Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

"Very soon, i assure you, very soon." Henry said smiling at Sam as he carefuklly fit his finger in alongside the tiny neck of the baby, and felt around for the chord. The shoulders felt wide, but this wasnt the first time Sam had given birth and he was sure his wife should be able to handle it, especially after that big head had past through already, widening the canal. He watchrd on as the baby slowly turned within Sam, asjusting itself for the shoulders to come out as well. "Sam, the baby's almost ready, breath through this contraction first, pant, and on the next one, start your pushing again." Henry instructed returning to Sam's side, hugging him tight in his arms.

"I can't wait to see him, Honey. I'm sure that he'll be handsome like you" Sam said, giving a soft smile to his husband. He grabbed his hand tightly as he took a deep breath the started pushing. "Arhhhh!!" I grunted and moaned in pain. Sam was struggling in Henry's arms. Al lease, Henry was the reason that made him can do this. It took a little more time and more pushes to move the shoulder out. Sam couldn't hold himself to not cry out with the pain. "It's easier that the head, but not that easy" He whispered, pushing so hard. It took around half hour till the first shoulder finally came out.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

The half hour was agony for Henry as well, seeing his wife in pain but unable to do much other than encouraging him and reminding him to breath. He saw the shoulder move in and out before finally getting pushed out with a smaller gush of liquid, together with a large yelp from Sam. His hole was stretched wide again, one shoulder within and the torso of the baby was quite thick. "Yes you did it, now just the second shoulder and the baby will slip out. Our son, our first baby. Be strong Sam, you are very close to success now." Henry gently held the baby that's half way out and smiled to Sam. "Can you see from the mirror, our son is big!"

Sam cried out again as he saw the baby in the mirror. He was big and Sam was not surprised why it was so hard to push him out. "I can see him. He's so beautiful" He took a deep breath and grabbed Henry's hand tightly, starting to push again. It was not so hard when the one first shoulder had already come out, but Sam sill had the problem with it after many hours of labor. "Agrhhhh! Please!!!" he moaned screamed so loud. The shoulder slowly moved out from his hole, following by the whole body with Sam's another big push. The gush of liquid and blood came out after the full body. "Baby" Sam whispered, crying out softly as Henry started to clean the boy then he started crying in Henry's embrace. "He's so beautiful"

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry caught the baby and cleaned him, seeing Sam collapsed on the bed. He's laying there very awkwardly, his bottom surely in too much pain for him to lay back on bed, and the chord still linking Sam with the baby prevented him from closing his legs together. Henry smiled and did everything swiftly. He was an expert afterall. He put the baby on Sam's still huge belly. "Do you want to cut the chord yourself?" He asked, scissors ready and the chord clammed.

"I'd love to, but I don't know if I can do it right, so I'll let my expert do it in my embrace," Sam said, joking his husband. He wasn't brave enough to do it. Sam held his son tightly as Henry was cutting his cord. It took just secs for Henry. He slowly placed his kiss on the crying baby. His tears ran down again when the baby started to find his nipple and suck it gently. "Hmm, He's so hungry. it just likes someone here when he has private time with his wife." Sam joked again. It was wonderful moment although He needed to do it all again once. "Thanks, my lovely husband." He whispered, touched Henry's face softly. They moved closer and placed the kiss on each other.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry looked at his son sucking on Sam contently. This was his perfrct family, well, including the younger brother still inside of Sam. He embraced his wife and rubbed on his back, returning the kiss tenderly. "Thank you my dearest wife. You are the one doing all the hardwork here. Well, like father like son, that would be why our baby is so happy with your.. breasts." Henry said with a chuckle. As the baby suckled, the womb of Sam contracted naturally which caused Sam to fidget. "Dont worry, the second baby should need a bit of time to come. Push if you need to, that's the placenta coming.out."

Sam nodded and pushed slightly for placenta. "I...I think I need to rest now. Al least when I can" He said as he was holding his son in his arms. Sam asked his husband to change his position a bit, so he could take a nap as much as he could. He closed his eyes slowly as Henry lay beside him and hugged him with his both arms. It felt safe for Sam and made him can rest easier. It took almost hour till Sam could feel another strong contraction. He gasped and bit his lips so hard. Henry could see it and it was lucky that the first baby had felt asleep now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry wrapprd Sam in his arms as close as he could get, warming his wife and looking at their newborn son as he continued to suckle Sam in his sleep. He patted Sam absentmindedly, like luring his kid to sleep. He could feel some weak contractions when Sam was sleeping, but those were not strong enough to wake him up and he was gratwful for that. The first birth had taken almost 10 hours, of which at least 4 hours were with Sam pushing hard. He hoped his wife could get as much rest as possible during this nap.

When Sam almost yelped and got startled awake by the contraction hitting again, Henry reacted quick and took the baby away. He put him in the cradle beside so that Sam could focus all his energy on birthing his younger brother.

