Work w/ bhdire8

((thats totally fine! it just fell to the second page today and i wanted to make sure you saw))

Malorn couldn't help but flinch when the pounding in his head increased due to Archie moving his head, feeling like he could faint. He did feel terrible, and his body ached from exhaustion and the need to go back to bed, but he had to make a good impression. "Your father already hates me, darling, I cannot give him any more reason to. I cannot make a bad impression on your mother, either."

✨don't look at my sin✨

(Gosh sorry this time i have really overlooked... apologies!)

"they would understand. Nothing's more important than your wellbeing." ARchie said demonstarting a rare insistence. He wasn't a headstrong person in genearl, but when it involved Malorn's health there wasn't any compromise possible. "You are gonna stay here and get all the sleep you need. If this doesn't get any better I am taking you to the doctor's. Just leave everythign to me alright? Trust me." he smiled and pressed Malorn back down on the bed and kissed him lightly on his forehead.

Malorn listened to Archie, nodding slightly at the end of his speech, laying back in their bed. The sheets were still warm... "Fine, fine," he mumbled weakly, curling up under the blankets. He just wanted to take care of his family like he was supposed to, he couldn't get sick. Then he'd leave everything to Archie, and Archie had to work, he didn't have time to take care of their incessantly crying son. Malorn tried to sleep after Archie left the room with Logan, but only stayed awake with worry, flinching slightly when he heard Logan begin to cry louder and louder.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie rocked his son sighing. He didnt wamt Malorn alerted. He finally handed the baby to his grandmother who cooed over him expertly. " mum.... is it I also cry like that when i'm a baby?" He shook his head and flopped down on the couch. "And... actually, after i'm born... do you get a little..... deprrssed? I got a feeling Malorn's been pushing himself too hard, especially after i've gone back to work." He said getting.serious, looking to his mother for some advice.

"You weren't so bad, but a few of your brothers were," Archie's mother replied, fawning over her new grandson. "Well, honey, maybe it's because he's from another country. Customs can be different there," she spoke, glaring at her husband when he gave off a grunt. "Do you want to be here or not? You can wait in the car if you're going to be so negative."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie glared at his father with serious warnimg as well. He didnt want to start a fight but if his father decided he would act like that, he wouldnt mind sending him away as well. This was his home and he had the right to protect his family from all threats. He turned back to his mother seeing his father backed down at the 2 pairs of threatening eyes on him. "So, what do you suggest me doing? Shall I leave him alone to sort things out or....?"

"Make sure he knows that you're there for him," she spoke, bouncing Logan slightly to calm him. "Let him know that he can talk to you about anything, try to do what he asks. If he wants a hug, give him a hug. If he wants you to take the baby, get him to stop crying, do so. It's going to make things better. Easier for him."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie laughed drily. "I feel more like he tried to get everything done all by himself. I have to force him to.sleep just now, despite him looking like he would pass out any moment." He pinched the bridge of his nose as he said. "I would get some coffee. Want any, ma?" He said ignoring his father. Seeing his mother turning down the offer, he went to the kitchen and was surprised to see a used coffee cup. It could only be malorn's but he wasnt supposed to be ingesting caffeine when he's breastfeeding... could this be the reason why Logan was so fussy?

Archie's mother eventually soothed Logan to sleep, the infant's hands gripping the collar of her shirt, little head laid on her shoulder. Malorn woke after a few hours of Archie's parents being at the home, feeling better, but still exhausted. He attempted to sneak downstairs, but froze when he saw Archie's parents still there, trying to sneak back upstairs without anyone noticing him.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie could see the Malorn the moment he attempted to come down, but distracted his parents enough so he could get back safely. Later, he urged his parents to put Logan in the nursery, while he took the chicken soup his mother had suggested to their bedroom. Malorn hadn't been eating, he was quite sure, and this shoudl feel good for his stomach. Malorn still hadn't shown him his midsection, being reluctant and subtly hiding it away from Archie. It could be he wasn't fully recovered, which was understandable for Logan stretched him big.

