Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

"and I love you too Sam. And I love our growing family. Same as I love you even more now." Henry said feeling Sam's now soft and puffy belly nudging against him. Sam was in a mess now, but he found him so beautiful. He carefully checked the excretion of Sam and confirmed they were natural ones so he quickly got rid of them before wrapping Sam up to dry him. "Now my dearest wife, ready for a good rest? We will soon be having our other kids home as well so you better shut your eyes now. You need that beauty sleep." He kissed him tenderly as he moved him back to the bedroom. He frwoned looking at the mess and decided tehy could use the secondary one. He would find sometime to clear up the mess later, maybe when sam fell asleep.

The next few days were chaotic, with the elder twins coming back and the newborn ones continuously crying. Henry and Sam was exhausted and sam was recovering slow. Henry was secretly a little worried but decided he could wait to see if he needed to do more to promote his healing.

(I am thinking Henry thought sam was not fully recovered so he didn't use protection for their first time together after the birth? ANd usually for lactating mothers, it's not likely for them to conceive so quickly.)

(That's good haha. Maybe weeks or a month after this time?)

Sam was sitting on the couch and feeding his sons as Jayden sat beside him as look at his mommy and brothers. "Hmm, Jayden, you love your brother, right? You did like your brother when you was the newborn" Sam smiled that Jayden didn't say anything, bot looked at his brother with his bright eyes. Everything was better than last few days now when Henry had told their older children how to treat their exhausted mommy and their younger brothers. Sam was not sure if he could handle his newborn well, but they had less crying now. He smiled again to his husband who was carrying Victoria in his arms and walking to him. Sam's face blushed red as Henry placed a soft kiss on him after he sat down and placed Victoria beside Sam. "H...ay, all children are here now" Sam said, blushing. He could see how Henry smiled at him, and Sam liked it.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes, maybe a month later would be Henry's birthday?)

"Hnm the boys are hungry again?" Henry smiled and loojed at how Victoria and Jayden were both looking at Sam with the exact same expression. It could be because they are both boys and developed so well, the newborns were growing fast and have a large appetite. Sometimes he could see Sam hissing at how the babies try to suckle from his already empty breast, and knew it was making Sam tired. He watched and thought maybe he should try to give the twins some formula so Sam would be less tired. "Now who want to help me change the diapers?" He asked the children seeing one of the babies was done and could be put to bed.

(Yeah, maybe Sam can cook for his husband, and They should have their private time like the newborn have left asleep and the older children go somewhere)

"Hmm, Yeah, They are alway hungry. I just hope that I'll have enough milk for them" Sam said, looking at his husband. He smiled as both their older children raised their hands when Sam asked about changing the diapers. He leaned forward slightly, making easier for Henry to get the baby from him. Sam sighed slightly, looking at this son. His family was big now and Sam wasn't sure if he could handle everything. He was thinking about many things in last few days, especially about Henry who needed to handle both his family and work. Sam shook his head a bit, trying to just enjoyed with how his family was so perfect. Sam had heard about postnatal depression, but he wasn't sure if that happened to him now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yea, and maybe henry will forget about it being hs birthday because of how busy they were, but not Sam ;))

Henry could somehow feel Sam not as cheerful as he used to be, but he knew with time he should be able to come out of that slight sadness. He must with such a lovely family around him. Leading Victoria bd Jayden away, he let Sam feed their other baby. The kids were excited to be helping and they were very curious of their younger brother. "Hey buddies, what do you thinj we should name your baby brothers?" He asked the older twins as he kissed his thanks to both taking the diaper they handed him. "Shall we go and discuss with mommy?"

(Yeah that sounds good to me. I love the scene like that ;) )
It took not the long time for Henry to change the diaper for his son. Sam had felt while he was feeding his baby then woke up as he could hear the sound of his older children were talking about the babies' name. "Hmm, It seems that mommy and daddy don't need to think so much about the name, right? You both already have it for your brothers" He said, smiling for all his family members. Sometimes Sam was worried about how to treat his older children when he needed to handle his newborn, but everything was good when all his children can settle down together. "Does anyone here have an idea about the name, now?" He asked if his children would say something.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Great ;))

Jayden, as expected, was the first to voice hsi ideas. "Big Bird! My brother will be big bird!" He exclaimed being addicted to sesame street since he's 2. Henry laughed and bumped Vicotira who's resting her head on Henry's shoulder. "And you princess? What have you got?" The girl suggested timidly. "Charming." "After Prince CHarming?" Henry asked in surprise. "Well seems like we have been too optimistic. I dont think your baby brothers would like either of the names. What do you think Sam?" He asked smiling, sitting down beside Sam wounding around an arm on his shoulder, so taht his wife could rest his head on his other shoulder like Victoria.

