Work w/ bhdire8

"Drank very much before I came here. Stereotype is true, not much to do but drink," Malorn replied with a small chuckle. "Never had America liquor, should try it out if living here."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Oh well we dont really have any good ones. Personally i thought russian ones could be better." Archie smiled and handed over the drink to Malorn as the bartender past them their orders. "So what do you do after work? Movies? Music?" He asked as he took a sip.

Malorn took a small sip of his drink, shrugging at Archie's statement on Russian liquor being better. "They are," he replied. "I try to read as much as I can, helps with English. Same thing for television. Not as helpful because people talk to quickly."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Your english is good enough to be conversational i think. You have been doing quite well, i have heard great comments around." Archie said as he squeezed Malorn's thigh. The powerful muscle under his slacks would be sexy on bed, probably would wound around his waist well. And he would definitely ride him well. He caught himself from thinking further and took another sip to hide his unease.

"You have very complicated language. Lots to keep track of," Malorn pointed out, secretly enjoying the squeeze to his thigh. He took another sip of liquor as well, huffing slightly. "Have to go back to Russia. Get you real alcohol."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"You didnt have any stashed in your home? Or are you too selfish that you are not willing to share your own collection from home with me?" Archie smiled and teased. "I would love to go Russia someday. St petersburg and Moscow both seemed quite beautif and worthwhile to go."

"None hidden at home, no. Drank it all long ago," Malorn joked, gently nudging Archie. "Moscow okay. St. Petersburg nice in tourist spots, not so much in other spots. Very cold there, not much to do."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hmm oh well no point not believing in you. You are the local afterall. Which side are you from then? The east or west?" He continued on with the easy conversation though he had subtly moved closer to Malorn, leaning closer to him when he felt the nudge that encouraged him to advance further.

"Lived east for long time, stayed west when I was an adult for year or so. Then I came here," Malorn explained, sipping the drink again. "Not so much interesting about me."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"You are so interesting. Just look at yourself. You have the experience that most wouldnt have for their whole life, and you are a tough person, capable and willing to accept challenge. I just thouht maybe you needed some passion. Life after work should be more than the gym and forced reading. Let me take you to the movies next time. And maybe that farmer's market during the weekend. You free foe that the coming Saturday?"

Malorn blushed at the praise from Archie, trying to hide it with a sip of his drink. "Not good with movies. I'm not doing anything Saturday, no," he replied, gently swirling the contents of his glass.

✨don't look at my sin✨

archie almost chuckle seeing the cute blush on Malorn. He had never seen that pale face tinte with any color and the blush fitted him well. He decided he would be making use of every opportunity to praise him, determined to see that blush as much as possible. "Great! Then I will see you on Saturday. Perhaps we can go together? I would drive by your place. Then we can grab a bite afterwards. Sound fair?"

"Sounds fair," Malorn nodded, trying to get his blush under control. Emotion wasn't his strong suit, not after so many years of little human interaction, so he didn't know how to deal with any emotions he did have. However, whatever he felt looking at Archie was a good feeling. A warm feeling.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Great! So that sets it." Archie smiled widely looking at Malorn and his blush, which decidedlyshouldnt be from the alcohol. They then finally strted to discuss on the projectthey were working on andthe night ended pleasantly with them walking back to their respective cars to drive home, both didnt get their second fill in the bar.

On Saturday Archie arrivedslightly ahead of time. Malorn's place was quiet and.slightly remote, but a nice place nonetheless. He rang the doorbell and waited, looking around curioisly.

Malorn felt worried about going to the farmers market, not wanting to look like a fool with his English, nor look like a fool in front of Archie. He didn't say it was a date, no, but Malorn felt as though it was one, and tried to be presentable. He dressed casually enough, a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans, sunglasses on as well. Malorn's cat, a large black cat by the name of ночь ('night' in Russian, of course), made it to the door first, meowing softly at the closed door. Malorn quietly shooed the cat away before opening the door. "Good morning."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Smiling brightly, Archie greeted Malorn with enthusiasm. "Morning. Looking good you are! Nice and crisp for the monring. Oh and look at this little guy here. Hello there." Archie saw the black cat and said hi, even though he didnt attempt to pat the cat, the fondness was obviously in his eyes. He knew for cats, it would be easier if you waited enough to get tbem to approach you instead of the other way round. "That's a beauty you got there. He or she? Accompanying you from Russia?" Archie asked cueiously eyeing the bushy tail of the cat. Archie himself was in khakis and a polo, wearing a sunglasses as well.

Malorn smiled at the compliment and blushed, glad that Archie paid attention to his cat and missed it. The black feline meowed again, sauntering up to Archie and rubbing against his legs. "She is not from Russia, I adopted her here. I gave her a Russian name, though, ночь. Means 'night.' Found it fitting because of her color," he explained, taking the cat and easily lifting her into his arms, causing her to meow and nuzzle his neck.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Aechie chuckled at getting his legs rubbed against by the cat. "That's a beautful name for her. I bet she's proud of havin such a unique name hersefl." Archie rubbed on the cat's chin, which the cat seemed enjoying quite much with how she's squinting her eyss upon getting sceatched. Though when Archie tried to get further down to the chest of the cat, she suddnely move and Archie ended up pressing on Malorn's chest. "Oop sorry!" He apologized immediately fidgeting a bit.

Night purred at the scratching of her chin, eyes squinting slightly. Malorn blushed slightly at the touch to his chest, attempting to play it off. "Is fine. Should get going, anyway," he spoke, setting the cat down, Night slinking off into the house. It seemed that even Malorn's cat wanted them together.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Right. Let's go." The blush of Malorn once again brought out Archie's smile. "I was craving the freshly brewed coffee in the market. It would be really fun. By the way, do you cook?" Archie slipped out of the doorway and waited for Archie to lock the door before heading to his car together.

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