Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn grabbed a spoon and ate from Archie's bowl, still a bit stuffed from lunch. He was glad to avoid Sully, interacting with a few of Archie's siblings and Martha. They all liked him, finding him polite and quiet, something that contented Malorn. People <i>liked</i> him. It wasn't the first time, of course, he had a few friends from work, but it was important that Archie's family liked him.

✨don't look at my sin✨

THe kids soon couldn't stay still, some crying wanting to go out to play with their many cousins, the younger ones started dozing, and soon everybody was getting fed and quite content with the final touch of dessert. Archie asked Malorn silently whether he wanted to leave the table, just as some of them had started doing. He himself was quite flexible and was ready to leave altogether as well.

Malorn nodded at Archie's silent question, idly rubbing his belly, where Logan was content and settled. He was ready for a nap, happy and full of good food.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie pushed back the seat to help Malorn get up from their loveseat and earned some snickering from his siblings, to which he smiled cockily. "I am a good caretaker you gits. Now, if you would excuse us, i thimk we should be on our way. The baby needs sleep." He gently supported the belly and announced.

Malorn allowed himself a small smile at the snickering, fingers lacing with Archie's on his belly. "Logan is already asleep. I need sleep," he mumbled, rubbing his belly lovingly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

That finalized their decision and Archie led the way away from the dining room. He went to his mother to give her a hug. "Ma we are leaving. Little Logan there's sleeping and my mate needed that as well. Do help in changing my pa's mind." He added the last one in a whisper before searching out for his dad. Sully had been sulking among his siblings and he simply nodded and tilted his head to show Archie his acknowledgement of his departure. Archie didn't know how to face his dad yet so he simply nodded as well before returning beside Malorn.

Martha bid them farewell, nodding at the instruction from her son and giving Malorn a hug as Archie "spoke" to Sully. They headed out to the car, Malorn climbing into the passengers side, buckling in and curling up under the blanket he'd brought. He fell asleep easily, mind still on what Sully had said.

✨don't look at my sin✨

It was a long drive but since Malorn managed to fall asleep, Archie didn't bother with as many stops as in the morning. He went forward listening to Malorn's even breathing, glancing at him from time to time. The drive was boring, but somehow he didn't even feel sleepy at all. They eventually reached a 3 hour mark and Archie stopped at a gas station to refill and also see if Malonr would want to do some stretching, that is, if he woke up from his slumber.

Malorn did wake, suddenly aware that the car had stopped. He cracked his eyes open to find them at a gas station, stretching in the seat before looking over at his fiancé. "How much longer until we are home?" He asked softly, rubbing roughly at his eyes with his fist.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Another 3 hours. Traffic at night should be smoother so it could be slightly under that. You want a toilet break? I am just stopping for gas, assuming you dont really need a snack with how much you have eaten during dinner?" Archie asked poking his head into the car.

Malorn nodded at the offer to go to the bathroom, unbuckling himself and walking into the gas station. He used the bathroom, rubbing his belly as he came back to the car. He pressed a kiss to Archie's cheek when he climbed into the car, curling up under the blanket again.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie chuckled at how quickly his fiance picked up with the situation as he got back in to finisht their drive. It was past 2am when they arrived home, and Archie picked Malorn up togethter with the blanket. He didn't want to wake Malorn up from his sleep and it just felt rewarding to see him resting in his arms.

Malorn cuddled closer to Archie when he was picked up, hands staying protectively over his belly, arms creating a bit of a shield for the precious cargo inside. Malorn woke the next morning, happy to see Archie by his side, cuddling close.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie was still sleepign soundly, unaware of how Malorn was looking at him. It was a late night before and he knew he could sleep in. Though even in his sleep, he mumbled something incoherent before turning to hug Malorn tighter, his hand on his belly as always.

Malorn smiled as Archie cuddled closer, laying his hand over his fiance's on his belly. He eventually wriggled his way out of Archie's arms, going to the bathroom before coming back, hoping he didn't wake Archie. He came back to the room, waddling slightly now that his hips were widening, sitting on the edge of the bed before rolling over back into bed.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie was slightly awoken but was soon calmed and fell back asleep when the familiar weight and warmth came back. He clutched on Malorn tight like he was a giant teddy bear. They slept in until almost afternoon, by then even Archie was slightly sore from laying in bed for so long. He got up and stretched, making a big yawn as he looked back at Malorn with a bright smile. "Morning bear."

"Is barely morning," Malorn laughed softly, still lying in bed, hands happily rubbing his tummy. He sat up with a small bit of difficulty, shifting himself to lean up against the headboard. "You should put lotion on my belly. Did not get to last night."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yep, someone's quite sleepy yesterday night." Archie smirked as he reached over to take the lotion. "YOu only want your belly rubbed?" He asked, squirting a handsome amount of cream on his palm. He stuffed a pillow behind Malron so his belly would push out conveninetly.

Malorn settled against the pillow, pulling his shirt up over his large belly, rubbing the dome for himself for a moment before letting Archie apply the lotion. "Maybe my back, Logan is pulling on it quite a lot," he requested softly, relaxing at the warm hands on his belly.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Alright. Two places. I am getting 4 favors in return." Archie said as he leaned in for a kiss on the cheek. "And i am requesting them whenever i feel the urge to. They had started this game where Archie get to ask Malorn to let him help. Mostly he uaed it for a bath together or a wake-up when Malorn had a cramp at night. His lover was too independent and Archie had come up withthis way to ask for "favors".

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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