Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn snuggled up against Archie, allowing himself to unwind as Archie massaged his scalp and rubbed his temples. The rubbing to his belly slowed slightly, focusing on the underside where the skin was most stretched, rubbing there in small circles as he struggled to stay awake.

✨don't look at my sin✨

A dozing bear was incredibly adorable and Archie took it as his mission to make Malorn fall asleep. He hummed a little tune as he finished the massaging and rinsed away the bubbles so he could start on Malorn's body, carressing and massaging herr and there.

Malorn sighed contently in his arms, allowing himself to sleep as he was bathed and massaged by Archie. He mumbled a few things in Russian, usually pertaining to his love of Archie and their son.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The bath had taken long and by the time Archie was satisfied, their fingers had been wrinkling. He lifted Malorn up as gently as he could, huffing at his increased weight but with steady steps, took him out of the warm water and put on a simple sleeping gown on him. Not a lot of clothes fit Malorn now, and Archie liked how homey the gown looked on Malorn so he would insist on that every time.

Malorn woke slightly when he was lifted from the tub, clumsily pulling on some boxers under the sleeping gown, gripping Archie's shoulders as he was still mostly asleep. He didn't mind the gowns, knowing how much Archie liked them, as well as finding them comfortable, especially in the later stages of his pregnancy. He waddled to bed with Archie's help, sitting on the edge and rubbing his belly, waiting for Archie to get into bed before laying down.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Malorn with his eyes barely open was very cute and Archie quickly got on bed in case his mate could no longer hold and just collapse down onto the bed. He pulled the covers away and tug Malorn down so he could gently lay down with his hand supporting his back, lowering him slowly. Archie wasnt too sleepy but seeing Malorn's ready for bed had him happily complying with his wish. He could sleep soon enough watching the serene face of his fiance

Malorn laid back into bed when he felt Archie's support, settling happily and easily under the covers. "Love you," he murmured, curling protectively around his belly and drifting off to sleep. Malorn woke the next morning, smiling at the sight of Archie asleep next to him, waiting for his love to wake.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The biological clock was accurate as ever for Archie to wake up right the time when he used to get up for work. He opened his eyes, groaning slightly wrongly thinking he would need to go to work when he opened his eyes and saw Malorn's soft smile. He retunred it and finallg remember he had started his long holiday. "Morning bear...." he murmurred kissing Malorn.

"Good morning, my darling," Malorn cooed, gently taking Archie's hand and laying his hand over a spot where they could feel Logan's movement. "When is our flight? I forget," he mumbled, stretching slightly, causing his back to pop.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"3pm. We could have a lazy morning, then a full lunch before getting on the plane. Would be late afternoon when we arrive so we could just enjoy dinner then rest. I didnt want to stress you out." Archie smiled and caressed the spot where Logan was just making a huge kick. He chuckled at how energrtic their son was.

"It all sounds good to me," Malorn smiled sleepily, wrapping his arms around Archie and cuddling close, smiling at the strong kick within him. "Not so rough, my pup. I do not want you coming out early."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"I dont think he could hear you. Or perhaps Logan's just a rebellious one since he hadnt listened to your words even for once." Archie smiled rubbing soothing circles on Malorn's massive belly. It was getting huge but Archie was quite relieved tjay so far Malorn seemed to be coping well. The common.problems or back and.pelvis pain was there, but he could still sleep well at night, which was truly a blessing considering.

"I believe he is just rebellious," Malorn yawned, relaxing at the warm hands on his belly, eventually moving to rub the taut skin as well. Malorn was almost impressed with how big he'd gotten, wondering how much bigger he and Logan could get before Logan was born.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Must be a handful when he's reblllious even when he's still inside of you." Archie smiled and pulled Malorn up so they were both sitting on the bed. "We have to get started on the packing or we would have been.late. or dont tell me you had packed our bags with an 8-month belly while i'm at work?" He looked suspiciously at Malorn as he lookrd around.

Malorn sat up in bed with Archie's help, sitting cross-legged and settling his belly in his lap. He blushed at the question, looking away. "Maybe packed a bit," he admitted, a small smirk on his face. In reality, he'd packed nearly everything.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Gosh Malorn!" Archie frowned hard. He knew his husband tend to downplay things so that "a bit" meant "almost done" or "all done". "No wonder you had been so exhausted yesterday during the bath!" He said recalling how Malorn seemed to respond particularly well to his massaging on his back, must have been sore and overworked from the packing. "You should have said no when i suggested that walk....."

"If I had said no to the walk, you would have been... S-Suspicious?" Malorn spoke, attempting to come up with the right word. "You still have... Half of your packing to do."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Half of my packing you mean to say, my underewear and swimming.pants?" Archie sighed exxaggeratedly as he spoke of his prediction. "Malorn...." he frowned hard and was about to start another long lecture but just sighed again when he shook his head.

"Ah, maybe," Malorn mumbled with a blush, one hand awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "I know you want me to rest, but it gets boring here. I can only read books for so long, I am not very good at reading."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"I didnt want this trip to bring any burden to you... with a belly like yours i dont think bending down multiple times for the packing would be good for your back at all." Archie was about to continue but thought better of it. He knew his lover was headstrong and had his insistence, if he continued his lecture it would only bring.on a fight and it wasnt that big a deal. "Doesnt matter. From now on until Logan's arrival, I would always be here to ensure you arent bored." He patted Malorn's belly slightly and kissed it on the peak.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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