Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite)

The younger wolf nodded as he sank into the chair more, his belly resting on the pillow that his father got to support his weight,"Can you see yet?"He asked next and grimaced deeply, shifting his knees apart more at the start of another pain and whimpered. "You should keep going... Dad needs you more than me-"He grunted and bit down on his lip, hard enough to break the skin as he whined and beared down hard on the tense cramp.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I will, when this is over." James runs his hand along James Jr's back. "Your doing fine, it won't be much longer."

When James said that, his son was once again pushing as he cried out into the leather seat, his stomach clinching and back aching with the next contraction that came on fast and tight, not giving him any chance to prepare for it as he sobbed when his anus started burning. The pup came quickly as he grit his teeth harder, grimacing deeply and gripping onto the chair more as he whimpered, pushing harder and longer until the pain released him,"God, that hurts..."He panted, turning his head as his eyes shut tightly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I know, it's worth it in the end." James runs a hand along his back, the pups head now at a full crown, keeping James Jr's rim stretched to its limit.

James jr cried out when the head finally breached him, coming out so slow and painfully, he had almost forgot, no he had forgotten about how horrid the pain of childbirth was. He sobbed dryly, clinching his fists and arching his back as he whimpered into the seat cushion, he panted heavily as he forced himself to breath through the pain so he wouldn't tear from the size of it, a the pup was large for being in it's natural form and he dug his nails into the leather of the seat,"No...No...No."He shook his head quickly, pressing his eyes into the shoulder of it, groaning out loudly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Just keep breathing, your almost there." James grabbed a towel from the back before he began to clean up some of the fluid that was running down James Jr's legs as the head continued to slowly inch its way out.

He hadn't realised what he was saying until he ran out of breath, his eyes squeezed shut and thighs flexing again as he arched his back more, grunting loudly. The head stretching him wider and wider as he moaned out, tilting his own head back as he sank onto his knees more,"Dad!"He sobbed again, eyes tearing up as he pushed as hard as he could with the last contraction, the shoulders turning only slightly before slipping out of him in a splash.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James quickly wraps it up in a towel as he cleans its airways, it's cries soon filling the car.

The younger wolf sank into the seat, exhausted as he breathed heavily afterwards, pressing his face into the leather, turning his head a bit to the side. He turned slowly to sit back with a grimace as he kept a pillow beneath him so his hips didn't ache as much,"Oh... Is that..."He looked confused as he watched the pup squirm in the towel, it's nose tilted upwards to find milk from it's birther's nipple,"Is that normal?"He didn't reach out yet to hold his new child.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"After birth it is important for a newborn to receive its first meal, it helps to strengthen its immune system considerably." His voice was calm, calculated as if he was reading from a well rehearsed speech.

"Is it supposed to come out shifted?"He asked, meeting his fathers eyes,"Did I do something wrong?"He then reached to wrap his arms around the pup to bring it to his chest, rubbing it's furry little head with his thumb. It looked like Warren, that made him smile as he pressed his nose to the top of it's head to scent it for a moment then sink into the seat more and open his robe so the pup could lay against his chest.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The pup automatically latches onto his nipple, suckling hungrily. "A few of your siblings did, considering that your father is a human, were as you and Warren are both more wolf than human."

James jr watched the pup for a moment in silence, the newborn wasn't as human as Luke was, he realised that as he stroked it's fur. It's beautiful, blonde fur, he pressed her nose to it's head,"So pretty."He murmured and looked back at his son,"Look,t Luke."His eyes brightened as he held up the small pup,"The baby."He smiled softly and laid his head back against the headboard, rubbing the pups back as it whimpered though he stopped and looked to his father. "We should keep going."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I know." James drapes a sheet over James Jr and the pup before he begins driving again.

The young wolf watched as the pup suckled, then back at the toddler who babbled and shook the toy in his hand despite looking half upset after all that happened. His eyes were wet though he giggled as he shook the toy again with a grin, the young man smiled at his son. Then laid his head back as he rocked the pup slowly in his arms, pressing his lips together, he hoped that his birth father would be able to celebrate the birth of his sibling like he was with his own child. "I... He's going to be okay..."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I know." James continues driving, soon reaching their old home in nearly 2 hours. He leaves James Jr in the car for now, making his way to the door before he knocks softy, unsure wether or not he should just go in.

There was a cry from inside, though James didn't have time to break down the door or whatever he had done before one of the kids. A young one came to open the door, the girl looked up at her father though she didn't hug him as she simply stepped aside then went back into the living room. Most of the older kids seemed to be crowding upstairs, the place looked different, it was dirty and felt dark even though nothing much had changed. "Dad!"Sam came out of the room and grabbed his arm,"Hurry, please."He rushed back into the bedroom where Tobias was, everyone had cleared out besides one of the oldest girls who held their birth father in her arms.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

When he reaches the doorway of the bedroom, James finds himself stopping, simply stating at Tobias for a minute or two before he moves over to the human he had once called his mate.

The familiar creak in the floor brought a lump to his throat, though he couldn't cry any more, he simply looked up slightly towards the doorway with reddened eyes. Tobias took him in, the wolf man who never aged a day since they had met in the woods all those years ago, he smiled briefly before groaning loudly. Leaning forwards into Terra more and gripping her shirt tightly in both hands, his hair was long and cotton white, though he had cut his beard months ago stubble grew again now. The human sobbed softly, he looked pitiful, an old omega with dwindling energy, he wouldn't be getting out of this one. Or so it seemed.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James moves over to the bed, lightly wrapping an arm around Tobias' waist to hold him up until the contraction passed. James helps him to sit up as he leans in to lightly nuzzle Tobias' cheek as his other hand runs over his stomach.

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