Blossoming love (closed with Dots)

"Hmmm wouldn't my good wife help relief his husband? Perhpas by his gorgeous belly and lovely hands...?" Henry suggested, though he soon chuckled. "Alright I wouldn't tease you. I know we probably couldn't hold back if we really start." Henry leaned back down on Sam's lap, facing the perfect belly. He kissed it carefully, giving all his blessing to their newest addition to the family. His heart still ached a little thinking about how this one should have a sibling growing up together, now he/she would be the odd one out. "Do you think we should tell the baby about the twin..?" he asked quietly, for the first time really facing the issue.

Sam stopped saying anything for a bit as he heard that. His heart really ached when he thought about that. Although Henry always blamed himself by not noticing anything, Sam was to one who carried his twins and he was so scared in that night. Sam rubbed Henry's hair gently, trying to not show his fear. "Yeah, I think we should tell him or her, but We also need to give him or her a time too," He said as he leaned forward and kissed his husband gently. His tears finally ran down from his eyes now. "Thanks, Henry. Thanks for helping me that night. Thanks for always forgiving me everything I did. I can't do this if you're not here at my side"

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry quickly got up from Sam's lap. He didn't want to see Sam crying. It's a tough incident for them, but they had gotten through it. "Sam... Don't be sad. It's an accident, no one wanted it to happen. There's something I didn't tell you about... during our first ultrasound, it's quite obvious the babies in you, they weren't equally healthy. The baby who's gone, it wasn't developed as well as this one." He palmed Sam's belly gently. "Even at that time i was a little worried about it. It wasn't your fault, perhaps that baby was just meant to be gone.... don't blame yourself. It's sad, but we didn't lost everything right?" He gave him a gentle smile and rubbed the warm adn tight belly again.

Sam was not surprised with that words from his husband. Everything had happened and they couldn't change anything. "Yeah, we didn't lose everything. We still have this" He rubbed his belly gently with Henry's hand. "I can't wait any longer to end this bed rest, honey. I really wanna cook for you and I really wanna do many things with you. Not only our private moment but everything I can do" He said with his bright eyes, thinking about many activities that he could do after the bed rest. The first thing was buying his new clothes, and then cooking for his family. "So, when will we go the check up? This weekend? I don't wanna bother your work time."

(Do you wanna play about check up? When they both know about the gender and can end the bed rest?)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yes we can. And... do you mind if Sam become so sensitive that when Henry checked him he's leaking and moaning, squirming hard on the bed to try hide the fact that he was very aroused? Just tell me if it's becoming too sexual ;))

"yes I think this weekend would be good. On Sunday. Then we can go visit the babies, all 4 of them, if and only if you are stable enough. And also you have to promise me you wouldn't be too excited, and you are forbidden to carry them." Henry said seriously as he considered. He was fiarly certain Sam would be in good condition to end the bed rest, so he was already planning on how to keep his emotions controlled and not to tire himself out. "Then... perhaps we could go to the supermarket together, we could shop for food and all. Then perhaps some new clothes..... the majority of the clothes from before are for when your belly grow a lot bigger, so we don't have that much choice for your size now." He added, which was why he had sam wearing his sweatpants in the first place.

(That's fine but maybe he's not leaking? but yeah he'll moan and blushed so hard. Is that okay?)

"Yeah, yeah my husband. Your wife will do everything and obey all your order, but now your wife is too tired now, Can he just sleep?" Sam teased his husband, giving him a soft kiss then asked Henry to help him laying down. it took just mins till Sam fell asleep.

They had the good days as Sam obey all orders from his husband and stayed on the bed till the Sunday. He opened his eyes slowly, blinking at the sunlight that passed through the window. He loved his hand, trying to find his husband, but foud out that Henry had already woke up because it was quite late now. Sam smiled at his husband as he was walking into the room with the food tray in his hands. "Hmm, good morning. That will be my duty soon" He gave a sleepy smile to his husband.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Yea absolutely. I like to see him trying to hide it, maybe squirming slightly and pull on the bedsheets, though with one glance Henry kenw what's happening. His legs would twitch but he would try to hold them still for Henry to do his job.)

