Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite)

The overly ripe young man went towards the phone, leaving Luke alone for only a moment as he picked it up and dialed. James jr bit his lip out of anxiousness, he went back over to take a seat with his oldest son in the kitchen, the scared teen awaited an answer.

While the elderly man struggled with finding a comfortable place in the house to birth his last litter, they had to be the last, he couldn't do this any more. It would surely wind up killing him as he sank to his knees in front of the couch, dropping his phone and it was then that things could have changed. Could have gotten better for the best, but James jr got to him first and Tobias had to handle labor alone for now.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

When the phone rang James simply stared at it until the last possible moment, before finally picking it up as he sat down the bottle of liquor he was currently sipping on. He said nothing as he pressed answer, simply waiting to see what his son needed to say.

James jr couldn't help but grin widely at the hope, tears fell from his eyes down his cheeks and he sniffed lightly,Hi Dad-"He spoke in a small voice, pressing his lips together for a moment to control his emotions as he looked down and stroked his belly. "I-I..."He licked his lips and came back over to Luke who was shoveling cereal into his mouth with his chubby hands,"I'm having another baby and...and... I don't know what to do... We don't have insurance and...and I'm like Pop, you know... I can't just go to a hospital, they'd think I was a freak."He wiped his face as he took a slow seat at the kitchen table, tilting his head back as he grimaced at another contracrion and choked back a sob,"I r-really need you, please, Dad."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James still says nothing as he lets James Jr's words sink in. The line was silent for a long while before he simply ended the call. It was nearly 5 hours later that James pulled up to where James Jr was currently staying. It took him a few minutes before he got out of the truck and made his way to the door, knocking a few times.

James Jr was kneeling before the rickety old couch in their tiny living room and resting on his heels as he rocked himself forwards and back again. The toddler played in his playpen as his birth father struggled to keep his mind together on the verge of giving birth for the second time in his short life. He heard the knock and panted as he looked up slightly,"It's open."He said curtly and dropped his face back into his hands, he could smell his father, but the discomfort was too much to bear now. "I thought you weren't coming."He whimpered softly as he bit his lip and groaned, a hand running down to cradle his belly and rub it slowly, his mate had left to hang out with his friends. He didn't stop him, he wanted to do this with as little assistance as possible, but his father was here for support. He truly didn't think he could do this completely alone at all.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James enters the house before closing and locking the door behind him. He looks around the small space though makes no comment about James Jr's mate not being around. He doesn't even acknowledge the toddler who was now staring at him. He padded slowly over to the couch before he kneels down, running his hand over James Jr's back.

James jr felt the his father's presence and was instinctually more calm as he looked up at him slightly,"Thank you."He said and his back tightened once more as he groaned, he had changed clothes so he was more comfortable, naked beneath his robe. The younger wolf grimaced as he pushed his face into the couch cushion again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James runs his hand over his sons back for a minute or two. "How far apart are the contractions?"

James jr shrugged as he held his middle with one hand,"They come and go randomly... I tried to time it like they said on tv but this doesn't feel anything like tv."He murmured as he rocked himself slightly back and forth with a groan, his hand going lower against his middle. "I think it'll happen soon though... I can barely walk."He grimaced as he sat up slowly and turned to place his back against the couch instead, holding his middle with both hands now.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James looks him over, letting his gaze travel along James Jr's stomach. He was large yes, nearly as large as when he had Luke, though he also appeared to be slightly malnourished.

The younger wolf tilted his head back against the couch and bit his lip as he thought about how he ended up here, he hadn't seen his father in almost a year. "Dad."He turned his head to look at him, sitting up slightly and grimacing lightly,"What's the point of this? What do I do?"He asked, looking to Luke and then down at his middle as he folded his legs,"Am I just do this?"He asked, looking upset now at his own words.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Technically, yes." James gets up and goes to pick up Luke before bringing him back and setting the toddler down in his lap. "You are an omega, this is what omega's do."

Luke looked to his birth father and grinned at him with his snaggle teeth, babbling some as he then stuffed his fist into his mouth. James jr shook his head,"Did I do something wrong to be this way?"He grit his teeth and shifted as his hands ran down his middle, groaning,"It's pointless."He shifted slowly to sit on his knees again and lean against the nearest wall as his hand stayed on his tense middle."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It isn't pointless, the point is to give your alpha many children that carry his blood, the more children, the better." He runs his fingers through Luke's hair for a minute or two. "And no, most are already born being an alpha, beta, or omega. Only omega's can carry, which is why there are more of them."

His lips pressed together for a long moment before he said,"I love him dad...but...but it's so hard to be here alone all day... I don't know anyone and we don't have money."He looked to Luke, hating himself for bringing him into this as his hand ran over the faded mates mark on his neck,"It's just so shitty."He rubbed his middle and curled forwards as his stomach tightened as hard as a rock and he cried out, soon there was a puddle beneath him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James nods again before he eventually takes Luke back over to his play pen before he sees about cleaning up the puddle of water. He still didn't ask where Warren was at.

The wolf watched his father take Luke back to his playpen and blushed as his broken water was cleaned up, he looked away as he held his belly,"At least it doesn't hurt so bad."He said, the pain was fine for now though it seemed that after he had said that his stomach tightened with another contraction and he cried out, shifting in discomfort as he held his belly,"Mn-"He grit his teeth,"Fuck, that hurts."He had almost forgotten what labor felt like, he remembered how scared he was when he was birthing Luke and he felt it again even an entire year later.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James lays some towels out beside and on the couch before he moves James Jr up to where he was laying down on the couch. "Try to rest, relax." James lightly runs his hand over James Jr's stomach. "Its okay to be scared, its normal.

James jr pressed his face into the couch cushion with a quiet moan, biting his lip as his hands pressed into his round middle. He shut his eyes tightly, nodding quickly when he was placed comfortably on the couch, taking in slow deep breaths before turning onto his back again. "Have you talked to Pop?"He asked after a moment of running his hands over his belly, looking to his own son instead of his father to avoid awkward eye contact.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"No." James' brows furrow for a moment before he gets his phone out of his pocket, holding it out to James Jr. "He probably wouldn't answer anyway, but you can try if you want."

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