Work w/ bhdire8

Malorn shrugged softly, keeping his eyes down as he felt the stares of others around him. "Should wait until attention dies down," he murmured, voice soft and timid.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie nodded silently,agreeing with Malorn's words as they continued their awkward lunch. Archie attmpeted to lighten the mood and came up with some of his awkward jokes, but none of them seemed to be working. He could see Malorn lowering his head further and further down, and he was feeling bad for his fiance.

They finally left after a few more minutes, Malorn continuing to keep his arms crossed as they headed home. He quickly cleaned himself up and changed shirts, eyes to the floor.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Malorn.." Archie said tentatively. He could feel how down Malorn was and didn't know what he could do to cheer him up again. It was embarrassing, yes, but anyone who would look at his belly propoerly should know it was an accident.

"Leave it be, darling," Malorn murmured, not wanting attention brought to it. It was simply an accident, nothing to be talked about. Still, people didn't see male carriers as "clean," so the look in the waiter's eyes was an abrupt reminder.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Then my bear need to reassure me that it really didn't matter. I didn't want it to plague what remains of our trip. IT's just a precious two days before we need to get back and leave all this lovely sun and beach." Archie got close to Malorn, smiling and asking.

"Is nothing, darling," Malorn replied, turning to wrap his arms around Archie as best he could with his huge belly in the way. "Am going to the pool soon, my hips are beginning to hurt."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie wasn't sure if it was an excuse for Malorn to escape any further ponder on the topic or was it a genuine desire, but he complied with his want, hoping the coolness of the water would do the trick either way.

Malorn changed into a pair of swimming shorts before heading out to the pool, swimming around a bit, knowing Archie would follow. He waited on his love, allowing the water to cool him down and take off the pressure.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie was alittle surprised to see Malorn without his shirt, showing his tits that's a little swollen and raised compared with before. "Started without me?" He asked teasingly. "Did you do any of those stretching exercise you read about?"

Malorn smiled at the teasing, shrugging softly. "I did a few, yes. I waited on you before I did more of them, I know you like watching," Malorn smirked. He'd taken the shirt off because his chest was starting to feel tighter, but felt timid asking Archie to drink again.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yes indeed i am peeping tom." ARchie smiled and eyed the swelling nipples with mild interest. He wouldn't normally offer to drink, and since they had seemed to have gotten past that incident, he didn't think it would be a good idea to raise the topic again.

Malorn's smirk grew wider when he noticed Archie looking at his nipples, nodding. "Go ahead. I know you want to," he offered, rubbing his belly beneath the water.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Hey, it's because of the weather! make me constantly thirsty. You want a serve as well?" Archie asked playfully. He didn't mind being the human cup transferring his "drink" to Malorn.

"No thank you, darling," Malorn replied, rubbing his belly as rchie began drinking. Malorn relaxed easily, tangling a hand in Archie's hair again.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie squinted his eyes from the great pleasure. Drinking directly from Malorn and him brushing througb his hair was so much enjoyment. He wrapped his hands around Malorn's belly and felt never before as connected.

Malorn wrapped his free arm around Archie, sighing contently at the bonding between them. The release of pressure from his chest was overly enjoyable, and Malorn was glad Archie liked it as much as he did himself.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie finally emptied both sides and looked up at Malorn. "I think they had grew some more. I am pretty sure they are producing much more than Logan would be able to drink. Great, at least I still could have my share, at least for the first few months." He concluded happily. Sitting opposite to Malorn, he could see how the belly rested on Malorn's lap. The belly was distorted through the refracted light, but it still appeared massive. "How's Logan, still punching around like always? To think we thought he would calm down a little when he started to run out of space..."

Malorn let go of Archie when he was finished, hands going to cradle his belly, even though the water was keeping it afloat. "He is still moving around, yes. He is getting impatient, he wants to meet us," Malorn grinned, ready to hold his son for the first time, cuddle with his firstborn child.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Logan would definitely be dividing your attention..." Archie said a little sadly. "And I wouldnt be the only one who could make you smile then..... I just hope you would have enough time left for me." He pouted a little even though he rubbed on his belly lovingly as well. The size of it was large enough for 4 adult palms to be placed on it simultaneously without touching each other.

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