Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite)

Tobias flinched slightly when he was embraced, though sank into the familiar smell of James as he held him ahainst his chest, he didn't say anything. Simply sitting through the contraction as it passed and whimpering into his shoulder as he sat in his lap now, feeling young again,"I'm sorry... I... I can't even tell you how I feel.... I would rather...die than lose you again..."He knew it wasn't official that he was back, though yet he wanted to say that as he looked up at him with tired eyes,"I love you so much... More than anything I've ever had..."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James nuzzles his cheek again. "It's okay, your going to be fine." James simply holds him for a while, doing his best to keep the pain at bay.

Tobias closed his eyes to the longing nuzzle and simply shook his head,"No... I don't think I am, James... Not this time."He groaned and tilted his head back, his legs spreading more as his body worked to push out the child it held inside. His belly sat in his lap like a large boulder when the contraction peaked and obviously softened when it ebbed once agaon. The human grimaced as he sank against him again,"Nn... I-I can't push any more... I don't have it in me."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James runs his hand over Tobias' stomach. "You are going to be fine." There is a slight undertone in his voice that caused the pups to all take a step back.

Tobias hid his face into the other man's shoulder and neck, grimacing at the pain as his jaw clinched, he didn't say anything for a long few moments. His head falling forwards more to brace his chin against his chest, he pushed with what little strength he had until he collapsed again. His eyes rolled back for a moment and he sobbed weakly, shaking his head through not saying anything as he grasped onto James. "I don't want to... I'm so tired..."He trembled now against the others chest, burying his face in his warmth.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James laid Tobias down on the bed before looking around at all the pups before they all exit the room. After the bedroom door was shut James runs his hand over Tobias' stomach again, feeling the child's position before he slowly pushes his fingers into the other male, seeing if he could feel anything.

Tobias grunted lightly as he was laid down, grimacing as his weight shifted and leaning back against the pillows of his bed, his eyes squeezed shut. Until the others fingers slipped into him, he cried out as he tilted his head back more, reaching up to grip the headrest tightly and groaning,"James-!"He grit his teeth, the child was turned at an odd direction and only it's bottom could be felt, though it was close to coming out to crown.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Your so close, just a little more." James reaches to take one of Tobias' hands, squeezing it lightly as he pulled the human's upper body toward him which caused him to to push again.

Tobias cried out when he was tugged upright so abruptly and tried snatching his hand away from James to no avail as he squirmed fitfully. "Stop!"He moaned as his body fought against what he wanted, every inch of him tightened and he couldn't breathe as he pushed full and as hard as he could. Knowing that the other wouldn't let up, he choked on sobs as he arched his back, toes curling and eyes rolling back when the child shifted forwards slowly. Taking it's sweet agonising time before it's bum was crowning, he tore but nothing compared to the pure ache that came from inside of him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tobias other hand reaches to grab on James' wrist. "Keep going, I know it hurts but it's going to hurt worse if you stop.

"I don't want to! I don't want to!"He shook his head quickly, though to no avail, James wouldn't let him go and he couldn't gather enough strength to fight against him any more so he accepted it. "Don't make me-"He sobbed and leaned forwards as he cried out again, his stomach didn't stop contracting and he couldn't breath. As the baby came forwards, bum first, it's legs finally coming out of him and dangling limply, he collapsed back again and took in deep breaths.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Once the legs and bum were free James lets Tobias lay back against the pillows as he caught his breath. James slowly began to work the baby's body free up until he reaches the shoulders.

The human collapsed into the pillows, blubbering and turning his head from side to side as he arched his back, gripping the headboard still with both hands until his knuckles were white. His face reddening, he sobbed softly and tilted his head back again with a loud groan, pushing again as he did. Stomach tightening with another pain.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James does his best to help ease the shoulders out, eventually managing to slip the first shoulder free before it was followed by the second. Now all that was left was the head.

Tobias was teary eyed as he stared up at the ceiling, his brows pinched together at the intensity of it all, his legs spread as wide as they could go while his face scrunched up into a deep frown,"No..."He groaned, back arching at the tug of his cock, James gripping the child hanging between his legs and the human sobbing again as his hands released the headboard to grasp onto his round middle,"Get it out! Get it out of me!"He curled forwards again with a sharp cry of agony when a contraction gripped him tightly like an unnatural vice, despite how many times he's done it, his anus tore just a bit more and fresh blood pooled between his legs. As finally, after three whole days, the child rushed out of him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James looks the baby over quickly, cleaning its mouth and nose as after a while it begins to cry. He cleans the baby off before he lays it on Tobias' chest before he sees about cleaning up the blood and other fluids.

Tobias went limp, his head turning into the pillow as he couldn't help but lose consciousness, the old man had been through a lot and just wanted to sleep. His arms cradled the child on his chest subconsciously as he did, resting like a sack of potatos as he sprawled out on the bed.

Not thinking about the wolf who had been sticking around since James had left, the house smelled like him though he was no where to be found. One would blame Tobias's inability to receive any other help during the birth on the wolf who had left the young family alone.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James finishes checking both Tobias and the baby over quickly before he leaves Tobias to sleep, the infant already having latched onto his breast to suckle. He then makes his way back downstairs to see if James Jr had made it into the house and how he was doing.

James jr looked up at his father as he came back downstairs and smiled slightly at him,"How are they?"He asked and adjusted himself to sit upright more as he collected the sleepy pup into his arms against his chest along with Luke,"Fine?"He asked and sat back quietly, most of the older pups were gone though the youngest sat around James jr and the babies who were once and technically still are the youngest on the family.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"For now, he's resting." James makes his way over to sit down as he looks over the pups.

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