Packed With Pups 2 (With Luxio018 and Lovebite)

Tobias exhaled heavily and collapsed onto James as he held himself to him, the sac must've ruptured as they were born. He felt the pup wiggling and murring quietly, he smiled softly to himself and looked up slightly,"Healthy?"He asked breathlessly and groaned again when he felt another twinge.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James nods as he clears the pups airway, it beginning to whimper even louder as he did. He wraps it up before handing it over for Tobias to inspect.

Tobias wrapped his arms around the pup and held them tightly, just tight enough so they were comforted by his scent and warmth as he did. They quieted down just a bit and licked at his face as he closed his eyes and held them with his head in his mate's lap.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James hand ran over Tobias' stomach for a minute or two, the next pup already moving into position. He said nothing, just letting Tobias lay there for a bit as he rested.

The once human grunted lightly as he was resting against James, knowing that he had felt it as his hand ran over his belly, his head turned to the opposite side and he groaned quietly once more. His anus bulged with the size of the pup inside of him, though obviously it was in it's human form and Tobias grimaced with a quiet whimper.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James' hand continued to run over Tobias' stomach, coaxing the unborn pup on down. Tobias' pelvis bulged readily now, the head now fully resting in his pelvis. James' hands move from Tobias' stomach to his legs, running along them for a moment before splaying them out. He then moved his hands to run along the bulge in Tobias' pelvis. "Breathe, in and out, nice and slow."

He felt his cock twitch and moaned lightly as the pup shifted downwards slowly,"Ngh.."He groaned in complaint, his hands grasping onto his mate's shirt tightly as he moved his legs apart. He almost hated how well the other man knew him, this went like clockwork, he looked up at James and made long eye contact before nodding. As he took in slow, deep breaths, groaning as he did lightly, his face twisting up momentarily before continuing to drag in breaths. Until he curled forward to push, letting out the breath in a long groan that came from deep inside of him, it was the easiest he had felt one of his children come. The head spreading him slowly, bit by bit, before he couldn't push any more and sank back again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James' hand continues to run along the bulge in Tobias' pelvis, stilling his hand when Tobias would begin to push. Afterward he would start moving his hand again, continuing to coax the pup on down. "That's it, take your time, let your body do most of the work."

The once human grimaced as he tilted his head back again, tugging on James's shirt with a loud moan when his hips rose off the bed, his brows knitting together for a long moment as he continued to force in breaths. He shook his head quickly, almost as if he was going to stop himself- which of course he couldn't,"Nhh..."he curled forward, pressing into his partner's chest as he pushed again, almost wanting to snap at his mate for telling him what to do after all the births he's been through.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The head began to crown again, just barely peaking through into the outside world. James leaned down to nuzzle against Tobias' cheek when the contraction ended and the laboring man laid there, panting heavily.

A small noise escaped Tobias as the head enloged itself inside of his rectum, crowing with a burning intensity and he was distracted by the nuzzle from James. He smiled lightly, a tired smile, but one none the less as he leaned into him, leaning into his chest as he caught his breath. Or as much as he could when the contraction came again, wrapping around his stomach and back for a long moment. ,"Goddamn..."He breathed heavily, shutting his eyes and turning slightly onto his side with a moan, his hand cradling his belly as he pushed again slowly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Almost there." James' voice was quiet against Tobias' ear as the head continued to slowly inch its way out.

Tobias curled forward again with a whimper, he shifted his weight against James's side and his eyes shut tightly with his hand grasping onto the cusp of his partners neck. He almost hugged himself to his chest as he lifted his hips with the long push, groaning.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The head pops out suddenly along with a gush of fluids. Tobias was left panting heavily afterward, his hold around James' neck tightening for a second or two.

It took another contraction a few moments later, giving the once human enough time to breathe in and out a few times before beginning to push again with a small cry of pain. The mewls of the recently born pups slightly distracted him, though he was in too much pain to stop now as he bared down hard on the girth of the child inside him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

It took only one long, hard push for the shoulders to pop free, first the left then the right, the baby sliding out onto the bed.

Tobias collapsed onto James's lap and groaned afterward as he pressed his face into the other's chest, his hands grasping onto his shirt tightly still, there was one more left. Just one, he knew it.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James reaches to pick up the latest infant bringing it up between himself and Tobias. He quickly cleaned it's airway before showing it to Tobias as it began to cry. "You did it, just one more."

Tobias brought a hand up to cradle the baby as well, leaning against James while holding them and closing his eyes for a moment with the infant between their chest. He stroked their hair and sighs quietly with his eyes closing,"I know... I feel it."he said quietly and frowned a bit as he felt the weight in him shift slowly, a groan escaped him when it did.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James leans down to lightly nuzzle his cheek. The baby had quieted down and was whimpering quietly between them but it would have to wait to be fed, it's sibling wasn't going to give it a chance.

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