Sam was smiled widely with both names from his older children. It sounded strange at the first time, but It still showed how Victoria and Jayden loved his younger brothers. "Hmm, That's good name from you both honey, but mommy has an idea too. How about Harry? It's like Harry potter. You both know that, right? and it also sounds like daddy's name too!!" Sam said smiling. Harry Potter was Sam's favorite movie ever, and Henry and his older children had definitely ever seen Sam watching it for many times. "How about you Henry? Could you give another name for another baby?" He said, resting his head on Henry's shoulder. The shoulder was warm and muscular, so Sam was enjoyed it so much.

(Harry Potter is my real favorite movie ever haha I'm so addicted to it. I just watch it from part 1 to 7.2 for almost 10 times haha. Just want to add some real things to make it fun. I hope you would be okay with it.)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(haha alright harry potter. sure.)

"Hmm in that case I would have to say James. James and Harry, how does it sound?" Henry suggested, gently holding Sam's hand up so he would be supporting the feeding infant better. He noticed his arms straining a little and mvoed Victoria down so he could be cradling the baby for Sam, relieving of his strain on his arms. The babies are big, 14lbs at birth making them heavy for sam to hold. Both children nodded seriously approving of the names, which make Henry chuckle again at how they sometimes do something in sychronize reminding him of them beign twins. He wondered if the newborns would be showing that as well when they grow up a little more.

"Hmm Henry, Do you try to tease me or something now, huh? You may know that James is the Harry Potter father's name. I don't know if you intend to do that, but I love you even more now" He said, looking at his husband with his sweet eyes. Sam then placed a soft kiss on Henry's cheek. He knew how to tease his husband, especially when his husband was cradling the baby, so he couldn't do something back to Sam. They spend a wonderful time together awhile. Sam could see his older children were sleepy after playing for long time. he then asked them to sit on the another couch, so he could read the bedtime story for them. It took just a little time for his children till they felt asleep. Sam placed the soft kisses for both of them before got back to his husband.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"How could I not know, not after watching that marathon run of movies with you for so many times." Henry answered with a smile. With the sleeping baby in his arms and Sam returning to his side after the stories, he gave Sam back the newborn and proceeded to carry his older twins to bed. He kept his steps steady and quiet so the kids wouldn't wake up when he settled them in their bedroom. Returning to see Sam had taken care of the diaper and put James and Harry together, he picked up Sam's hand and kissed it. "Now it's our alone time. How are you feeling today? Still sore on your belly? Do you want a good rub?" He asked his wife, noting his belly was still bulged, his womb recovering from holding the big twins.

Sam had completely given up from that words. Henry might know that he was Sam's weakness. He just grabbed Henry's hand back and kissed him gently. "You always know what I want, Henry. It's so tired to take care of this 4 children, but I'm happy to do it too, so I would be nice if my husband will reward his wife with some belly rub" He whispered and blew Henry's ear to make him more excited. Sam walked back and sit on the couch the lifted his shirt a bit, showing his bulged belly. He also rubbed his belly and played with it for a bit to tease his husband. His body was still sore, bit it was still fine to reward his husband with some part of his body. "Come on, my love." He said, smiling and looking at his husband

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
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I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Don't you try to seduce me. It's barely a week since the birth and I wonder if your little hole could take me." Henry smiled and sat down beside Sam, rubbing his belly gently, then slowly increasing his strenght. He had chosen a soothing balm that would heat up slightly with rubbing, and applied it all around Sam's belly, promoting its shrinking and recovery. "Now i am swtiching to doctor's mode. Any diffficulty or pain lately? Bleeding? How's your lactation?" He asked in succession with Sam in his arms, his back against his chest.

