Closed Beloved teacher (w/lovebite)
Jacq had been staring at his phone for a reply on his way. He didn't know what he could be saying to Frank so he decided to wait on. It disapointed him to find Frank didnt give him anything throughout the 30 minutes he took. He decided to try again. "Stop being a child and face the problem like a grown-up. I demand for visits to my son." He sent after getting off the car, leaning against it as he texted. He looked at the house with the living room lit up, and forced himself not to imagine what Frank could be doing right this moment, with Duncan.
Frank dug into his back pocket with his free hand to look at the new text, he rocked Duncan slowly and bit his lip before replying carefully,'Not now. I don't want you to put ideas in his head about me. We can think about this more when he's older.'Frank didn't think twice before he sent that off, tossing his phone onto the couch and wiping the baby's mouth with his finger before giving him the bottle again. He wasn't going to let Jacques worry him over such a simple thing, not when their son couldn't even walk.
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The reply from Frank infuriated Jacq and he stomped up the driveway. He tried to keep himself calm and only allowed himself to ring the doorbell once. He knew how Frank was and he would probably not open the door had he known that it was him. He couldnt believe the humiliation Frank was tossing at his face. "Put ideas about him into his head". He was plyin that Jacq would be childish enough to speak behind his back. He huffed and finally realise Frank never see him pass the "brainless teenager" and consider his role of being a father as well.
Walking towards the door as he rocked Duncan, humming at him and tilting his bottle so he got enough milk out of it, he opened up the front door. Not really knowing who to expect, though when he opened it he was surprised to see Jacq and sighed heavily,"You're really getting on my last nerve."He said, leaning against the doorframe,"What do you want? I'm replying to your texts, I don't want to see you on my porch, what's so important that you had to come back over here?"
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"You just said you forbid me from seeing my son, that's not an issue important enough for me to fetch you at your doorstep?" Jacques crossed his arms and said. "Believe me, I didn't want to see your face as well. I just couldn't understand why you think abducting our son and take off to who knows where would be a good way. Duncan needed 2 parents, me and you. As simple as that. Why are you so stubborn in rejecting my participation then?" he asked trying to stay calm but found himself failing. He looked longingly at Duncan who's oblivious to it all. "Let's move this inside, Duncan shouldn't be having his bottle at the door."
"Until he was old enough, yes."He nodded his head and snorted at him,"No. It's late and you could have called me instead."Frank frowned at Jacques when he mentioned not wanting to see him,"All the more reason to call me on my phone."He replied and stepped back, placing Duncan's bottle down as he gripped the door, ready to slam it back in the others face,"This little idea you have in your head, stop it. I'm not going to do this with you. I refuse to argue, this is what I want."The professor shook his head simply,"No. You're not coming inside again. You lost that privilege."
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"You thought I wanted to be here? You have no right to keep my son from me, no matter his age. If you dare hiding him away, I would make sure you regret your decision." Jacques said though he wasn't too surprised by how Frank just dodged all the problems they had, opting to escape from it. "You coward. Hide away as long as you want. I would have my son back, no matter the price." He said in a threatening tone and left himself. Rather taking the initiative when it was clear that a neogtiation was out of place.
It was that moment when it was confirmed inside of Frank's mind that he had to leave, he had to take Duncan and never come back. He was done with trying to hide or change to fit what other's wanted of him, he wanted to live his life the way he wanted to, it wasn't too late for him. The older man had sneaked off in the dead of the night almost a week after that encounter with the father of his child, he simply packed a few bags worth of clothes and supplies for the baby then sent off the email to the headmaster of the college. His resignation. It felt like a weight off his shoulders to be out of that city, an entirely new man, he shaved his hair and grew a beard, driving out of the state all together to rent out a small place in the city just him and Duncan for months. Of course he took up a small job at the high school and found a babysitter for his son, it was nice to just be someone different, someone with an unknown scar on their belly and a young son to take care of. Life was good when he didn't think about the last year of his life, if he just focused on the present, the here and now, then maybe he wouldn't break down into tears again when he shut the front door behind the old woman who looked after Duncan.
