Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn didn't have to present, simply sitting boredly in the back, tiredly rubbing the bottom of his belly. Thankfully, it was the last task of the day, happy to get to go home and change, then go to the doctor.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archi started off meetin eyes a lot with Malorn, but was soon quite absorbed in his own.job he had become more concentrated on.what he was presenting, this being his expertise and the meetin room his stage.

Malorn watched Archie with admiration, this being what had caused him to fall in love with Archie in the first place. He could be relaxed and silly at times, but in charge and very serious if he needed to be.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie had attracted everyone's attnetion being a natural speaker, unafraid of speakiny his mind. He had been confident and in control, everything felt effortless for him. As he approached the end, he noticed how Malorn's eyes were slightly dazed and he gve him a bright smile, pointin to his own mouth corner hintin to Malorn he had been drooling while busy lookin at him.

Malorn smiled slightly and wiped at his mouth, not actually finding any drool. He smiled when the meeting was over, the car their own designated meeting place after work. "Very good presentation. Always good at those."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie smiled brighlt happy to receive compliment fromhis love. "I did well are watching. Theu say love is the best motivation." He kissed him passionately cuppin his hand behind his head, cuppig Malorn's belly with his othrr.

"Thought it was best medicine," Malorn mumbled, not bothering to continue as he returned the kiss, hands on Archie's hips. "Should go to your home before we go to appointment. Will change into your clothes."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hmm delicious. Yep let's do that." Archie smiled and got on the car. Entering his apartment he went on to search for clothes for Malorn. "Babe i hope you are fine with a polo with sweatpants?" He yelled loud as Malorn went to the toilet which was where he's visiting quite fequent now.

"Sounds fine," Malorn called from the bathroom, taking the clothes from Archie and changing into them, smiling slightly at his reflection in the mirror. Cuddled up in his love's clothes with a little baby growing within him. Life seemed perfect.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archiegot changed himself, deliberately choosing a shirt that's the exact same pattern with Malorn's, just with a different color. He waited with a bottle of orange juice fpr Malorn to drink before the appointment, rememberin he said he liked the fruit.

Malorn headed to the kitchen, smiling when he saw he matched with Archie, heading to the kitchen and wrapping his arms around Archie from behind, belly resting in the small of his back. His belly seemed a bit larger now that he wasn't wearing a belt, but was still comfortable in the polo. He smiled at the orange juice, pressing a kiss to Archie's shoulder before moving to get himself a glass. He couldn't help himself from being happy and cuddly when he was falling in love with Arcie so much, trusting him so much.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie could feel distinctly how Malorn had become more cuddly by the way and he was quite excited to see such a change. He had been a physical person so Malorn's change could only delight him even more. He smirked and it was his time to wrap Malorn up, laying his big head on his shoulder staring at him emptying the glass. "Hmmmm ready?" Their appointment would be in 30 minutes and Archie couldnt wait to find out about the gender.

Malorn nodded, rinsing the glass before setting it in the sink and heading out the door with Archie. He was excited to see his baby again, even if it was only through an ultrasound. "Do you have any ideas for names?" Malorn asked softly, rubbing his belly contently.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"That would depend on the gender. How about something rhat would show some russian roots thay the baby would have?" Archie suggested opening the car door for Malorn, habitually assisting him to get in, even though it woild still be sometime until Malorn.would really require any help.

"Should have American name, I think," Malorn murmured, not wanting their child to be so stuck to his heritage. He didn't take the help from Archie for getting in the car, not when he could still easily do so himself. "Could use Russia name, if really wanted."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"How about we make it a russian middle name?" Archie suggested smiling not at all minding Malorn not taking.his help. He knew his lover wasnt disabled even though he just couldnt help it but offer the help. The clinic was quite near so they woulr have arrived soon.

"Russian middle name sounds good. Like the name Penelope, if we have a girl, for first name," Malorn replied when Archie got into the car, happy that Archie's house was so close to the clinic.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Penelope, yea why not. How about a boy? How about.... Logan?" Archie suggested and drove down the walk. "I hope that wolverine association arent too obvious. A wolf pup from a bear for a papa." He smiled looking at Malorn.

"I like Logan. Have not seen Wolverine films, but understand the reference," Malorn smiled softly. "Could use Alexey as middle name for a son. Is Russian. Anastasia for girl. Could use Anastasia for first name if wanted to, sounds American."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Both sounded beautiful. I love them both." Archie said with a solemnness that isnt common him. "I would love to have that as our baby's name." He smiled genrly at Malorn as he turned into the clinic. He entered taking Malorn's hand, opening the door for his pregnant love.

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