"Sure, i'll call you if anything happens" Charlie said. He sat on the floor and watched the path for a long time, for hours, hoping he wouldn't need to wake anyone up. Soon, however, he saw a movement right there, and it was Luce, awake. The feline seemed to be going somewhere, and Charlie stood up slowly and walked the faster he could until he reached the feline "Hi" he said with a smile "Nature is calling?" he asked, imagining that the poor guy suffered, as Charlie himself, with babies that pressed his bladder and thinking that he as well could pee somewhere too. But, as he looked away, he saw the weird map and Luce's resons written on the floor, and looked shocked at the feline "You are leaving?" he asked, trying to keep his voice low
The labyrinth (open roleplay.)
12-13-2016, 04:39 AM
the feline just nods a little and sniffs a little trying to hold back a whimper "Y...yeah... I'm clearly not trusted by the others... i figured it would be best if i left..." he says softly while struggling to get to his feet , clearly still tired and his bellys added weight not helping him "They clearly think im nothing more than a monster thats faking the whole innocent act just to get close to everyone... and i...id rather not..." he gave a whimper and flopped down unable to get up from sitting. He gave a soft sob and whimpered more.
"i...im just over being hated..." he says "Its why i was forced into this...this... hell"
"i...im just over being hated..." he says "Its why i was forced into this...this... hell"
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Charlie looked at the feline and felt pity for him once more. He couldn't avoid it anymore, so he ran to Luce and gave him a hug, a very long hug, although it wasn't very tight, since his belly was on the way and since he didn't want to hurt neither of their babies. It wasn't romantic in any way, not at all. Actually, it was just... motherly, that's the word. Charlie was just being a mother taking care of a child "Shush... It will be okay. Look, i am sorry you feel this way, but we trust you... Well, at least i do. And the others... It's been a long day, we are all scared, afraid of many bad things that could happen. I know it feels terrible when people don't trust you, when people are scared of you, but you can't leave because of that. Things will get better, they will get used to you soon... If you let them"
12-13-2016, 05:10 AM
he whimpers loudly and burries his face into Charlies shoudler "I..its hard" he says softly "Ive been here so long... i have been as open as i can be... i dont know what else i can do" he says near sobbing "i told them of a potential escape route... where to find food... how to best avoid the beasts in this place... yet im still being looked at like im one of them"
Available for conversation, pm me.
12-13-2016, 07:10 AM
"Shh, it's okay, everything will be fine" Charlie said as he rubbed the feline's back and said "Just give them some time, they are not used with people like you. I mean, there are no huge talking winged felines in the world out there. They don't have anything against you, personally, they are just afraid of what they don't know. I, as a human, apologize for what is being done to you here. I wish things would be different, but they are not. People will always try to tell you who you are, so you've got to be strong and show them they are wrong, and show them who you really are"
12-13-2016, 07:35 AM
he nods whimpering into the hug keeping his face buried in the humans shoulder "I...i've been through so much in here... w...why is it this effects me so badly?" he asks with a loud whimper "I...i just want to be liked... i just want friends... people to be there for me and my kittens... but all i seem to find is fear of me... even if i am mostly harmless..."
Available for conversation, pm me.
01-15-2017, 08:21 AM
(Would anyone like to continue this? I would if they are o w o)
01-15-2017, 12:14 PM
(Ive been waiting for others to reply...)
Available for conversation, pm me.
01-16-2017, 03:46 AM
(We can keep going, I wouldn't mind. I got distracted for a bit but i should be back now...)
01-16-2017, 06:15 AM
(Cool. I wasn't sure if everyone was waiting on me to post next or wait on the others. I really love this concept!)
01-16-2017, 06:30 AM
(I'll go.)
Alex listened to them speak, he was keeping watch and half trying to rest. He felt bad for the beast perhaps they weren't that different. They were all part of this sick game and there really wasn't much that could be done about it. At some point Alex fell asleep his back to the stone wall.
When he awoke the fallowing morning Alex felt sick, surly that fruit he had eaten had done something to him. his belly had also become slightly more noticeable though that was not his concern at the moment. By the way the sun sat he guessed it was late morning he got up, loooking to see if anyone else was awake.
Alex listened to them speak, he was keeping watch and half trying to rest. He felt bad for the beast perhaps they weren't that different. They were all part of this sick game and there really wasn't much that could be done about it. At some point Alex fell asleep his back to the stone wall.
When he awoke the fallowing morning Alex felt sick, surly that fruit he had eaten had done something to him. his belly had also become slightly more noticeable though that was not his concern at the moment. By the way the sun sat he guessed it was late morning he got up, loooking to see if anyone else was awake.
