Work w/ bhdire8

"You worry too much, my darling," Malorn laughed softly, shaking his head. He sat down in a large recliner, gently tugging Archie to sit with him, cuddling up to his love's side as he listened to Archie answer questions from his family, thankful nobody asked him much of anything. He was extremely comfortable around Archie, but his family was extremely intimidating. Especially because it was such a large group!

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie.would rub on Malorn's belly absentmindedly as he answered the questions. So far so good for him as most of them came from his sisters and grandma. His mother also gradually warmed up to the idea. He saw her already exchanging thoughts with several of his elder sisters on something sounding.suspicioisly like a "babyshower" and he groaned imwardly hoping they would abandon the idea soon enough. As people stopped to think on the next round of questions, he looked around and asked. "Where are the kids and pa?"

Malorn wrapped his arms around Archie as they cuddled together and Archie answered questions, feeling anxious at the mention of a baby shower. He was awkward enough, he didn't want more attention on him. "They're outside. You know papa, always trying to teach all the kids how to play catch," one of Archie's older sisters spoke, sitting closest to Archie and Malorn.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hmm right. Guess they would be the last to know about Malorn and Logan." Archie shook his head knowing his pa's tendency. It happened to all his siblings and now he was extending this tp his grandchildren. His pa was perhaps the only one he was unsure of to be acceptin. His grudge to Russia and natrually, Russians were notorious in town. "Where are those snacks ma? Those delicious Thanksgiving specialty cookies?" He asked deciding to put his worry behind.

"They're in the kitchen. Let me get you some, dear," Archie's mother replied, heading to the kitchen. "Do you think he will like me, your father?" Malorn asked Archie softly, nervously. Everybody else seemed to like him, which was good, but if Archie's father didn't like him, there was a possibility everybody else's opinion could change.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Dont worry about it. My pa.... he's stubborn nd lookdd fierce but was a softie inside." He whispered to Malorn, patting his hand to reassure him. "Dont get intimidated by it, i dont know how he will react, but just be yourself. You never know how he would treat the matter." Archie wasnt sure himself but he knew he would defend his family if needed. And he was sure the rest of the family would stand on their side.

Malorn listened intently and nodded, trying to relax and not worry so much about what would happen between them all. "Hard not to be intimidated," he murmured, keeping his eyes down, even as Archie tried to comfort him.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie had been a little nervous himself, he could only keep his fingers crossed hoping that through the years his father had lost his stupid grudge against Russians. Kissing Malorn lightly on his forehead, he squeezed his arm tight to show his encouragement before standing up to take over the tray of freshly baked biscuit offered by his mother. "ah here they are! Malorn you gotta try this. This is the best cookie in the world that too bad my ma insisted should be reserved for Thanksgiving, and no other occassions. Not even Christmas!" He pouted shooting his mother a sad look.

Malorn couldn't help but feel anxious about meeting Archie's father, knowing his hatred for Russians. Maybe he could come off as shy, not speak. He nuzzled close to Archie at the kiss on his forehead, taking a cookie and eating it quietly, carefully not to get crumbs anywhere. He smiled and nodded when Archie's mother looked to him, signalling that he liked them.

✨don't look at my sin✨

While they were enjoying themselves, Archie's father came back. "So little Archie is back? I saw his car outside." A heavily bearded man came in. He was a large man, with a bright smile on his face. Archie was his youngest son and he had always indulged in him. His smile froze when his eyes met Malorn. "So.... this is who Kenny mentioned? Your... new love interest? I heard he's not.... local." He said scrutinizing Malorn. "And... you are gonna have a baby together?" His eyes fixated on the bulge of Malorn.

Malorn couldn't help but feel intimidated by Archie's father, even if he was smiling. "I am Malorn, actually. Kenny introduced us, in a way," he spoke, trying to make his English sound good, though just accent was still heavy. "We are going to have a son together, yes. He is due just after the new year, we're naming him Logan."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hateful russian just as kennyboy had mentioned. Archie, why have you chosen such a barbaric man to be with? And to have a child together? Those are grizzlers that could snap your necks when you lower your guard!" His father, Sully almost barked as he raised his voice. "I am fine with you being gay, but why a Russian for god's sake?"

Archie stood up in front of his dad, his face flushed red from anger as well. "Pa! Malorn is who i have chosen and he's russian, yea, so what! I love him. He's my fiance now and we would be getting married once Logan's born. Do not just use your stereotype and get pass your discrimination against my mate's country!" He said, shielding his lover. "Why wouldnt you trust my decision and give your future son-in-law basic respect and get to know him. Malorn's wonderful." He said sternly, for almost the first time in his life standing against his father.

