Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

"Yes you have to birth thrm first, but I will be there, all along, with you. That should make it feel a bit less scary right?" Henry smiled and joked. He chuckled a bit feeling how Sam was close to climaxing so soon, and he picked up his pace of storking. His other hand, however, became slow as he rubbed the large and warm belly, getting to thr lower belly that's the most stretched with the weights of the baby pressing on it. "The babies are saying hello to daddy too. I wish they are as good as Jayden and Victoria. Babies? Do learm from your elder siblings and be as sweet kids as they are. You have good examples in front of you."

Sam laughed softly. He was so tired and had less energy with his huge belly now. "Yeah, At least you can kiss me when I'm screaming in pain. That's I love when you do it" He joked then let a long and loud moan at the sam time with shooting his cum all over the bed and Henry's hand. He sighed and leaned a bit more on Henry as he moved down to the lower belly. The babies were low for many days but still had no sign to come out. "I'm sure they will be the sweet kids like their sibling, but it's because they have a wonderful daddy who always take care of them and their mommy" Sam whisper, breathing heavily. He still want to stay like this for a bit although his cum is all over the bed.
(Wanna play braxton hicks first for during sleeping? I don't mind if you wanna play labor soon)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes let's make it a false alarm at night. Sam would be pregnant for at least another day I think ;))

Henry reached to the bedside for a tissue as he wiped away the cum on his hand. He wouldnt be able to clean the ones on tbe bedsheet but feel like he wanted to stay like this with Sam on him for longer as well. He kissed Sam and rubbed his bellt with both his hands now before saying "well they are so good also because they have a mother that love them so much and always making sure they have what's best for them. You are the best mommy I ever know. Thank you for giving me all the great kids. Babies, you should be proud of having such a good momny." He said to the huge belly, where one of the twins just kicjed a bit on Henry's palm and made them both smile.

(Haha I love it to be longer, but can't wait for his next pregnancy too I'm so bad lol)

Sam smiled at Henry as he said that and the babies also kicked to response him. "Hmm, it seems the babies agree with their daddy, huh?" He looked at his husband with sweet eyes. "I can't do anything without you, Henry. We both should proud ourselves that we fill each other with love. Thanks for always helping me honey" Sam whispered, rubbing his belly softly. Henry can hear the frequent moans from his wife when his big hands rubbed and drew the circles on his belly. Everything now reminds him the moment that they met the first time. Sam was only the man on the street. They were so different in that time, but Henry still helped him then become his husband, so this is the true love for Sam.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"You are welcome my love." Henry ksised sweetly on Sam and continued his massage on the belly. He loved this, he had found Sam's belly to be the most beautiful thing ever. With the soothign rubs, Sam's breathing gradually evened out and Hnery knew his husband waz falling asleep finally. He made sure Sam was deep enough in sleep before attempting to move him slightly so he could clean the sheets. Sam groaned a bit as without Henry's support, his belly once again crushed uncomforrtably on him and Henry went as quick as he could to clean the bedsheets and resumed his position. He had Sam half supported so that he could breath. It wasnt comfortable for Henry as well, but it made him feel good to know he was helping his wife in this awkward posture, and together they fell asleep.

Sam couldn't even remember the last time that he had a deep sleep since he is two weeks overdue. He woke up during the night like the other nights, but it happened with different cause tonight. It was not just strong kick, but he could feel the cramps inside his belly. Henry was sleeping with his hands always supported Sam's belly. Sam moved for a bit to get the better position. He didn't want to wake his husband up for now. "Easy my loves. You both don't want to bother your daddy, right?" He said, moving his hands around his belly and trying to ease his pain, but it was worse than he thought. Sam let a loud moan as the cramps hit him over and over. He looked at Henry, his beloved husband, he just tried to handle with himself.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry wasnt aware of the suffering of his husband at first, though with his loud moan that Sam could no longer suppress because of the extreme pain he was enduring, he finaly woke up. He rubbed his hands and sat up a bit. Thesenights he couldnt really sleep too well, he knew Sam.could be going into labor very soon. "Is it starting love? Let me get the phone and record th3m before I rub your belly." He stifled a yawn as he fished for the phone.

Sam grunted in pain as the cramps hit him again. It was so fast til Henry woke up and got his phone. "Ahhh, I.....I don't know, Henry. it doesn't feel like the babies want to out, but the cramps hit me over and over." He said as he tried to sit by himself. Sam need to spread his legs wider to get enough space for his huge belly. "I'm sorry that I wake you up, but w...what should I do now?" Sam was too scared to handle everything by himself. He can't even move with his belly was hanging between his legs now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry returned to Sam's side and put him.on his chest so he could sit up, his legs spreading apart across his lap. "Sh.... dont worry my love. Let's seee. We will start timing the cramps. If they are indeed contractions they woukd be coming regularly and closer together. Dont be afraid, I am here to take care of you, arent I?" Henry ligrhtly kissed Sam, soothing his wife from the scare. He rubbed on tbe belly in front of him, coaching Sam on taking deep breathes. "Taht's it my love, keep breathing in... and out.... yes. Just tell me when another cramp hits."

