Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn smiled at the kiss, returning it happily. He was glad that he was finally comfortable around Archie, that he was making strides in emotion. He couldn't help but grin again at another small shuffle in his belly, laughing softly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

They would probably linger on more if they hadnt had a shopping list with them and needed to get it done before they had to return home for the new furnitures, mainly in the nursery, to arrive. Pulling Malorn up, Archie started chatting his way through the market, stopping by the shops to buy what they needed for thr week, especially stockin up on the marmalade that Malorn seemeed to be so fond of.

It wasn't until they were about to leave that they saw Kenny, standing somewhat awkwardly in his little stand. Malorn barely noticed him, paying more attention to what Archie was saying to him. This was more the point, to be together and have Kenny see them, maybe rub it in his face if necessary.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie didnt see Kenny at first, busy pointin to the different squashes and telling Malorn he should try making dishes with them. He had a hand around Malorn's waist, pushing slightly forward to ease Malorn's back and thereby, pushed his belly forward. He vaguely heard someone calling his name and he turned to see Kenny, looking at him with sad eyes. Had he still been.his teenage self, he would have gone to his side to console him at once. Now, he just nodded curtly. "Oh Kenny. Hi."

"Hey," Kenny spoke uneasily. "Haven't seen you around lately," he smiled, forced. Malorn noticed this and tried not to smile or laugh, simply minding his own business and rubbing his belly. While he'd come a long way since moving to America, he could still easily act like the dumb immigrant.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hmm yea. Had a lot goin on lately." Archie said with a genuine smile looking down at Malorn's bump. "You? Oh by the way, last time i didnt ask about your family. Hows your baby? I am needing all the advice i could get now." He said notdirectly showing off on their baby but that should be sufficient. Afterall, he couldnt be that obviously childish, could he?

"She's good, she's good," Kenny smiled weakly. Malorn gently head-butted Archie's shoulder when he smiled at his own bump, cuddling close. "A, uh. A good piece of advice would be to watch what the baby puts in their mouth once they start crawling and walking."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie for a moment completely ignored Kenny, too busy interactig with Malorn. He chuckled at the 'attack' and rubbed the underside of the belly, kissing his fiance lovingly. "…hm.... hmm what did yoi say? Ahh the watch the baby. What aboutthe pregnncy part? Were you there during the birth?" He asked, infact quite sincerely. He was really mildly curious.

"No, not exactly. I was at the hospital, but the carrier's mother didn't like me so much. Wouldn't let me in the room," Kenny replied, watching uncomfortably as the happy couple kissed and cuddled together.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hmm...? Oh, pity. I would be there i think, though we hadnt decided on anything yet." Archie quickly shifted his glance back to Malorn. They had discussed briefly on birth plans but not settled on anything yet.

Malorn shrugged weakly, knowing they needed to talk about it. "I wanted to be there," Kenny tried to defend himself, Malorn trying to busy himself by looking over the vegetables Kenny had in his stand.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yea i am sure you want to. Afterall the baby had been quite importnat to you, isn't it?" Archie said with a bright smile. "Perhaps i didn't understand before, but after this.... " His eyes followed Malorn around, letting him go to choose the vege. "I fully understand now. A new life is such a blessing it is very important indeed." the sarcasm was there, but it also spoke of Archie's real thoughts as well.

"She's very important to me," Kenny nodded, watching Archie keep his eyes on Malorn, feeling jealously boil in him, but he tried not to let it show. "It's good to see that you're happy," Kenny spoke, trying to keep his voice even. They soon bought the vegetables and headed to the car, Malorn still getting in without Archie's help.

✨don't look at my sin✨

On the drive back to their house, Archie chuckled. "That went well didn't it? I seriously didn't see him until he called my name. I hope we had been loveydovey enough to annoy him?" He asked glancing at Malorn, seeing his shirt had rolled up from his belly and helped him pull it back down. "to be honest I had forgotten about that secondary purpose when we really got into shopping mode."

"Looks you were giving me did enough," Malorn replied, laughing softly, smoothing down his shirt when Archie pulled it down over his belly. "He was very jealous. Tried to hide it, did bad job," he smirked, rubbing his belly as he felt Logan shift slightly inside again.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie beamed from that. "I just couldn't control myself looking at you even if i tried. And great! I just want to make him jealous. Oh well, I think we also received envious looks around when we are in office, especially when we are goin to work and leaving together." Archie recalled and another smile appeared. "Logan also did a great job starting to move today! Make us all pumped up."

"Logan knew our plan, wanted to help," Malorn laughed, happy to feel his son moving, feel what was growing within him actually living. "Isn;t that right,my волк щенку," he cooed to his belly,, grinning at a small shift from inside. "Cannot wait to meet him."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Ok that sounded remarkably like something teddy related. Did i guess it right?" Archie said with a funny confused face. "Russian is really too... complixated. Makes me confused all the time. I guess the only word i could remmeber so far is Night and Alexey."

"No, no, means wolf pup," Malorn laughed softly, always loving the faces Archie would make whenever he spoke Russian. "Is alright. Felt the same way trying to learn English, always complicated, gave me headaches."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Then you must be in constant headaches 24/7! Especially now since i occupird all your free time." Archie smirked looking at Malorn. "You gotta start teaching me some, or i could imagine our boy would be chatting with you in Russian while I am totally clueless on what you two are saying." Archie scrunched his face together imagining that.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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