Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn locked the door and followed Archie to the car, shrugging before nodding. "I do, yes, but does not always go well. Suppose not everything can be perfect," he murmured as he got into the passengers side of the car.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Practice makes perfect i can assure you. Perhpas we can try together, they say fusion. American fused with Russian, it would be interesting." Archie started the car as he extended another invitation. He quite enjoyed spending time with Malorn, even though the blonde might not be the most talkative type. "We could buy something and cook together. Would you mind lending the kitchen out for lunch today? I would love to have more time with your cat. And how to pronounce it again?"

Malorn smiled softly and nodded, happy at the invitation, happy at the chance to spend more time with Archie. "ночь, but you could call her Night. Responds to both," he informed. "She is very loving. Enjoys attention as well, she warms up to others quickly."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Is it? They say pets are similar to their owners but then... oh well you needed a longer warming up time i am guessing." Archie teased Malorn as he turned to stop by the park. "Here we are. Let's grab that sausage roll first! it's a true delicacy that I couldn't resist the temptation everytime i come. And that coffee to accompany it. Simply the perfect match."

Malorn rolled his eyes with a small smile as Archie teased him, following him around the farmers market, trying out anything that Archie ate. Most of it was delicious, the Russian enjoying the American cuisine he had yet to taste.

✨don't look at my sin✨

They went on to shop for the freshest ingredient available, some of the shop owners greeted warmly with Archie, most of them asking why he hadn't come for such a long time. As they turned to another store selling fruits, Archie's easy smile dimmed a bit. "how about we go another way. That store on the opposite side seems to have some intersting produce." He was turning so abruptly, though it was too late and a soft voice was muttering his name. "Archie...." the young man said with a dazed look. "Archie wait!" Sighing, Archie turned around and greeted the guy who's glancing between him and Malorn with a frown. "Hello Kenny. It's been long." Archie finally said quietly.

Malorn noticed Archie's discomfort, knowing it was better not to ask about it until a man came up to them. Malorn instantly didn't like him, the dazed look on his face making him look like a fish out of water. Kenny, his name was, apparently. Malorn tried not to glare at this 'Kenny' character, but found him to be untrustworthy already.
"It has been," Kenny smiled pleasantly. "I've been wondering why I haven't seen you out here."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie noticed Kenny looking at Malorn and the returning stare. He cleared his throat to break the invisible tension. Diverting from Kenny's eager gaze, he introduced the two. "Kenny, this is my friend Malorn. Malonr, this is Kenny. we used to be neighbors." He said simply though it was obvious there's more between the two than that.

"Good to meet you," Malorn nodded, attempting to be friendly, though his gaze could kill from under his sunglasses. "We should get going, darling, we have to go home and make lunch. Said I could finally make you something," he spoke, wanting it to seem like they were a couple to make Kenny jealous.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie's brow quirked hearing "darling" though he smiled and was actually quite grateful for Malorn to be doing that. He wound an arm around Malorn's waist and got near to him. "Yes indeed. I have been looking forward to it." Lowering his head, he whispered in a voice so low only Malorn could hear, though it would appear he was talking something sweet to his lover. "Hmm darling isn't it? that's really great babe."

Malorn laughed, shaking his head slightly, murmuring back, "I was saving you. You were, uh... uncomfortable," He nodded, finally finding the right word. "Kenny seems like bad man. You are good man. Should not mix."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Oh well, then we better kept up the acting." Straightening up, he gave a larger smile to kenny. "Any recommendations on today's produce? I see you have finally taken over the business." He hesitated but didnt have enough in him to ask about Kenny's partner and his baby, or if they were still together. He had stored away that memory and wouldn't touch on that area easily. "Accoridng to Malorn, he would need some nice veg so if you don't have what we needed, i guess we have to keep going." He looked down at Malorn with loving eyes, not sure how much of it was acting himself.

Malorn stayed close, a hand on the small of Archie's back as he sipped his coffee. He wasn't sure what was natural, feeling like a bumbling teenager with his first crush. He watched Kenny fidget, shrugging slightly. "Nothing much today, just fruits. They're got some good stuff a couple stalls down if you're looking for just vegetables," he mumbled, talking a little too fast.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hmm in that case I guess we have to move forward. See you around Kenny." Archie had not been this at ease facing Kenny for a long time, and for that he was most grateful towards Malorn to be willing to act as his makehisft boyfriend. With an arm behind Malorn, they moved forward to the stall in front, not even paying attention to Kenny's miserable face seeing them leave.

"What's deal with him?" Malorn asked softly, taking another sip of coffee as they were out of earshot. "As sudden boyfriend, I should know," he smirked slightly. It hadn't truly been acting with the impromptu affections, Malorn wanting to have something with Archie ever since their little night at the bar. Archie was smart, handsome, had a great personality, and was easy to understand. However, Malorn felt he could only dream.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"As my boyfriend, i think you need to keep up the acting dor a little while longer. You know, you never can predict where acquiantances of kenny would pop up." Archie said with slight teasing. He smiled and said slowly, for the first time able to recite what happene between them. "Kenny and I... we were lovers long before. I thought i would build a family with him, until one day in high school he told me he got someone pregnant. I knew he wasnt a carrrier, and I am not one either, but i just never thought... he claimed it was an accident, and that he couldnt just leave the girl alone....he even said he always wanted children, as if I didnt want it myself...." he said with some sadness .

Malorn kept his hand on the small of Archie's back, rubbing there slightly. "I'm sure you'll find somebody to have children with. Extraordinary man, not hard to find love," he complimented. "How does one know that they can carry? Is there a test?" he asked. He didn't know if he was one himself, never having access to any of his medical records, even if it had been recorded there.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hmm here we do a test when we are five years old. Well if you dont know... i guess we could go to the clinic to check? It would be quick, just take some blood and in 5 seconds, bam you know it." Malorn's question pulled Archie from his memories. "I have heard they felt different for some days in the month, when they would 'ovulate' as we usually say so. And they in generla have greater flexibility and sensitivity at the backside.." archie paused as he found himself going into too much details. "Sorry. I guess I have just grossed you out."

Malorn listened intently, not remembering being tested in Russia. He hadn't grown up in a nice place, a small, run-down orphanage with at least a hundred other children, so he couldn't usually get any of the attention he needed, affectionately or medically. "No, is fine. Not much disgusts me," he shrugged. He'd seen a lot in the homeless streets of Russia, especially St. Petersburg.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Anyway, i think it would be good to get you tested out. At least you would know the risk and effects it's going to bring forth." Archie said resuming his easy smile. "Now let's get going, i am looking forward to what you are going to cook for me, as have looked forward to it for so long." Archie said and natrually linked their hands together as he dragged Malorn forward to the storw that sold ingredients they needed.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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