Sam was breathing heavily as he leaned into Henry's chest. Although he knew this will happen soon, Sam still so worried about it. Sam breathed in and out as Henry coached him. The pain was not too much and Sam could handle it. It was quite a long time till the next cramp him Sam. He grabbed Henry's arm tightly, trying to not scream out loud. Henry can see how hard Sam was to handle it. "Again, ahh" He said, breathing heavily. "It's so hurt, Henry, b...but I'm glad that we may meet them soon, our beloved angels"

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry's heart clenched tight seeing how painful Sam was. During these last few weeks, he had witnessed how Sam became weaker and in more discomfort as the babies grow to be so large. He hadnttold Sam because he didnt want his wife too worried, but the babies had reached 13lbs last he estimates. It would be very difficult to birth them. It was also why Henry was partially cnvinced this was false alarm only. With the babies so big, Sam's body would need a lot of preparation and these huge braxton-hicks would be it, slowly prrparing for Sam to dilate and widen enough to give birth to the large twins.

He rubbed on Sam's belly and kept encouraging him as all those thoughts past him. He would face this together with his love. And he was sure this wouldnt be a problem for them.

It took a long time till the pain had gone. He sighed and panted heavily. He almost collapsed on his husband. "'s gone now. It's just fake one" He said, holding Henry's shoulders so tight. "I think I should back to sleep soon. I need more energy to handle this. Could you massage my belly till I fall asleep? it's so helpful" He said, looking at his husband. Henry could see Sam's tears in his eyes. It was a lot of pain for him. He can't even imagine when the real labor has come. Sam leaned on Henry's shoulders for a little more time to help him relax.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Of course Sam... my love, you know i will always say yes to you." Henry smiled and started rubbing on the heated but soft belly now that the contractions were gone. While he was rubbing, he was also estimating the positions of the babies and nodded to himself finding them both to be heading down. The babies were ready for the birth. He ruffled Sam's hair as he rubbed, patting him gently to lure him to sleep. He hoped this time Sam could get more rest, as he had said himself, he needed a lot of energy to handle the false labor, and the impending birth.

He let a soft moan as while Henry was rubbing his belly. The touches from his husband were something that helped him so much. It was the awkward position for Sam to sleep, but for now, he can only lay on his side and lots of pillows that supported his belly. "I love you, Henry. I love you so much." He whispered, grabbing Henry's hand tightly. The babies still moved inside his belly, but he could handle it. He knew himself that the babies would come out soon, so he needed to take energy as much as he can. "Goodnight, honey" He whispered as Henry kissed him. His hands war still on his belly and that made Sam fall asleep quickly.
(Labor in next day? just wanna make it simple haha)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(yea sure!)

Henry continued to pat Sam and released his breath when it was obvious that Sam had fallen asleep finally. He looked on his husband's face and screwed his brows togehter noticing the dark circles and the tiredness that's obvious even in his sleep. He rubbed on the belly gently, mentally speaking to the babies. "Do not give too muhc trouble to your mommy when it's time for you to be out. Your mommy is so exhausted you babies need to make it easy for him." He soon fell asleep as well, he would need to be there for Sam as well in the birth.

Henry woke up the next day to prepare for breakfast first. He quietly put Sam down and sneaked out of bed as quietly as he could. He wanted Sam to sleep for as long as he could.

(haha yeah. Please forgive me that I don't want to make it long lol)

Sam opened his eyes slowly, blinking around the room. It was the first night that he could sleep well and woke up late. The babies still moved a lot as they always did after Sam's due day. "Take it easy, kids. You both will see mommy and daddy soon" He said, rubbing his belly. Sam can't even sit up on the bed by himself, so he just lay down and waited for Henry to come in. He gasped as the babies kicked so strong, but that was not too long. He could feel his belly was hard and he knew that it was very soon. It was not too long since he had woken up till Henry came in the room with the tray of food in his both hands. Sam smiled to his husband and rubbed his belly a bit to tease his love. They both were stress, so he could relax his husband for a bit as he can

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(it's ok! ;) )

Henry groaned in exaggeration seeing Sam teasing him again. "Sam! you know how hopeless I am when you rub your belly like that..." HE got nearer to the bed helping Sam sit up. He had to spread his legs as wide as they could go to accommodate the belly. Henry let him take a minute to get his balance before attempting to lift him up from the bed. The babies were so heavy now Sam's back was in a lot of pressure when he stand up. Henry made sure he was supporting his wife well before moving together towards the bathroom for their first task of today.

"Hehe, I know how to tease my husband, so why don't I do that? You're so stressful honey, I just want to make you relax. I love you so much." He said, giving Henry a small kiss on him. Sam grabbed his husband so tight as he helped him up. His back was sore with the pressure inside his belly. He just panted after taking out of the bed. "I'm so bad at now," He said, holding Henry tightly while they were walking to the bathroom. his belly was too low and he needed to support it with his one hand.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

The steps of Sam was clumsy and ittook a lot of energy for him to move that few feet to the bathroom. Henry could only help in supporting his belly with his large palm as they moved across the room. They quickly readied themselves and Henry waited outude while Sam had some rivacy going to the toilet. He would go back in to help him stand up when he was done.

Pregnancy made Sam have lots of pee and He was so suffered when the babies moved so low and affected his bladder. It took a long time for Sam to handle himself. He called his husband when everything was done. Henry could see Sam's red face from suffering the pain. It was worse than another day, but he decided to not tell his husband till everything done. "I look so bad, right?" He said, giving Henry a weak smile. Although he had slept a lot last night, it was not enough with his pregnancy now and it'll never enough.
(Want it to happen soon?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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