He hasn't found anyone though, no one to be with, not yet at least, he tried to though it always seemed wrong even he thought about it. But it wasn't like anyone else didn't think about him, women and men alike, even his students parents, he didn't know what made him so attractive to them. He was old and had a young kid who was just beginning to walk and look so much more like his father. It scared him.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Upon discovering Frank and Duncan's disappearance, Jacques was thoroughly crushed. Perhaps he had tried threatening Frank, but now that he think of it, he had been unwilling to report his professor and expose their relationship. He ddnt want to bring down Frank and his reputation, he's a good teacher no matter how screwed up he was in dealing with their relationship. He tried looking for them, but his hope soon died down as he heard of his resignation and the subsequent disappearance. Just like he had thought, Frank had dropped out of radar, together with his son. It took months for him to abandon his search, during which he suspended his studies and withdrew from the school team, just driving nonstop daily around and down the highways to nearby cities and towns. Eventually it was his parents' tears and beg that dragged him back, but he was no longer who he was. He studied very hard, taking all the scholarships to the surprise of everyone, even though he no longer participate in any of the social activities, opting to spend all free time searching for his son. He had started a website, posted in all the missing persons pages, and spend night after night driving around hoping he could miraculously bump into Frank or Duncan.
It had been a whole year and a half by the time they crossed paths again, seven billion people in the world and yet they still made it back together, school had been let out for the summer and so Frank was free to do whatever he liked with his son who had just learned to walk. Their favorite thing to do was walk to the park, though of course he still brought around a stroller for Lukas if he grew tired of walking as toddlers did, he smiled at the little boy who jumped over the cracks in the sidewalk, or tried to,"Careful."He called gently and reached forwards to take his hand and help him back up onto the sidewalk after crossing the street, little did he know that his ex was around still searching for them, he had forgotten about his life from before. it was just the here and now with Lukas and his students and the small town that had taken him in so graciously even when it took him a while to get on his feet in the new place. It all seemed like a dream, at least until now.
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Jacques couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the familiar face of his ex. He couldn't recognise his son at all, a year and a half was enough to make the infant grow into a cute toddler who could melt anyone's heart. He was frozen at his spot at first, rubbing his eyes and pinching himself, afraid this would be yet another dream of his. He ran forward and was about to yell his ex's name when he thought otherwise. He was very sure the teacher would just sprint off so he decided he would sneak up closer first. His eyes started watering seeing how his son had become all grown up, he got so much teeth now, he could see it when he laughed and looked up at his father.

As they turned the corner and Frank squatted down to fix thier son's clothes, he stopped just beside them, squatting down himself and taking Frank's outstretched wrist with an iron grip. "Hello Frank. Looks like our son had grown up a lot. You have taken good care of him, I am sure. Mind introducing me to him?" He said, sounding much calmer than he felt.
"Such a pretty boy..."Frank smiled at the two year old as he smoothed his brown hair down then touched his cheek, zipping up his jacket more so he wouldn't get chilly as he played. The fall air had a nip to it and the leaves had stilled for a moment as Lukas seemed to notice someone just as his own wrist was grasped. He felt his heart leap out of his chest and he used his free arm to wrap around the little boy while trying to rip his other away from the other man. "Don t touch me."He said and hugged his son to his chest, rising to his feet again, as he turned to face him. It seemed that Lukas wasn't the only one who had gotten older, he had grown a few grey hairs himself as he allowed his hair to grow back and trimmed down his beard. The younger man seemed to have gotten a few wrinkles and dressed...different. He looked down at the toddler in his arms silently for a long moment, attempting to step away from Jacques as he grabbed the stroller.
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(Hmm so Frank had changed the baby's name into Lukas instead of Duncan?)