Sam leaned a bit on henry's chest to get more comfortable. It was the placed that he always liked."Hmm, nothing much I guess. There is some blood while I'm taking a shower, but it's fine." He touched his lower belly where the womb was located gently. "It just wants a little more time to recover, so I'm so sorry that my husband needs to handle with desire a bit more" he giggled, letting a soft moan as Henry rubbed his belly stronger. "I'm just worried that I'll not have enough mike for our sons. They both eat a lot" Sam whispered sadly. He could know that his lactation wouldn't enough for his sons.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry was doing a checkup as well as he rubbed Sam's lower belly, feeling how the womb was shrinking and recovering. "I will put more balm on your backside later, and to confirm the bleeding wasnt from some unhealled wounds. I wk massage your chest later, but i think it's time we introduce the formulae. You couldnt feed 2 hungry mouths Sam, it's too much burden on your body." Henry kissed Sam gently consoling him. "You are doing so great for them already, and dont worry about me..... i you could borrow me your hand, i would be happy." He said with a loving smile.

Sam kissed his husband back, letting a soft moan as Henry touched his belly gently. "How can I stop love you, even more, Henry? Thank you, honey. I'll tell you when I want your help and also tell you when I can reward you something too" He smiled, knowing that Henry could know the meaning of his words. It took for a little long time with more talking and kissing till Sam became sleepy. Henry could see Sam's eyes almost closed sometimes. "Hmm, It seems that mommy wants to rest too, so how about daddy, huh? Could we rest when we can?" He asked, leaning on Henry's chest a bit more.

(Skip to the birthday?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Ya sure.)

Henry nodded and smiled into his wife. He wasnt expecting a great night of sleep, the babies would be waking them in a few hours, but for now, he enjoyrd resting with his wife.

Time past quickly in their hectic days. The babies had settled and were on their way to fuss less dueing the night, allowing the couple both more time for rest. Sam was recovering well and Henry smiled at how he exclaimed that morning he managed to fit into his old pair of jeans (his loosest pair, yes, but still an old clothing proving he was recovering). He returned home after a long day of work and yelled for Sam. "Babe? Where are you?"

It was the perfect time as their older children went back to the boarding school and the younger sons were sleeping in the bedroom. Sam spend all his free time for preparing the birthday party for his husband as Henry seemed to forget as he was so busy with his work and the newborn babies. Sam had ordered the cake from Henry's favorite shop the put it in the fridge, and he also cooked Henry's favorite food for his husband. It was bad that he sill couldn't drink any alcohol, but he had also prepared the wine for his husband.
Everything was good as Sam could prepare everything before Henry came back from his work. Sam had worn the sexy little clothes for his husband as he knew that Henry would like it.
Sam was in the dining room as Henry arrived at the home. The house was dark as it's easy to surprise his husband, just the dining room that had lots of candles. "I'm here, dining room, Henry.!" Sam answered his husband. His heart was beating so hard for this time. He smiled at his husband when he walked to the room. "Does someon forget his important day here?" He whispered, walking closer and gave Henry a soft hug.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry was utterly surprised by how the dining room was set up. He had felt it strange to return to the house being so dark,but the candles lightin up the dining room made it look cozy and romnantic. Hugging his sexy wife back, he rubbed against his naked backand asked in a rough voice. "To what I owe this little surprise Sam? You know I.couldnt resist you when you dressed up like this.....what's my important day today?" He asked, still puzzled and confused. He only knew when Sam was in this sexy apron, he couldnt think properly, all his brain could focus on was how seductive and attractive Sam was. However, his stomach protested and grumbled loud. "Oops sorry, I... i didnt have a proper lunch today..." henry blushed a little at the embarrassment.

Sam smiled as he heard how his stomach was growling so loud. "Hmm, Didn't my doctor have a lunch today? That's bad, but you can eat here. look at the table and you'll know everything" He pointed to the birthday cake that had Henry's name on it and lots of his favorite food. "Happy birthday, my dearest husband. I know that you're so busy, so this is one thing I can do for you." Sam whispered softly, looking at Henry through his eyes. He just moved closer and placed a soft kiss on his husband. Henry was full of the smell of sweat, but it could drive Sam crazy sometimes. Sam just didn't tease his husband so much at this time. they could have dinner together before Sam would offer Henry's some reward.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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