the only one that he loved. He was still contemplating on how to find a way out in this situation when ORvin was announced. He collected himslef a bit to face his butler.

Entering the foyer, Augustus gave the butler a faint smile on his tired face. He hadn't had a wink the previous night. "Orvin.. thank you for coming back." He pressed the pregnant man onto the nearest chair, not leaving him room for rejection. "I guess you have felt how weird it is now in this place... just last night, the lady had announced in frotn of all guests that she is barren and that I am expecting a child from someone else." The lord huffed bitterly. "Anyway, that didnt change my wish. I would want to make the child you are carrying, no matter the gender, to be my heir."

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