Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn blushed and laughed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "Ridiculous man," he murmured. "Like me in general," he smiled mischievously.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hmm so now would my fiance indulge in my little obsession?" He carried Malorn up in his arms and walked into the bedroom, which they had been sharing lately. They usually spend their night on either side, but Archie could feel Malorn being more at ease when he's in his own house and therefore, chose to spend more time in Malorn's. "So, which clothes do you have in mind? Just tell me, my Czar, and I would deliver it tor you." Archie put down Malorn and bowed a little, acting like a loyal servant.

Malorn smiled and sat on the edge of the bad, holding his belly. "Just bring me a few of my old shirts, my dear," he chuckled, gently running a hand through Archie's hair.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie smiled and kissed Malorn lightly before going to retrieve some of hsi shirts. "How about this?" he whipped out a plain white t-shirt, then changed his mind as he saw a button-down. "Or this one. The buttons would be stretched." He said with a smile as he handed to Malron. "Or any other thing? You know your wardrobe better than me." Archie said with a smile, his hands on his hips.

"Maybe plaid shirt with white shirt under it," Malorn suggested, rubbing his belly as Archie went around to gather his clothes.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"That sounded brilliant." Archie smiled brightly and handed Malorn the garments. "Want me to help?" He said eyeing Malron's belly, eager to look at it again. He could never get enough of his belly. "And perhaps it could be time for another belly rub...? Make sure it would stay stretch-mark free till the end?"

"Would not be opposed," Malorn smiled, pulling off the lose shirt he was wearing, beginning to pull on the other shirts.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The white shirt was alright excpet getting quite stretched around the waist, but the plaid shirt proved to be a bit problematic as teh buttons just wouldnt come together. "Can you take a deep breath? I needed a bit more space here to button them up." Archie said as he tired buttoning up the final few.

"Should not button up, maybe?" Malorn asked, glancing at Archie. "Could try one of your shirts, would not be as tight, and could emphasize our relationship."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie smiled and kissed Malron. "HOw come you could always come up with such brilliant ideas." He chuckled and took one of his shirts out. They were quite large but not large enough around the waist of Malorn's, looking more like a sweater than a shirt. "Now ... that satisfied my inner possessiveness to no ends. You are all set to be shown around." He chuckled to himself as he grabbed the lotion across teh bed. "Now perhaps, we should dediate our time among ourselves...."

Malorn returned the kiss happily, putting on Archie's shirt instead. He quite enjoyed it, smelling just like his love, and it was loose enough for his belly. Malorn easily settled against the pillows, pulling his shirt up enough for Archie to see and rub.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Gosh I wish it's weekend already. One more reason for us to rush through work." He smiled as he rubbed the lotion on his palm, warming it up before applying on Malron's growing belly. Under the usual clothes, Malron had in fact grown quite a lot. He had been forced to wear paternity pants now, all his usual slacks no longer fit.

Malorn relaxed as Archie rubbed lotion on his belly, keeping his hands near the top, out of the way. All he wore at home was sweatpants and loose shirts, slightly worried there was more than one child tucked away inside him. He didn't mind having more than one child, but giving birth would be more difficult, especially when it was the first time.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie noticed Malorn's sudden silence and asked. "What's on your mind Malorn?" Archie spread the lotion from bottom to top, pushing it slightly up making it jiggle slightly when released. Malorn's belly's round and cute, appearing almost snowy under the indoor lighting as it wasnt exposed to sunlight as his other body parts.

"Afraid there is more than one," Malorn mumbled with a shrug. "Do not mind having more than one child, but giving birth would be more difficult. Do not want that for my first birth."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie smiled and stroke his face. "Love, dont worry too much. Whether it would be easy for difficult depended on our child really. And if there's indeed more than onr, we would prepare accordingly. Just relax and let your body decide. Worst case - we still got modern technology to help with. Let's see how the doctor says." He kissed Malorn tenderly hoping to relief him of the worries.

Malorn nodded, returning the kiss and trying to relax. He waited for the lotion to seep into his skin before starting to rub his belly again, loving his belly and the why it was there. He was creating a new life!

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie chuckled sensjng the love Malorn had towards his belly. He found it adorable seeing him rub his belly like it's a secret treasure he had hidden there when everybody could see right away what that was. He kissed his cheek again unable to hide his fondness.

Malorn smiled at the kiss to his cheek, stretching slightly and rolling onto his side, knowing it caused better blood flow to the baby. "Our beautiful медвежонок..."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Huh?" Archie had that exteemwly confused look on his tilted head again. "Hnm what's that last part? Gosh i should get myself those instant translate apps." He smiled as he had a peculiar interest in hearing Russian from his fiance's mouth, the tone and the sound of it was totally Malorn, his distinct and unique lover.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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