01-16-2017, 07:53 AM
Luce wasnt too far away curled up tightly around his belly, he had dozed off at one point now he was awake watching everyone else.
Available for conversation, pm me.
01-16-2017, 10:48 PM
He heard the whimpers and part of the conversation. Rico couldn't say a part of him felt bad, to say the least. He spoke the honest truth on his part. It may not be true with the creature before them, but he did find some things peculiar. Maybe he was just paranoid, but he voiced his opinion on the matter and only time would tell how it turned out. He rested for the time being and kept watch over the sleeping figures when the sun was just a little at what he could assume was morning. Everyone was stirring at that point, his stomach lowly growling. Unlike the others, he hadn't had of the fruit. He had already eaten beforehand, but now it was totally different. He climbed up to reach for more of them in case they needed to travel.
"I've got some water in the canteen" he stated, having done so when they were by water at one point. "Anyone thirsty?"
He examined the fruit. He supposed beggars couldn't be choosers. If it was some trap like his mind was telling him, it was either he ate or starved and the latter did not seem feasible for him. He bit into the fruit, eating on it slowly.
"I've got some water in the canteen" he stated, having done so when they were by water at one point. "Anyone thirsty?"
He examined the fruit. He supposed beggars couldn't be choosers. If it was some trap like his mind was telling him, it was either he ate or starved and the latter did not seem feasible for him. He bit into the fruit, eating on it slowly.
01-17-2017, 01:26 AM
Alex had opened his mouth to say something to Rico but suddenly became vary pail he turned away from the group and threw up one hand against the wall. He groaned slightly when it was over and moved away sitting back down, perhaps it hadn't been the fruit no one else seemed effected by it though it was possible he had gotten some sort of bug maybe. For a moment it briefly occurred to him that he like the others could be carrying a child be he dismissed it he had never even dated anyone, it wasn't likely.
01-17-2017, 01:19 PM
Jumping up seeing Alex throw up, he looked around surprised. looking around he gave a soft groan at his belly gurgled aswell "N..no im ok i dont need a drink... th...there is a fresh spring a few halls away... it comes in fresh from the glacier on the hill above this place if you want to refill" he says softly hoping not to wake anyone else.
Available for conversation, pm me.
01-18-2017, 09:44 PM
He thought Alex was about to respond, but Rico saw the greeness to his pale complexion. The male began vomiting and it was only natural for him to react. He barely had gotten to know them, but in a way, he was being a bit caring. That meant helping the male in case he choked or the likes and it was there he noticed something upon moving closer. Alex looked like he had put on some weight, his belly particularly. He wasn't staring before, but he was positive the male had not had it before.
"Are you..." he started to ask. "Pregnant?"
By what if that were the case. He was no doctor, but a belly doesn't just barely poke out from a shirt overnight and Alex certainly looked like it had gone from flat to partially round.
"Are you..." he started to ask. "Pregnant?"
By what if that were the case. He was no doctor, but a belly doesn't just barely poke out from a shirt overnight and Alex certainly looked like it had gone from flat to partially round.
01-19-2017, 12:12 AM
Alex looked up shaking his head. "No.. that, that isn't possible I can't be." He said quietly though it would be wrong to say he hadn't noticed, but he hadn't even dated. He couldn't be pregnant. But then again, none of this really seemed like it should be possible. Alex let out a long breath and tried to convince himself to relax.
He didn't say anything else reaming quiet for a long time, was he? He didn't like the idea of it. If he was it meant who ever had put him here had done something to him.
He didn't say anything else reaming quiet for a long time, was he? He didn't like the idea of it. If he was it meant who ever had put him here had done something to him.
01-20-2017, 02:16 AM
Getting up and carefully padding over to them he gave alex a gentle nuzzle and gestured to his belly "may i?" He asks "i...may be able to hear what is wrong"
Available for conversation, pm me.
01-20-2017, 02:23 AM
Alex looked back at him silent for a long few moments. "Er, I guess.. ok." he said quietly
01-20-2017, 04:24 PM
He gently shifts to place his hear to Alex's belly, even letting him hold his hand around his muzzle to prevent him biting him. Luce even goes as far as tucking his paws under himself like he is doing his best to appear as disarmed as possible.
"I can hear something..." he starts slowly around the hand holding his mouth closed and pressed a bit firmer against him "it...it sounds like... you may not like what it sounds like..." he finishes cautiously with a light whimper looking up at Alex and the others.
"I can hear something..." he starts slowly around the hand holding his mouth closed and pressed a bit firmer against him "it...it sounds like... you may not like what it sounds like..." he finishes cautiously with a light whimper looking up at Alex and the others.
Available for conversation, pm me.
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