"I have to admit I am getting tired with this simple meals. You know I wasn't as good at cooking as you, especially when we talk about breakfast. I only know toast...." Henry scratched his head as he walked in with a few pieces of toast, milk for Sam and coffee for himself. He also had a small tray of blueberries to be shared with Sam. "Drink the milk.... Even though I am sure you have your own supply." Sam had been leaking a little at first, when he stopped feeding the babies. Now he wouldn't have the problem because it had been a few weeks, though they still felt bloated and sometimes quite uncomfortable for sam. Henry sat down behind Sam so they could lean into each other as they ate their breakfast.

Sam gave his husband a big kiss then he grabbed the toast that filled it in his mouth. "Hmm, This is almost the best toast ever, just you wife that can do it better" He teased as he fed Henry with another piece. They had shared lots of happy moments there. "I think we need to hurry a bit today. It's quite late and we have many things to do" Sam said and fed his husband once more. He drank all milk then let a soft burp that made him blushed slightly. "I'm just curious if my husband can tell me which it the best milk, in this glass or mine?" He asked, trying to tease his husband. He didn't realize how his face was blushing now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Trying to tease me Sam? Do you realise how heated your face is now? Of course it's yours...... " Henry leaned in close to say to sam, his breath brushing through the soft face of his wife and he dangerously lowered his head to Sam's chest. "Even your burp smelled milky. You just officially make me craving milk." He said as he pulled up the loose shirt of sam's and started licking on his still swollen nipples. He licked and teethed them, making them stand up asking for attention, then abruptly stopped all motiosn. "YOu are right my love, we need to hurry a bit today. Let's go, I think you are dressed alright to leave the house, if you cover your chest up with my jacket..." He said lifting Sam off the bed. He smiled proudly knowing his wife would be wearing his sweatpants out in the public.

Sam let a low moan as Henry teased his nipples. He frowned as Henry suddenly stopped it, but he could understand it. "You know Henry, you need to go further if we're not it this position," He said, looking at his husband who was teasing him so hard. They walked slowly to the car after Henry got Sam his jacket to hide his standing nipples. He grabbed Henry's hands tightly as he got from another side. "I know that we have waited for this a long time, but I just hope that our baby will be healthy and it's the best for me" Sam said, rubbing his belly. He didn' look so bad with his loose shirt and sweatpants. Henry could see his still standing nipples when Sam took off the jacket in the car.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry made sure to cover Sam back up, he couldn't allow anyone else to see how delicious his wife looked. Wrapping him up tightly with his jacket again, he guided Sam slowly off the car. "I am sure your endurance would pay off. we would soon know about it." He smiled and led him into the vacant clinic. He gently pulled Sam's hand over and put it behind his back. "Support your back, yes. This would be the best way." he said quite happily, liking this posture as it make Sam's belly look even larger, reminding him of how thriving the baby is.

As they entered, Henry went to prepare his equipments so he let Sam move onto the bed himself. He glanced back at him from time to time, though he quite enjoyed Sam becoming more clumsy now. It was so clear he was pregnant it reassured him of his wife's wellbeing.

Sam supported his back all the way to the room. He could see how Henry was enjoying his big belly. It took quite a little long time for to got to the bed and climb on the bed. He pants as he had done everything. "Does my husband still want to help his wife?" He joked, smiling widely. He could see Henry was mess with preparing the equipment. "Do I need to take off my shirt? or just lift it?" He asked.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

"Let's keep your shirt on for now, then later when I conduct my checking on your other parts, you could remove it. Now... pull down your pants a little? The cold gel's coming." Henry instructed gently, helping Sam lay down on the bed slowly supporting his back. He then sat down on the stool so he could manage teh machine beside Sam. "Do you want to bet on it? Will this be a boy or a girl?" He asked smiling brightly at Sam who's face was a little flushed with all the climbing. He thought Sam looked even prettier like this.