Sam has struggled a bit with the contraction that hit him over and over, but not strong enough to make him push. He looked at his husband with his son in the cradle. "At least, my son don't need to hear his mommy screaming and moaning" He joked at Henry who was getting beside him. It took more half-hour for Sam to fight with the small contractions, but so frequent. He asked Henry to help him get the same position with the first one. Sam wasn't sure if It would help again, but he had no choice. He took a deep breath, following with his big push. "Arhhghhh!" He grunted, clutching his belly. His chin hit his chest so hard. Sam ended it with almost no progress, and he knew that he needed more.

(Can we make it easier at this one? lol)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ok ;))

Henry returned to be behind Sam and held up his leg, finding it feeling heavier. It must be Sam's tired causing him to rely more on Henry's support. He kissed his face as he pushed, disappointed as well seeing no progress, and suggested. "I think we can use some help from gravity. Sam do you trust me? I think we can do this on the floor, i can hold you while you sit on me. Your birth canal was stretched by the first baby, this one should be a bit easier."

Henry's words were surprised Sam so much. He didn't know if he could even stand by himself so that meaned Sam needed to placed all his weight on his husband. "Umm, I... trust you, ahhhh. H....hurry" He grunted in pain as he needed to push again. He breathed heavily, trying to control himself. It took a little long time for them to change the position and the urge hit him again as Henry just helped Sam to sit on the bed. He bent his face on Henry's chest and cried out during his pushing. It was almost no progress again ad Sam couldn't even move my himself now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Thank you. Dont worry, i will hold you tight." Henry said and nodded his thanks for Sam to be accrpting his suggestion. He rubbed on Sam's back as the contraction hit in tbe middle of them changing posjtions, and he counted for Sam and reminded him to breath when 10 seconds past, encouraging him to keep on pushing afterwards until this round past. He then took Sam who's collapsed in his arms to the floor, not letting his feetreach the ground at all and put him in his lap, his bottom in the air between Henry's legs. "This should help my love, keep on pushing like this but let me know if this get too uncomfortablr for you."

That was a little awkward position for Sam to sit on Henry's lap and lean on his husband. "Nghrr, H...he's comming" Sam whispered, grabbing Henry's legs tightly to support himself. He took a deep breath then leaned more to his husband as starting to push. He gritted his teeth while pushing, trying to use the gravity to help. It seemed to work. He could feel the head was moving lower after few pushes, but Sam was so tired at this moment. His head felt forward after his another push. The gravity was helpful, but Sam also needed to use more energy.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry caught Sam and wound his arm around his chest to help steady him. "That's great Sam, can you see the mirror down on the floor?i can see the tip of the head already! A slight bulging. Are you handling this well? Do you want to stay in this position or return to where we were on the bed?" Henry asked, he wouldnt force Sam in some position he didnt feel comfortable in. That would be against his intention.

Sam shook his head, trying to calm himself down and also giving a weak smile to his husband. "T....That's fine. I should do the best way for him" He said, looking down at the mirror with the tip of the head that had already showed the patch of dark. "H....he just likes his brother, ahhh" He whispered, grabbing Henry tightly as he started pushing again. His whole body was shaking at he tried so hard to push the baby's head down, but not forgot to breathe. "Arhghh!!" He grunted again with one more push. His head threw back against Henry's chest while he was pushing. Sam could feel the head was moving slowly

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry tilted his head to nudge slightly on Sam's head as he pushed, mumbling nonsense into his lover as he pushed. "Yes that's it, yea like his brother, so stubborn." He put a hand cupping Sam's bulging hole, feeling the head getting pushed into his palm. "Sam good job...." the praise was weak as progress wasnt fast but at least smoother than the previous baby.

"Ahhh, Arghh" Sam moaned in pain as the head was moaning slowly through his stretch hole. It was burning his ass again. He had no choice just pushed him out. It was a hard time again when eh reached to the widest part. His chin put against his chest so hard while Sam was pushing more and more. It ended up with more than half way of the baby's head had already come out, but the pain hadn't gone when the contraction stopped. It was bad for Sam when he almost couldn't control himself again. "'s hurt" He whispered to his husband then cried out. He knew that it was almost done, but everything was worst now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

The contraction ended at a bad time as the baby was stuck at almost the widest part. It stretched Sam's hold obscenely wide, making Henry cringe imagining the burning and pain Sam was enduring at the moment. "Don't be afraid sam, i am here. Pant through it, on next contraction you push hard, i know this hurt a lot but the baby's head is there, not moving yet. I am here my love." He held the belly that had dropped and flatted with the baby coming out, cupping the tiny head slightly to prevent it from tugging at Sam's hole and causing even more pain to his wife.

IT was the worst from Sam. he couldn't control himself with lots of pain inside his ass. "Arhhh, I....It's hurt, Please" He whispered, waiting for the next contraction. It liked years for him with the head that was hanging between his legs. "Ahhh, god!" He screamed out loud with the next contraction and very pushed from Sam. He couldn't even hold anything. His hands fell down, just Henry's hand that hold his belly tight. He head was moving down, but so slow, causing Sam let the screams many times. It took only 20 mins to pass the widest part, but everything was worst. He collapsed on his husband and put all his weight on him. He could fall if Henry didn't hold him so tight, but it was worth because the head was almost come out with just a few more pushes.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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