love bites (Closed with bhdire8 )

Jace tried to take the encouragement, he smiled lightly back at the vampire 5 was good he had hoped for more but at least, even if it was slow he was making progress. After resting a bit more he returned to walking, until he didn't think he could manage that anymore and he took his position back on the floor leaning on Jareth.

(and I have returned. )

(Welcome back! ;))

Jace had managed to pace for much longer than Jareth expected, for he would expect more fatigue though apparently Jace was stronger than he thought. He would let Jace walk around himself, stopping when a vontraction hit, but always around to catch him when his knees started trembling from the intensity of the contractions. He observed closely his body languages to determine if his touches were welcomed. Finally settling down with Jace panting on him, he reached down to massage the area, both stimulating the opening of his cervix and also stretching his opening.

Jace groaned he felt like he had been at this forever already he was holding tightly to Jareth there was a lot of pressure and it only seemed to grow worse was the next contraction moved threw him Jace whimpered quietly gritting his teeth in an effort to not fully cry out. He was almost shaking and it didn't seem like this pain was just going to let up right away.

Jareth offered his arm for Jace to clutch onto, graciously letting him squeeze on it tight. It hurt, vampires weren't without nerves, but he masked it for jace needed this outlet. He braved a finger into Jace, surprised to find his membrance pressing down through the cervix that's struggling to fully open. He could not determine the dilation with the membrance iin the way, but from how it popped out through the inner opening, he could imagine it was close to breaking. He removed his finger hearing Jace's protesting growl, as he was unable to form a full sentence now wiht the pain. Jace had been squriming, his face scrunched tight with the contraction continued to intensify.

Jace rocked his hips slightly trying to relive any of the pressure the contraction hit it's peak and Jace cried out he gasped just a few moments latter the contraction began to die down but he could also now feel the puddle of water forming under him. At least the pressure seemed to let up now, Jace let out a long breath relaxing just slightly for a moment.

"Your water broke. Let me check you?" Jareth let out a sigh of relief as well seeing the contraction was waning. He breached in his finger with more ease than before for his water served as a lubricant. "Let's say... it's 7cm now. A bit early for your water to be breaking, though don't worry too much about it. Perhaps we should stay low for now, slowing the flow of water." Jareth said calmly. He would expect Jace to be almost 9cm now, but their babies seemed to have thought otherwise. the good side was it could make Jace feel a little better releasing some pressure.

Jace nodded he didn't want to get up anyway he was still catching his breath after that last contraction but he had heard Jareth 7, he had expected more then that he wanted to be done with this. Jace had always known labor would take a long time, the babies being on the bigger side it was hard to avoid but that didn't make it any esier. Jace was after all still human.

Jareth had received advice from wet nurses that it would be better for Jace to wait until a little more dilated than normal human women. Full effacement wouldnt be attained until 12cm as the babies were larger than humans. It would be an uphill battle for Jace and he didnt want to crush his morale, so Jareth didnt say anything as they stayed low to get through remaining few centimeters. He spread Jace's legs to allow for more room for the pelvis. "Dont try to compete with the pain. It would only waste your energy. Perhaps we could try those breathing thing that you mentioned. Lamaze?"

Jace looked up at the vampire, when he had brought it up it had seemed simple enough just breathing.. it was supposed to help but at the moment he didn't really see how breathing could be of any to him. Still, it was better then doing nothing it was at least worth a shot. The two had gone over it together he had shown Jareth how to lead the breathing though at the time he was sure the vampire had considered it a bit strange.

"So.... hee hee hoo?" The vampire started with an extremely confused face. He knew the technique and he was trying to be of help, but seeing a vampire didnt really need to breath, they are undead afterall, it sounded more like saying the words more than breathing like that. His face became even more confused seeing Jace burst out in laughter, which apparently triggered another contraction for his face soon become twisted in pain.

It was rather funny watching the vampire try to lead he couldn't help but laugh at it, still he appreciated Jareth trying if nothing else. Anther contraction gripped him and he focused on simply continuing to breath. He groaned loudly his hips ached his back bothered him horribly. When the pain let up it took him a moment to regain his composure and relax again.

Jace had been squeezing Jareth's hand in a death grip when the contraction peaked, and it showed how hard it was for Jace for large beads of sweat started forming on his forehead. He panted quick during the vontraction, and Jareth lookrd at him with worry when he didnt react at all even after the contraction should have past, which he found out by the belly softening again. He summoned a wet towel to wipe away the sweat. "You are doing well babe. This is the way."

Jace closed his eyes trying to rest for a moment between the contractions. He felt the cloth pressed against his face and he smiled lightly "Thank you.." He hadn't realized how warm he was getting until now. "There getting a lot stronger.. I suppose.. thats good though." He smiled lightly, he could sense Jareth's worry and raised his head kissing him. "It's alright..."

Jareth leaned into the kiss and just stayed put with Jace. He had Jace in his arms, surrounding him with all his limbs. He nibbed on his neck and sighed. "Yea i think i am overreacting. Fron what I learn from the wetnurses, you are handling this way better thanmost." He had started whispering now, co.trolling his volume down, as if afraid he would startle the baby if he spoke at a normal sound level.

Jace smiled lightly and closed his eyes he could feel the next pain starting already wrapping it's way around his body. Jace groaned and began breathing quickly just as he had before. Wrapped up in Jareth's arms he gripped the vampire's shoulders tightly. The pain was strong and rather intense it was hard to focus on anything else until it ended.

Jareth leaned in close for Jace to clutch onto, offering as much stability for the human as possible who was trembling being trapped in a storm of pain. He continued with his subtle assistance, rubbing Jace's hips to encourage it opening further as they progressed in labor.

Jace groaned rocking his hips slightly it was defiantly moving down, slowly. but Jace could tell it was a lot lower then it had been before. he tried to relax between the pains it couldn't be to much longer, at least Jace hoped so. The pains just came closer together and it was starting to ware on him.

The grunting was sounding more and more tired to Jareth. He ordered for more refreshment hoping to keep up with Jace's stength. He took the cup of energy drink catered for laboring bearers and offered it to Jace's lips between contractions. "While you can, drink this. This would keep up your energy, and also the energy of the babies. It would help if they, too, have the strength to move themselves further down consciously. Would have saved you some energy as well." That was partly true, for when the babies squrim their way out, it would inevitably bring more pain to Jace.

Jace took sips of the drink, it seemed to work returning some of his energy to him. Though he hadn't quiet expected it to, and as Jareth had mentioned he soon noticed the twins becoming more active and moving down slowly causing Jace to groan loudly and grip tightly to Jareth each time it happened. Just a little over half an hour had passed when he first felt the need to push. He wasn't sure if he could yet and forced himself to continue breathing threw the contraction until it ended and he found himself able to speak again. "Pressure, have to push." he whimpered knowing Jareth would want to check him first.

The fidgeting of Jace was slightly diffrrent now than before. Jareth noticed he seemed to be squirming in a way looking like he wanted to escape from.something, pushing himself up with his face contorted. Jareth nodded and got to work quick. As Jace was laying on him essentially, Jareht reached his opening from under his thigh, easing hinself in and frlt around.

"You have dilated well, but not.entirely. dont push yet, the urge is from the babies pressing down more than your body being ready. Try to hold it back, pant when you feel you have to push. You need to dilate further or you would be wasting energy on worthless pushing." He said breaking the bad news.

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