Malorn stayed upstairs until Archie's parents left, trying to sleep some more or practice his English. Eating had been somewhat difficult as of late, Malorn not feeling very hungry, or simply forgetting to as he tried to take care of Logan and Archie. He also felt insecure about his midsection due to the fact it was still stretched and slightly distended, hanging off of his body. The stretch marks didn't bother him, residing mostly on his hips rather than his stomach. Stretch marks were normal, he didn't care.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie knockdd on the door as a headsup for Malorn, and came into the room quietly. "How you doin buddy?" He asked sitting down on the bed. He touched on his forehead and the temperature felt fine, and Malorn looked a lot better than in the morning. "You scared me a little this morning, bear.... you looked dreadful!" He said taking over the bowl of soup to Malorn. "Here taste it. See if you like this taste." He offered the spoonful to Malorn, blowing it to cool the steaming hot soup down.

Malorn cracked his eyes open when he heard the knock on the door, sitting himself up. "Am fine. Better," he murmured, knowing that Archie wouldn't accept another 'I'm fine.' "Wanted to make a good impression, darling, your father does not like me already. Do not want your mother to agree," he mumbled, taking the soup and swallowing a few spoonfuls. He nodded when asked if he liked the taste, continuing to eat. "How is Logan?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Right. Better is so much better an expression than 'i'm fine' bullshit." Archie said a little annoyed with Malorn masking his discomfort. He however didnt linger on that and simply ruffled Malorm's hair. "He's blissfully asleep now. Speaking of which.... have you been drinking coffee, in the middle of the.night trying to stay awake?" He asked solemnly.

Malorn leaned into the ruffling of his hair slightly, avoiding eye contact at the next question, eating his soup. He stayed silent for a few moments, formulating a defense in his head. "Logan is awake all of the time, darling, and he is fussy as well. You have to work. I am supposed to take care of the household, take care of the baby. If I must stay up all night, so be it."

✨don't look at my sin✨

(I hope you dont mind me replying here and arent through pm.... HAHA my inbox's always full LOL your sister's... so funny HAHAHAHA)

"You shouldnt be.... yes I need to work, but that also means you are already taking over Logan in day time, I should be sharing the burden." He said sighing. "Be sure i get some time left to be with Logan ok?" Arxhie kissed him on the cheek, letting Malorn know what he thought of the incident.

((thats cool. but yeah we always say its a good thing shes pretty because her brains arent getting her anywhere))

Malorn nodded at the instruction, leaning into the kiss on his cheek but not looking up. "I am sorry, I just do not want you to be overworked. I know you want to take care of him, but he is always crying and takes a long time to calm down," he rambled, silently swirling the soup with his spoon.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Archie took the spoon and scooped up another mouthful for Malorn, making sure he was eating instead of pretending to do that. "I know.... we both intended the best for each other. Though... you know caffeine could have past through yourilk to Logan, so you should avoid having coffee. Perhaps tjat would make Logan a little more manageable." Archie phrased his words carefully. He didbt intend to scold him, he hoped Malorn could understand that.

(Gosh is she blonde? HAHA)

((she is haha))

Malorn cracked a weak smile as Archie fed him the soup, allowing him to do so for a few moments. He pulled away, eyes widening at the information, burying his face in his hands. "Of course! How could I have been so... so..." he grumbled, huffing a sigh when he couldn't think of the word. "N-Not smart!" he spat, rubbing roughly at his eyes. Of course he had been causing all of the problems for their little family...

✨don't look at my sin✨

"No shhh... that's not your fault Malorn... you just overlooked it. Besides, Logan could be a little devil by himself. Love you had been under so much stress, you should alwasy rememebr i got your back ok?" Archir wrapped Malorn up in his arms, patting.his back to try make him feel better. ""Babe we are both new to this. We both have a lot to learn and we would both make mistakes. Just bear in mind we are in this together."

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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