love bites (Closed with bhdire8 )

"Hurts.." he said quietly clinging tight to Jareth but it was already starting to fade the pain was going away just as it had before. Jace stayed there for a long moment regaining his composure. The pain had faded completely after a minute and he looked up at Jareth meeting his eyes for a moment. He wasn't sure what to think at this point. "I-im ok now." He smiled lightly at the vampire, it was strange to see him a bit worked up, perhaps even worried.

"You sure about that?" Jareth just realised how close they were, and finding himself liking the warmth of the human's body. He hid his shock himself and released the human, though he didn't let go completely, wanting to make sure the human had indeed been arlight before letting him stand on his own. "Which part hurts the most? Show me?" Now that he had regained some senses, he asked the human, glancing at his overall and noticed a little more growth on his belly than the day before and nodded to himself, satisfied with how his spawns seemed to be catching up on growth now.

Jace stood on his own and pressed a hand to the center of his belly. "It hurts right there, and along the side." He really didn't know how to explain it. At least it all seemed to have stopped and Jace could relax for the moment. He to realized the fact that he had grown just slightly more of a belly then he had the day before but he still did not fully believe the vampires words. He couldn't carry a child there had to be a better way to explain all of this.

Jareth put his hand on Jace's belly to feel it, the connection between the vamplings and the father sent shocking tinglings to Jareth and he mentally established a bonding with the youngs, making sure as soon as the babies possess mroe consciousness, they would be able to maintian some kind of communication. He then moved his palms along the side of Jace's belly, movements that reminded him of their night together, but this time with a striaghtly platonic and gentler touches.

Jace made no attempt to pull away from Jareth as he felt the man's hands move along his belly Jace simply watched him blushing slightly, yet he still wore a slight smile unable to keep it out of his expression. "So then.. where did you go anyway? Before? How long was I asleep?" He asked breaking the silence after a few moments.

The slight bulge was inperceptable and for a moment Jareth was tempted to push up the belly, making it as large as possible but quickly brushed off the idea as childish. He looked up and slowly stood to his full height before replying. "I was in the library looking for relevant records in the ancicnet scripts... speaking of which..." He looked around to see he had abandoned the scroll on the floor in his hurry. Picking it up, he removed himself further away from Jace as he answered. "You are out for a few hours, it's time for dinner now. I would order someone to bring it up." He said eyeing Jace, not entirely confident in inviting him down to dine at the all with the recent attack he had suffered from. The human was making him change, and he wasn't sure if he was entirely comfortable with the change in mentality.

Jace shook his head. "I'll go with you." He said softly though it really was more of a request then anything. It wasn't as if he thought he could get himself past the vampire if he could he would have already. He wanted to take a look around and at the vary least he could understand the layout of this place. Jace smiled lightly meeting Jareth's eyes for a moment. "Come on then." he said as he stepped toward the door picking up one of the scrolls that had rolled away from him when he drooped it.

Jareth frowned again finding himself quite happy to see the smile Jace gave him. He cleared his throat and resumed his cool demeanor. "Suit yourself. And please follow me closely. This place was easy to get lost in for strangers, and i wouldnt want you get hurt..... since you are my bearer now." He added awkwardly and regretted saying that immeidately. Of course that had everything to do with Jace being his bearer now and.not an ounce more, he wasnt concerned with the human. Most definitely wasnt. But adding that would make it sound so suspicious. He cleared his throat again as he walked out, decided to leave it as it was.

Jace didn't move for a moment, his expression grew uneasy. He still didn't like the thought that something like this could be possible he couldn't really carry a child. He brushed it off gave a shrug and fallowed after Jareth he stayed close making sure not to lose his place or get lost. Jareth was right this place was rather big it would be easy to get turned around if he didn't pay attention.

They walked for a good 10 minutes before they reached the dining room. Jareth imagined it would be a long.joruney for Jace soon as his belly grew. The shift in gravity would surely make him develop a waddle soon. As they arrived, the door opened silently in front of them and they entered the room that's elegantly decorated, with a long table for 8. This was the place for daily meals. Another hall was available when they held banquets ane balls. There were 2 places set at the ends of the table. The vampire got to his place, expecting the human to take the end table so they would be separated quite far away.

