love bites (Closed with bhdire8 )

Jace nodded and got on the ball, it seemed a bit strange at first but turns out they were right it helped a bit. He stayed on it for awhile it took a bit of stress of his hips at least for the moment.

Jareth sat down behind Jace to steady him, rubbing on his lower back and whwnever a contraction hits, he would use a warm towel to press on his lower back to relief some of the stress. It would be a long process and at least now his measures seenmed to be effective enough.

It continued like this for awhile the contractions coming with less time between them now, they also appeared to be growing in intensity, on the bright side one of the twins had dropped and was resting low now. As much as the ball was helping he eventually had to move again. Jace paced back and forth for a few minutes before sitting back at the bed. He couldn't find a position that made him comfortable anymore.

"Don't be frustrated so early. We still have a long way to go." Jareth smiled and supplemnented another sip of drink. An iced herbal tea now as he could see how heated Jace was. Again laced with blood. He had also lowered his palm's termparture so it would feel cool whenever he touched Jace.

"I know it just hurts it's hard.. " Jace said quietly he let out a breath and took a few sips of the tea he was hot and tired his body ached but at the end it would be worth it wouldn't it? Anther contraction began and Jace arched his back slightly groaning in pain.

there's so much thing that Jareth could do for Jace, and in the end it all came to how Jace was handling it. He stayed close to his side as he groaned thorugh another contraction, holding his hand for support, mentally more than phsyically.

Jace leaned foreword his eyes closed until the pain faded once more. When it ended he got back up and began walking, it was uncomfortable but it seemed to be the best at speeding things up at the moment. It wasn't long before he paused near the wall leaning on it he began rocking his hips trying to ease some of the pressure there.

Jareth stayed where he was, letting Jace control the pace and proximity to the vampire. He wouldn't want to annoy Jace who would certainly be a little grumpy. Everybody would be agitated when faced with contractions of increasing magnitude and frequency. He understood his role was just to support his mate through this challenging process.

When it let up he went back to pacing but after awhile he settled him self on the floor instead of sitting on the ball like he had before he was now kneeling leaning over it. "Jareth..." he had been ignoring the vampire for awhile but now he wanted him.

Jareth was beside Jace even before his full name was uttered. "I am here love." he said, holding Jace steady. He saw his attempt of kneeling over, and guided him to lean forward onto his chest, serving as the wall to him. He steadied him further surrounding his arms around Jace, lettting him pant.

Jace clung to him breathing hard he whimpered slightly. the pain eased after a moment and he relaxed a bit closing his eyes and leaning foreword against Jareth. "it hurts.."

"Yes my love... and you are working through it like an expert. Think about how the babies would be when they are born. I hear sayings that would appear like monkeys at first, all wrinkled up. You think our babies would be like that as well?" Jareth's heart clenched tight hearing his normally strong lover whining so softly. It took a lot to break him, and apparently this never ending labor pains was one of them. He attempted to distract him with some softer topics.

Jace raised his head "at least we would know.. it takes after you." It was good, he was still able to make jokes at least. He rested his head back against Jareth's chest and closed his eyes, he was tired and his muscles ached. It was a few minutes before the next contraction took him over and he cried out it was the strongest one he had dealt with so far.

"Hey!" Jareth protested. "We vampires are all perfect. Have you even see a wrinkle on me?" He smirked. The playfulness dissipated as soon as the contraction hit and he could feel Jace clutching hard on his arm. It had been a strong one with the belly deforming with the powerful clench of his womb. Jareth reached his hands to Jace's bottom, kneading on the spasming muscle. He would be checking Jace's progress when this past now that the intensity picked up further.

Jace groaned it lasted a bit longer as well but it did let up after a bit and Jace leaned back letting out a long breath and leaning ageist Jareth "That one was strong.." he mumbled trying to relax a bit.

"I can see that. Can you let me check you? I want to see how you are progressing." Jareth asked quiet, respecting Jace and would let him decide if he wanted that. His hands stayed where they were on his cheeks, cooling him down slightly as he panted.

Jace nodded slowly "Yea.. go ahead." He trusted the vampire knew what he was doing and got into a position that would allow him to check, it wasn't comfortable at all but the processes wouldn't take to long.

Jareth smiled at how Jace cooperated well. Parting his buttocks, the opening of Jace was slightly red, a normal phenomenon with his canal's increased bloodflow in preparation for the birth. Warming up his fingers, jareth took some of the balm they use for his belly to lubricate, and breached the ring of muscle gently, frowning a little feeling it bite down on his digit.

Jace tried to relax, it was uncomfortable his body unintentionally tensing he managed to relax a bit closing his eyes. There as already a lot of pressure there and the added pressure of Jareth checking him did nothing to make it any better.

Jareth caressed Jace's thighs attempting to distract him, but it had limited effect and all the vampire could do was to finish his probing as soon as possible. He reached in deep, the tensing up made his penetration slightly difficult and he had to use more force than he wanted to get through to the cerivx, which he found to be around 5 cm dilated. "Tha'ts a half-way milestone. Pretty good I think, from what I heard. Good job Jace." He said smiling encouragingly at Jace.

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