Sam pulled his pants down a bit as Henry said that. He then lifted his shirt, showing his perfect orb. It was not so big now, but enough to make Sam have the hard breath when he lay down for a long time. "Hmmm, let me think.....I bet it's a girl. It will be good if we have another girl, so mommy can buy lots of cute clothes for her" Sam said, smiling. He could see Henry's smile with his bet. "In fact, it's not important that it'll be boy or girl because it's our baby" He whispered, looking at his husband. Sam bit his lips a bit, trying to not let out a soft moan as Henry put the cold gel on his belly. His body was so sensitive now. He wasn't sure if he could hold this til the check end.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry could feel how Sma was trembling and sighing a big breath, clearly attempting to calm himself. He smirked and was already looking forward to the intimate things they could do together very soon. He pretended not to notice how Sam was responding and proceeded to put the wand on his round and perfect belly. "Hmm let's see. Let me find our baby..." he moved around searching for the heart of the baby.... then the thudding little black shade appeared on screen. "....That's our baby Sam. cna you see his little heart? That's our baby.... so healthy, and big." He smiled, touched by what he was seeing on screen, maybe even more so than the last set of twins. "And guess what.... do you know what this indicates?" He pointed to the shade between the legs of the fetus.

Sam's tears had already run down as Henry said that his baby was big and healthy. He gave smiled to his husband as he asked him to see in the screen. "Hmm, I guess our house will be more chaotic soon." He said smiling. "I can't imagine how we can handle 4 boys in one house." He joked. His voice was trembling with his crying. It was hard for Sam to handle this time. It was emotional and the check up drove him crazy. Sam let some moans while Henry was moving the wand around his big belly. Henry could see Sam was squirming on the bed now. His face flushed darker red.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

Henry was about to say they would have to try harder to add in girls in the house, but he didn't say it out loud. He feared it would put too much pressure on Sam to be mentioning more babies, especially since he had just endured so many weeks of boring and difficult bed rest. He leaned forward and kissed away his tears. "Babe, I am quite sur eyou would be able to take good care of all our children. You are taking good care of this one right now, see how healthy and how much he has grown? that's all thanks to you and your persistence. I know how hard this is for you, but you are doing so well now, our boy is thriving." he smirked a little seeing his wife squirm on the bed, his fist clenching tight on the bars besdie the bed as he tried to hide his moans, biting his lips. Henry turned around to watch closely on the monitor until he was sure everythign was as normal as it could be. "Good. Everything looked very normal and our baby's quite high this time, which is good considering. Now, I will have to remove your pants for our next part..." He stood up and took some tissue to wipe sam's belly clean. He tried to be gentle but it seemed like the gentle touch was making Sam even more triggered.

Sam moaned louder as Henry was wiping his belly. It was really hard for him to hide his feeling against his husband. Sam bit his lips so hand and pinched against his fingers against the bed. Henry could see Sam's cock was jerking a bit as he took his pants off. Sam's face blushed even darker. It was a shame and he didn't even know how to handle this. His tears ran out a bit by the pleasure and Sam breathed heavily. "W....we should hurry. let's check the next part and if I can end the bed rest" Sam said with trembling sound. Henry could see how his wife was squirming on the bed. His white skin became slightly red now. Sam could feel his body was hot.

(I have just a bit free time after my adviser told me I need to edit all my work and almost every words Y-Y)

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

(Gosh sorry it's my turn to be a little busy. And i would be away for thr next few days as well.... aww and its so sad you have to almost redo your work! Poor thing...)

How breathy Sam had sounded and how his voice trembled gave grwat pleasure to Henry. "So now I am not the only one getting teased." He joked and gently pulled the pants off Sam, patting his hip slightly so he could slide the garment off of Sam's nice, round hip. Perhaos Hwnry had brushed through Sam's thighs a little more than he should, which cause goosebumps to app3ar on his smooth skin. He liked how his wife's flushed red underneath.

"Take a deep breath and try to relax your bottom. I am using some water-based lube so it could be a little cold." Henry said before lifting Sam's legs lightly to plant on the bed. Pushing them a bit wider apart, he spread his gorgeous buttocks to get to his opening, which was quivering in anticipation already. "I would try to be quick, dont worry love." Henry smiled as he rubbed the little flower with his index finger, then gently eased in.

(It's fine, having a trip again? have the good days :))
"Ahhh, you know how I can resist you, Henry." Sam moaned louder as Henry rubbed his hands all over his private part. Every part of Sam was so sensitive now although he knew that it was just the check up. Sam's entire body was quivering in the pleasure and eh couldn't stop it now. He just hoped everything would be quick as his husband said. "Ahh" He moaned even louder, biting his lips so hard as Henry started to put his fingers inside. he could fell his husband spread his fingers inside his ass and it made his cock jerk off even more. Sam didn't know how to handle it and he coudn't even hide it. He just tried to not look at his husband for now.

I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp

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