Jace took in everything as he walked looking over the other places and hallways in an attempt to memorize them but after awhile he just gave up it wasn't as if it mattered much did it? Jace was a bit surprised at the size of the house, of course what should one expect when you are already aware the house has a dungeon shouldn't he have assumed the rest of the house would be big as well. Letting out a long breath Jace took a seat at the table. He could have moved the chair at the far end of the room but really he didn't feel like it and so thats where he stayed at the other side of the table. He watched the vampire take his place at the far end.

When dinner was brought to them they ate in mostly silence. That is until again the feeling returned it wasn't as strong as before but it was enough to get a groan from him and hunch foreword.

Jareth was eating elegantly dissecting the almost raw steak into small pieces with his knife and fork like he's treating a piece of delicate handicraft. The pained sound from Jace had him quickly lifting up his head and within a second he was beside him. "What's wrong Jace? Are you in pain again?" He asked with a deep frown, hovering over the human who had his fist clenched tightly on the table. He touched on his shoulder lightly, feeling his bright golden locks soft under his touch. His muscles were all tightening up showing how much pain he was in.

Jace didn't move his hand continued to clench tightly to the table until the pain let up and he let out a long breath he hadn't realized he was holding. It hadn't lasted that long this time. "I-im ok.. it's gone again." His voice was quiet and Jace seemed tired, the pain took a lot of energy out of him and made him tired. He raised his head looking up at Jareth. "Really It ok now.."

Jareth frowned hard and decided he needed to dig in further on the issue. He released his hand on Jace''s shoulder and stood up stiffly. He knew this wasnt ok but the solution obviously wasnt with Jace. At least the vamplings seemed fine. "Alright. I have never seen this in any normal vampire pregnancy... would you excuse me? I will be in the library." He glanced at the barely finished plate of Jace's and said, before noticing his tired out face. "Or would you prefer going back to the room already?"

"I'll be fine here. I can walk back by my self anyway if I get to tired, I remember how to get there." and Jace did know how to get there he was almost positive. Despite the fact that it had taken them a long time to get here Jace could fallow the path of places he had been and had a vary good memory. "Go on.. I'll see you later." Jace said softly and stood up. He was indeed vary tired but he wanted to look around a bit more.

Jareth shoot out a hand about to hold Jace steady before he thought better of it and withdrew. 'Keeping a distance, you wouldnt want to develop anything with him, despite him being your bearer.' He reminded himself.

"You remember the way?" He quirked a brow not very convinced. Even his vampire guests sometimes get lost with their superior senses. "Just call my name when you aren't sure." He finally said. He would hear that, no matter in which corner of the house he was. He started his departure, giving Jace a thorough glance, and left.

Jace nodded and let him go it would be about 3 minutes before the pain returned. He had just been looking around and slowly heading back towards the room when it hit. He dubbled over letting out a cry. The pain was quick and sharp and he soon found him self on his knees. This was worse then it had been at dinner. "Jareth!" What had made him think to call the vampires name? Jace wasn't sure, of course.. he wasn't exactly thinking at the moment.

Jareth had been reading beside the fireplace when the calling reached him. He was at Jace's side within a second, the pained yell alarmed him. He got down on his knees holding Jace by his shoulder. "Jace? It's the pain again?" He didnt know ot anything that would hit so sporadically. He lifted Jace up and moved swiftly along the corridor. He would have used his power but it could be too much of a burden for Jace now.

The pain began to dull again after a minute he relaxed slightly but made no attempt to pull away from Jareth. How come it only stopped after the male had come to his side? Jace didn't understand what was wrong with him. If he was somehow actually carrying what if there was something wrong with the babies? No, that was a stupid thought and he tried to brush it off.

Jareth could feel Jace relaxing in his arms and he tried. "Jace? The pain died away?" He would have suspected if the pain was Jace's method of attracting his attwntion had he not witnessed how painful that was. It worried him that it could be something inherently wrong that affected Jace more than the babies.

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