Disregarding Frank's words, Jacques followed him up from the ground and turned to the little toddler. He smiled, caressing his chubby cheek. "Hello buddy. What's your name?" He asked, feeling connected with the toddler instantly. He could see his features on the child, his nose and eyes were almost identical to his own. No matter how Frank attempted to pull away, he didnt release his grip. He wouldnt be letting him go, not now after he finally tracked them down. He touched the child's headful of hair, kissing him lightly on his forehead. "Since your father didnt want to introduce me, i could only do that myself. Buddy, i am your other father."
((Crap, I thought his name was Lukas... I must've switched up rps. Sorry, XD. ))

Frank steamed as Jacques didn't let up, the little boy leaned into his birth father's shoulder shyly and the older man rubbed his back,"It's okay, Duncan..."He murmured gently, tugging at his arm again,"Let me go, Jacque."He said as calmly as possible,"You found me, I have no where to go."The man grit his teeth,"You'll only confuse him."He tried turning away to no avail,"Just hold on a second, he doesn't know you, I'll do this, but only if you do it my way."Duncan's brows furrowed and he looked up at Frank,"Dada?"
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"you think i would believe you, Frank? Look at what you did last I let you do it your way. You disappeared. With my son. Cutting all ties. YOu know how that left me?" Jacques asked, he sounded calm but the quiver in his words was getting more prominent. His eyes were red, looking at Frank full of hurt. "Now, Professor, shall we go to your place? I don't belive you want every passersby to hear the coming conversation, would you?" He asked, addressing Frank in a way he had long abandoned.
"Yes, I think you would. Despite what I've done, don't you think I deserve just a little respect?"He asked him, pressing his lips together,"Don t do that, don't cry."He said and shook his head,"You think that affects me still? I've been taking care of a two year old and you think those childish games would still work?"He scoffed,"Jacque... Go away, live your life, I don't need you, he doesn't need you either."He sighed and adjusted Duncan in his arm, holding him closely and tugging at his arm again,"I don't give a damn, actually, not any more."
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Jacques' nostrils widened hearing how shameless Frank was. Once again Frank was still able to slice a deep wound on his heart. He sneered. "You think I'm gonna just let you go? NO way, I am telling you. I thought these days away from me would give you time to realise how wrongly you had been dealing with the situation. Apparently I am wrong. Don't you dare take MY son from me ever again!" He gritted through his teeth. "Now that I know where you live, I would expose everything. You had been a teacher having sex with his own student. I would be sure that everyone here in town would know of that fact. Just so you see!" He said, and with the corner of his eyes, saw other pedestrians started looking at them curiously.
Frank shook his head,"No, I don't think that, but I did think that you would have been more of a grown man about this. That you would see from my point of view, that I wanted to spare you this when you had such a good thing going for you."He flushed a bright red in anger, ripping his free hand away finally and smacking him across the face,"Fuck you!"He gasped and held Duncan to his chest with both hands now,"I didn't want it to be this way, Jacque, I never did."His own eyes were watering now as he placed their son in his stroller, the little boy was whining now and rubbing his eyes,"Dada!"
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"And you are acting like you are the savior to my life! Making all the 'best' decision for me? Acting like a victim here? Who do you think you are!" Jacques was angered as well, absolutely not buying what Frank was trying to say. "You are the one making the situation turn into this and now you are acting all innocent." Jacques wiped away the blood from biting on his lips when Frank slapped him, and grabbed his shirt to punch him at his cheek. "You hypocrite!"
Frank collapsed when he had been punched and he grasped onto the stroller so he wouldn't fall completely, he felt his eye socket sting and Duncan had begun crying. He sat on his knees beside where his son was screaming and wiped where his eye was leaking a mix of tears and blood. The man said nothing for a long while, knowing that people were staring at them now, he had forgotten how real the world was, people who you thought would never hurt you did. He guessed his was a hypocrite as he simply stared off into nothing, his hands holding Duncan's stroller in a death grip before he came to again to grab his son from the stroller and hold him tightly. "It's okay... Dada's okay..."
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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