Malorn couldn't help but flinch when Sully began to shout, knowing this was a mistake. He stood, beginning to leave as Archie caught his hand, hiding as much as he could behind Archie. "Maybe we should go, darling," he murmured, barely loud enough for Archie to hear. He was terrified that this would go horribly, that Archie's parents would hate him, just as he thought his own had when he was born.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie was sad to hear Malorn sounding so weak and unsure of himself. He brought Malorn to introduce him family wamrth and american tradition, but his father had ruined it all. He looked apologetically at Malorn and held him tight. "Pa, if you insisted on your arrogant attitude i would have no choice but to leave. I have to protect my partnrr and my child." He looked accusingly at Sully, who turned away not showing his face but fidgeted uneasily as he had indeed missed his son and perhaps he did wrong but was too proud to just relent. Archie looked at his mother, waiting for her attitude in the matter.

Malorn wriggled his arm from Archie's grasp, slipping away and out of the house, into the driveway. He headed to their car, hiding in the backseat, laying under the blanket he'd brought for the ride. This was a mistake. Their entire relationship must be a mistake, a fluke in Malorn's life. He'd never been accepted or loved, and then he had Archie, but Archie's family didn't seem to accept him. Archie's mother, Martha, didn't look back at her youngest son, ushering Sully outside, murmuring to him, "This is a good thing, dear, Archie is the last one to find somebody. Whether or not he is Russian doesn't mean he's bad news."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie was surprised how Malorn managed to wriggle away and chased after him, but collided his way with the children that's been obliviously playing around the hallway. In big strides he came to the car and opened it, heartbroken to see his mate hurt so bad by his own father. He slipped up into the car and pulled Malorn, with the blanket around, into his arms and muttered. "Sorry... malron i am so sorry. i didn't know this would be like this. Please, I... I am so sorry." he repeated again and again, feeling his lovely bear tremble in his arms.

Sully fidgeted against his wife, he knew he is on the way to ruin the dinner entirely. He turned away uneasily and asked. "So... what? alright. i will not say anything else. you get that... man back. I would be civil." His face was flushed at how he was admitting his mistake.

Malorn hesitantly curled up against Archie, shaking hands gripping his love's shirt, Logan kicking incessantly. "No, is okay. Knew he would not like me," he murmured, trying to keep his voice from shaking. It wasn't from tears, no, he didn't cry. He was simply terrified. Terrified that he was right, that he'd have to take Archie from his family. "M-Maybe we should go before I..." Before he ruined anything else. Before everybody began siding with Sully.

"You should've been civil in the first place," Martha reminded softly before heading into the house, asking a few of her daughters to pull the dinner rolls out of the oven before heading out to the driveway, looking around for Archie's car.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie tightened his grip on Malorn to show him his determination. He was about to say something when he saw his mother coming forward and knew she had somehow managed to convince his father. He patted on Malorn to calm him down. "there's my mother, and I think she's got some warm welcome to show you. Believe me, my mother's the true ruler of our house and with her here, we wouldn't be able to get out even if we want." As he matched eyes with Martha, the slight nod she gave him confirmed his guess. "malron, I am so sorry for making you this stressed out. Please don't cry, you are breaking my heart. I am the one to be blamed here, I should have at least communicated with my father first... I am so sorry." He said as he rocked Malorn slightly, watching his mother approached them.

Malorn hid his face in Archie's neck, sighing shakily when Archie said his mother was coming closer. "ой ебать," he swore softly, trying to press himself farther into Archie. It wouldn't be a good thing, heading back into the house, doubting that Sully would change his mind so quickly over him. Everyone would be staring at him as he entered as well, staring at him as he did anything. He rubbed his belly to calm Logan, not wanting the baby to be stressed over everything with him, not looking up when Martha opened the door.

"There are too many cars here, you know. I've been looking for ages for you two," Martha complained, hands on her hips as she glanced around the yard with a huff. "If any of your cars turn my grass yellow, we're renting out a banquet hall next Thanksgiving and having it there. Come inside."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie smiled at his mother's bossy ways. "Oh ma, you have been saying that every year. Look where we are now." He said to the fierce little woman. Turning down to whisper into Malorn, he said. "And bear, you gotta tell me what's that that you just muttered. Probably would be some bad thing but I am so gonna rub that into my pa's face. Don't worry about it now, my siblings are gonna compensate you for the trauma just now by smothering you with sweetness and indulgence. That's how our family worked. Our father is actually the outlier. Ma is the reigning queen." He moved forward to the door with Malorn in his arms, then gently lifting him up and kissed his forehead as he carried him to the front door again. He knew his mother would have taken care of things.

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